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Everything posted by Hank

  1. Last week, the workers at Kings Island installed the cables on its WindSeeker. Upon viewing Cedar Point's webcam today, I noticed they are installing the cables on their WindSeeker, yet the structure that will carry the riders up the 300' tower has yet to be completed - and none of the seats are anywhere near ready to be attached. Are there variable ways to put this "puzzle" together or are the different construction teams on their own?
  2. This new KI TV commercial makes me want to hasten to where my wallet lies, make sure there is $15 for a parking spot within its pouch as well as $51.99 for admission to the park for a day and speed on over to Mason, Ohio..........NOT!!!!
  3. I am aware of the need to reduce a coaster's speed for various reasons. More than likely, Vortex has been intentionally slowed since its opening. I am unaware of Racer having adjustments made to it's speed - but I could be wrong. Also, throughout the day, a coaster's speed may vary due to the ambient temperature.
  4. My daughter did a science project for school with the pop rocks. The most fizz she got out of the candy was when she put it in iced tea. You had to look really hard to see anything happening, but that was the extent of "excitement" generated by her experiment. Shoujld I say.....it fizzled out?
  5. Does not Disney do most of their work "in house"? I seem to recall that the WEDway people mover was designed and built by Disney. Now, as far as a company submitting a bid for $9 million to re-do an existing track system, maybe it is a legit price for SOB - the first re-do (Texas Giant) always has a higher cost. After a method is tried, and is deemed a success, the next attempt shouldn't cost as much as all the needed machines to create parts and such have already been designed and are in use. It's just my thoughts on the matter.
  6. An extra charge attraction? As my dear, late mother would always say; "That's sh** for the birds!"
  7. Hank


    I just had an ephiphany! They're gonna bring back The Paramount Story, only this time, it will feature all of the movies with animals in them!
  8. Hank


    After VERY careful examination of the original drawings, I honestly believe that they are patterns for ghost costumes to be used at this year's Haunt.
  9. The actual structure of SOB would need to be fixed as well as giving it the "iron horse" treatment. There's a whole lotta shakin' going on!
  10. I know it's different mostly but CP already has a second (and older than Raptor even) suspended coaster...Iron Dragon. Just for your own peresonal information, Iron Dragon is a suspended coaster, not an inverted coaster.
  11. This ride could fit nicely in the spot where Demon Drop was at Cedar Point. Yes, Ocean Motion is going in there already, but there's still room. CP doesn't have a boom-a-rang and it would compliment Raptor, the other suspended coaster. ALSO it would give CP another number to add to their coaster count. (this ride could be reconstructed in a very short time - and there's plenty of time before May opening).
  12. After watching that video, I couldn't help but think of how Mean Streak and SOB could be fitted with that kind of track - and made smoother!
  13. From the Toledo Blade newspaper... http://www.toledoblade.com/article/20110110/BUSINESS03/110119974
  14. I know you photoshopped that picture to remove the tarp! (just kidding) Hank in a crazy mood today!
  15. You might be a KI addict if you.... can throw up just thinking about riding Delirium!
  16. Not to mention all the tobacco companies and their ads of old!
  17. If this policy is adopted by other parks, the "joy" of visiting such a park will not be had by one Polish fellow in particular. It will become something on the order of Dr. Seuss' Sneeches - first all want stars on thars, then all want them removed. I can see it now - for an additional $10, you can jump to the front of the Hate to Wait line, and for $20 more, you can jump to the front of the line that already jumped to the front of the.......etc. BUT>>>>> Mark my words.......there will be people posting on this very forum that feel this is the greatest thing to ever happen in their lives - and will think nothing of putting down an extra $40 or $50 for this "option", never giving a thought to the park owners laughing all the way to the bank! (and people bi***ed about the extra charge for a locker when it's needed)
  18. Oh pleeeeeze! Don't turn this thread into another "I love/I hate SOB" topic. I need to make a follow-up to my previous post..... My thoughts are mostly of yesteryear when KI had more themed areas. I realize that nothing can be forever (even Disney changes) so I shouldn't complain like I do. I appreciate the variety of rides KI has and am thankful that most are there for the long haul. It's really a couple of too bads when any ride is removed to make way for another. There is plenty of space to either relocate an older ride or construct a new one, unlike CP which is more or less land-locked. But then, who am I in the great scheme of things? I still like the Smurfs, the Flintstones, and Heinz Ketchup!
  19. I'm 52 and my daughter is 18 - she says, "You don't compare Lady Gaga to Elvis or Miley Cyrus to Paul McCartney. Therefore, you shouldn't change the names of rides and THAT is the worst thing I find with King's Island. Leave the ride's names alone! I will always call them Top Gun, Beastie, King's Milll, Italian Job - not that Nickelodeon stuff or that new Snoopy crap. And leave the color schemes alone!" (forgive her about Beastie as she never new it bu any other name) I have to agree that name changes are not good, but my pet peeve is the lack of maintainence/upkeep of the rides. They are looking ragged. Come to think of it, the park is looking ragged - and everything new is being placed helter-skelter. "Theme park"? - my ass! Hodge-podge of rides is more like it.
  20. I remember reading about the construction of Cedar Point's Space Spiral. When it was built, there weren't a lot of "tower rides" and I believe they needed to make one continuous pour of concrete to fill the deep hole needed for its support. Now, WindSeeker is being installed at both CP & KI. I know that CP's water table is a bit higher than property in Mason, OH. Maybe there are new ideas as to how these things are "grounded". So..... My question is.... How deep did they need to go with the supports for #1 - Space Spiral #2 - Drop Zone #3 - WindSeeker (both parks)?
  21. I have a personal favorite log ride - Stanley Falls at Busch Gardens Tampa. It has a rough ride, it's got a decent length, and you don't get soaked when you ride it. I wonder if it's still there?
  22. You are forgiven. I thought maybe that info had already been released publicly and I missed it.
  23. Assumed? Is this the REAL Terpy speaking?
  24. With the new track that Texas Giant is getting, and all the worry about whether or not it will be classified as a steel coaster or a wooden coaster, does anyone know what type of wheels will be used on the new trains? Are they steel wheels or are they the poly/rubber/plastic wheels such as those on a genuine steel coaster? To me, this would make a difference as to its classification.
  25. It's difficult to see what the colors are. Please explain them in writing. Thank you!
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