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Everything posted by Hank

  1. I'm gussing that they'll announce a new feature... For an extra $5, you can ride The Beast without the trim brakes!
  2. No wonder Drop Zone is still closed. Heck, it looks like more than just a cable problem to me. And, I think you'd lose more than your feet on THAT drop!
  3. I'm sorry, but I don't believe any of you. There are saftey clearances on ALL rides and if you could touch the sides of the tunnel, the STATE OF OHIO inspectors would make them take it down or move it. Just like they made Cedar Point put new concrete under the Magnum becaude it was sinking (another buch of bulls**t).
  4. Maybe they just need a different animal instead of an elephant! How about a spitting camel?
  5. Are the new trains roomier? Has anyone ever been in them (on the old coaster they came from)?
  6. Hank

    KI Trip 5/29

    Anything going on at SOB?
  7. There are people all over the world that work on those calliopies. Installing a cd player is just downright irresponsible. Wait - maybe it went with the flyers, after all - both ARE vintage items.
  8. It has always amazed me - how did they get that video to be so smooth?
  9. I KNOW that coprorate world has ALL KINDS of agreements - and some are kept from the public. I personally have an agreement! So, like I said, I'm not dissing you - and I can only hope that it is true. However - I don't fit on B&M coasters (unless I lose about 125 pounds and shrink about 6 inches in heighth) so it really won't affect me one way or the other.
  10. I'm not dissing you - but didn't B&M build for Geauga Lake/Six Flags or whatever it was called before Cedar Fair bought them? And that is only about 50 miles from CP.
  11. BACK ON TOPIC!!!! Any news on the new trains yet?
  12. I hate to give opinions just to give opinions, but I have always thought Soak City left more than a lot to be desired. And to charge extra, and to charge as much as they do for it, is bordering on a crime. Corrct me if I'm wrong, but the first year Soak City opened, I think you had to buy admission to CP and THEN buy admission to Soak City. I think it was changed after a few weeks.
  13. It was great to see this video. It brought back lots of memories. If this were today, they'd find a way to fix that ride and we'd still have it. There was never anything like it again!
  14. Best of everything to you always and God bless! -Hank Rybaczewski Toledo, Ohio
  15. Hank

    Top Gun

    Call me old, call me a fuddy-duddy, call me to conservative, but you just don't throw away rides without good reason. Relocate - OK. Get rid of because you can't get parts - OK. When it comes to Top Gun, just think of ANY other suspended coaster that even comes close to TG's excitement. Some of you must have tons of money to burn, but I am the kind that has to keep my car for 10 years or more and I have to choose which parks I visit in the summer because I can't afford more than one or two - so I'd like to go to a park that has variety and has the best. Yet I keep reading "burn down SOB" and "away with TG" and "I'm tired of The Racer so let's get rid of it". Maybe someday you'll have to watch your pennies too! Heaven help us when that reality check finally arrives. There'll be so many who won't be able to cope!
  16. KI's web site says SOB currently closed.
  17. Man, that went up faster than my Tinkertoy set! Any word on SOB yet?
  18. ^ it's a cross between a swoop and a swish!
  19. They could have put a decending ramp into the last helix, just like The Beast and that speed-building slope into its helix.
  20. Opening year - going from I-75 past the prison to downtown Lebanon. That road had so many hills and dips - it still does - and back then, only The Racer had better air time.
  21. I almost hate to bring it up again, but has there been any pictures or "sightings" of what is being done/what is already done to SOB? I'm talking track here, not trains.
  22. ^ You're correct. I guess I just thought of the seats/floor/foot rests as one unit, starting with the floor and building the seats upon it. Silly me!
  23. I believe those are floor parts for the SOB trains - you put your feet against them when sitting in the car. These are from the Premiere trains. See the two pics just before this and you'll get the idea.
  24. Will grandma get run over by a reindeer?
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