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Gordon Bombay

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Everything posted by Gordon Bombay

  1. Is the weather supposed to be that bad tonight?
  2. Yeah, but not as cool as Discount Rock-n-Roller Coaster Soundwave.
  3. Yes! Wow, I forgot about that. This new rides seems totally redundant and better suited for a smaller park...
  4. I never understood this addition for Magic Mountain. It has the same racing/continuous gimmick as Twisted Colossus, will likely be low capacity, and is from a manufacturer who's launched rides typically have a reliability issue at the onset.
  5. Let's be honest, that queue house is probably going to be salvaged as a haunted house. It'll be the "new" haunted attraction one year, be staffed really well the first two weekends, and then will fall apart after all the temporary decorations and "theming" fail to hold up.
  6. Interesting. Could thematic mist/fog really cause that much of an issue or exacerbate it? Especially considering the coaster is exposed to rain/snow year round? Thanks for always sharing awesome stories and trivia, @Shaggy!
  7. I'm sorry, but I don't believe this is correct. @KIghostguy has written extensively about that incident and can probably add more, but if you check out his article here: http://kingsislandghosts.blogspot.com/2018/01/the-untold-story-of-kings-islands-fatal.html, there is a mention of "Post 5." However, post 5 is on a hand-drawn map and is labeled as being in the Northeast corner of the preserve, towards the river and not the location of Adventure Express. The ride's audio references "Outpost 5," not "post 5." Is that a coincidence? Kind of. Is it proof of a tasteless joke? I doubt it. I can't imagine out of all the easter eggs that they could hide in the ride that they're going to reference a tragic incident. But again, @KIghostguy probably has more knowledge here. Also, the location of SOB's station doesn't line up with the map of "post 5."
  8. These are beautiful. I love that early 90s film aesthetic. @Tomkatt7 if you're still around—I'd love to see more!
  9. I do not believe that was the case. Keep in mind: many Arrow mine train models (and some Arrow suspended models) feature two lift hills. Adventure Express' station sits above a ravine and the pathway features a slight rise in order to deliver riders to the station. The train descends, makes a run, climbs the lift and then goes about its course. It needs a lift hill to return to that station. For a long time, the prevailing rumor has been: there was more to the ride envisioned, then scrapped for budget cuts, so instead of another ride sequence, the design was modified to turn into the station. I don't believe that to be true. The ride would need a significantly taller second lift in order to complete another run and return to the station at that elevation. Not to mention, many of the early concept art designs that have popped up online over the years do not show an extended ride. I believe the ride exists as intended based off other Arrow models, the topography, early marketing materials, and the existing length. Any longer and it'd be a real rarity in terms of length/experience time. Another example to check out of the lift hill to station effect: Ninja at Magic Mountain. I also don't have much experience with this ride and its history, so this is just my personal assumption. @Shaggy, @TombraiderTy, @TOPGUN1993, or @gforce1994 may have some better analysis/info.
  10. In an off year with no major ride, I would love a full revamp and restoration of Adventure Express. High capacity ride that appeals to and accommodates a large number of guests.
  11. Re-read my post and look for the size 8, light gray text below. ;-)
  12. I'm with the complainant on this one. this is sarcasm
  13. And if I recall correctly: when this was nixed the idea was that the video and outside audio recordings were "timed." I.E. if the ride was running at full capacity, proper operation—you'd hear the outside radio announcements one time through and only be in the building for one showing of the video. As we all know, however, FoF never moved that fast. Truly amazing when it opened, though. I remember walking with my parents through the queue that first year. I was too afraid to ride, but loved the theming. The audible "ohhhh" when an empty train showed up in the station.... so cool. Also loved seeing Flight of Fear employees get sent to other rides. Nothing quite like an associate clad in the uniform for the Bureau of Paranormal Activity operating the Scrambler.
  14. The mid-course brakes and how long they hold can be adjusted (they didn’t always bring the train to a stop). The brakes before the unload station are in fact a part of the ride’s block system. For many years, while KI’s FoF only ran two trains, KD’s ran three (may still be this way). As someone upthread said: the ride was designed for four trains (Station to mid course, post mid course to brakes outside unload station, unload station, and another brake between the two stations hidden from view). I believe both KI and KD had four trains originally manufactured, but only ever ran with three. After a time, KI was reduced to two while the third received extended maintenance work in the regular season. Each train would get rotated out after two seasons (or something like that). It’s been a minute, though, so my memory may be fuzzy. @Shaggy, or someone, correct me if I’m wrong.
  15. My understanding of Fury's block system is that the straightaway area outside of the station and before the lift can also serve as a block. I.E. If you need to have as few occupied trains as possible—you can roll an empty one ahead, park it, and unload the train behind it. From appearances, that seems to be the case here.
  16. Old school topic bump. I've been checking out your PTR's @KIfan73 and just wanted to say I really enjoyed them, particularly this one. Thanks for capturing the park so many times!
  17. SIX in that mid-credits scene after talks broke down... ...they'll be back. Oh, they'll be back.
  18. @Shaggy He was talking about The Beast first in reference to an earlier question, then The Vortex queue question arose. Thanks for your insight on the queue.
  19. Not sure if it existed for Vortex (or just The Bat), but there used to be another set of switchbacks beneath the station. Another thing I should double check with @TombraiderTy, @TOPGUN1993, or @Shaggy.
  20. @TOPGUN1993 or @TombraiderTy can correct me if I'm wrong but, I believe behind the exit path fence (where it shifts towards the photo booth), there's a concrete pad where another queue house once stood.
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