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Everything posted by Hank

  1. I understand and have always understood the Fast Pass systems, new and old. What upsets me is that I'm paying big bucks to try and have a good time at a given park, and someone with even more bucks gets to cut in front of me. If those people and myself were having a shrimp dinner at Red Lobster, and they had a Red Lobster Fast Pass, would they be seated before me? (I don't believe Red Lobster takes reservations). Having a reservation at a restaurant is fine - but I didn't have to pay to get into the establishment, nor did I pay for parking.
  2. I still feel that Fast Pass is unfair and ruins things for most park visitors. I don't want to turn this into yet another "I like Fast Pass and you're f'n nuts" vs "I hate Fast Pass and you're stupid" thread, but, as Mr. Good Yellow Corn said in his posting (and I have posted repeatedly) Fast Pass allows "perks" to those who have the means to hand over extra bucks, then there's another step up if you hand over MORE bucks, and so on - where's the line in the sand gonna be drawn - it now could possibly be affecting a broader range of potential park visitors - even locals - and is getting ready to blow up in the park owners' faces. If they just want more money, charge it upfront on the admission and be done. But no - they're turning the park experience into a Wall Street trading mess, futures included, unaffordable and unfair to the "middle class". Don't argue with me - this is how I feel and I believe THAT right hasn't been taken from me - or do I need to pay an extra fee to have my posts stay in the thread where they would normally be, sorted by date and time, rather than pushed to the end of the thread? Yes, I'm ****ed!
  3. Land is $$$$ and CP doesn't have a ton of space left without going into the parking lot or other areas, so my money is on clearing space for more attractions. That being said, camping will be placed elsewhere and made VERY nice. Remember this too - the Sandusky airport!
  4. Has there been any mention of merchandise for our "new" ride? Maybe some stuff is already available?
  5. Yes, the cafeteria is an excellent idea - get your food, sit down, relax. You're not really served - you do it yourself, and that's less for the park to do too. Those parks you mentioned, Terp, are set up very well for eateries. I'm hoping Kings Island is working on new things in that department.
  6. A few things..... If you have young children, you;ll understand this. Getting them a turkey sub from Subway is no problem and they'll eat it, but if it's a turkey sub from a KI vendor, even if it look exactly like the Subway sub, they won't touch it. Same goes for Chick-fil-a nuggets, McDonald's French Fries, Wendy's Frosty's - it has to be the brand, not the substitute. So, parks putting in chains is a great idea to provide food that park patrons want while increasing profits at the same time. You titled this, "Only KI based restaurants in the park" yet before your own first pot was finished, you were making allowances for several chain restaurants. I know it's just a forum thread, but where are you gonna draw the line? I enjoy a relaxed, sit down dining experience, but I don't think that kind of thing works for amusement parks. They need to keep people moving - it's volume they're looking for. So unless you're willing to pay Disney dinner prices at King's Island, settle for a slice of LaRosa's pizza and hum "This is the night...." to yourself - it's much easier on the wallet.
  7. Someone with some really good computer skills should make a video of The Beast doing a full circuit run in the winter, with snow flying an seasonal decor - just as if it were open for say, something like Winterfest. But, beside that notion, I just think it would be really fun to take a POV virtual ride on The Beast in the winter. Then again, I may be asking for too much.
  8. Did you notice the park all lit up last night? United Airlines held their annual Fantasy Flight, a special flight from Cleveland to the "North Pole" for children with life-threatening illnesses and their families. A flyover of Cedar Point all aglow is a highlight of the trip before they land.
  9. I found this on the Weather Channel page and thought it to be quite good. Each page has several pictures so make sure you see all of them and not just the one that is shown first with the script. http://www.weather.com/travel/creepy-abandoned-theme-parks-20130320?pageno=1
  10. Here we go again - just watch.....there will be coasters popping up that will be out-doing each other by 10 foot increments (height or length) and by 1 or 2 mph just to claim the record for a short period of time. Maybe now we'll see some green Intamin track?
  11. Hank

    Bat Construction

    Maybe they were using the same ladders they did when they painted Vortex and they had to stop working when the ladders started sinking? That's why so little of it is painted. The curse of the original Bat continues - only at King's Island - experience it Spring 2014 (next to Banshee)
  12. Hank @ hank @ God will there ever be another Polish Pope? God @ God @hank possibly down the road, but not at this time (apologies to Mr. Helbig - just trying to get a point across)
  13. The way some people on this site bash Vortex and Flight Deck, you'd think nobody ever rode them - whether they were sinking or not!
  14. http://www.toledoblade.com/State/2013/10/27/Cincinnati-screamer-wins-competition-promoting-Banshee-roller-coaster-coming-to-Kings-Island.html
  15. New name for Flight Deck - stands guard over the Banshee!
  16. Other items may get gently pulled upwards too!
  17. What would be a nice touch would be a moving pathway to Top Gun/Flight Deck/The Bat. That being said, and everyone done laughing by now, that space back there could possibly entwine another ride of some sort, especially if the current queue is relocated. Don't forget - we're in Action Zone!
  18. Maybe everyone has seen this before, but I never did. Don't know how I missed it! Enjoy!
  19. Hmmmm. Nothing else to discuss today? 2 different rides. Enough said.
  20. OR - for and EXTRA $15 - a Pumping Fast Pass (or Fast Pumping Pass, or whatever)
  21. The noise level of a bouncing basketball echoing off everything around the park is almost deafening. There are times you can't carry on a conversation with the person standing next to you because a basketball is being bounced. Also, I have seen those same basketballs wander from their owners and entangle under unsuspecting patrons feet. Now, that could cause some serious injuries. I'm not saying people shouldn't have fun - I like to shoot hoops too - but I just feel it's a bit overbearing on everybody for the pleasure of a few. You could always have inflating machines available at the front gates!
  22. I know it's not a ride, nor an attraction, but I'd get rid of those darn basketballs. They drive me insane. A person could be thrown into a seizure from the repetitive noise. If you want to give away basketballs as prizes, give them out sans air.
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