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Everything posted by Hank

  1. I never said Don was REQUIRED to do anything! He just usually makes a post about things when the speculation starts to run wild.
  2. I am surprised Don has not posted yet.
  3. Being silly for a moment - will those lockers by Banshee be able to fit my walker and/or cane? I assume there is space for a walker or motorized cart to be parked while the disabled person rides. That would be me! Just askin'.
  4. The media USUALLY focuses on Catholic priests - when other professions really have it a lot worse.....doctors, lawyers, theme park employees.....
  5. http://www.cnn.com/2014/07/14/us/theme-park-employees-child-sex-stings/index.html?hpt=hp_t1
  6. It's just how it is. Thoughts & prayers to all involved in all park problems.
  7. http://www.toledoblade.com/Nation/2014/07/11/More-than-2-dozen-patrons-hospitalized-after-possible-chlorine-leak-at-Michigan-amusement-park.html
  8. This was in the Toledo Blade today... http://www.toledoblade.com/local/2014/07/09/Theme-park-CEO-says-job-is-about-making-memories.html
  9. I'd like to see that rope they used to support the front damaged car from possibly falling. Must have been one hell of a rope!
  10. Ya just never know! (it was the hard-core thing that did it for me)
  11. You gave me the answer.....what could possibly appeal to teens and other hard core thrillsters? SEX - The Ride!
  12. A new woodie - although they'd have to do some big time rearranging to fit it OR A Mean Streak re-do with new twists, turns, and inversions.
  13. You know, there was a huge earthquake in Mexico today - it could have shifted some of those trees just enough to cause a problem. I'm not saying I'm an expert, but it's just my thinking. Thoughts & prayers for all involved.
  14. Beast at 10 am Beast at 11 am Beast at 1 pm Beast at 2 pm Beast at 3 pm Beast at 4 pm Beast at 6 pm Beast at 7 pm Beast at 8 pm Beast at 10 pm (the hours missing are for meals and snacks because of my diabetes)
  15. Let's go build a new coaster!

  16. Let us return to the original question.... There is room back there for more things. I believe the area will continue to be developed now that Banshee has been built. However, why Top Gun/Flight Deck/New Bat was put there to begin with - no clue.
  17. Was there not a bump-a-tee-bump-bump thing when going down the steps - at one time? If so, what happened to that?
  18. Everyone is gonna need a bigger boat!
  19. I really like the idea of the movies. I just have two comments - and I don't mean them to be negative. Lots of Disney for a fun park, eh? Also, isn't Jaws kind of a universal thing?
  20. An "act of God" cannot be helped. (nor can an act of the City of Sandusky Water Department) However - isn't it ironic that a place surrounded by water had to close because there was no water? Reminds me of the Rime of the Ancient Mariner....Water, water, everywhere, nor any drop to drink!
  21. Please - just leave all the coasters alone. And bring back Bavarian Beetle, King Cobra, and Screamin' Demon! (and a scale model of the original Bat so we can stand around it and reminisce)
  22. It would please a lot of people if one side of The Racer ran backwards once in a while - like, maybe, every other year. (I know there are problems with the backwards thing, but other parks are doing it so maybe it could be done with The Racer again?)
  23. At least they didn't say The Racer was sinking!
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