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Gordon Bombay

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Everything posted by Gordon Bombay

  1. S**t, is there anyone who can show me an official link where they go this information for this tour? I dont want to make my mom drive all the way out there (I get my license in one more month ) and there not be any tour.
  2. I just called Kings Island to try and see how long the tour was going to be and their offices claim to know nothing about this tour and I cant find it on the PKI website. They told me to call back in about a half hour cause they said they would check iwth their other offices about the tour. But they claim to know nothing.
  3. Ok is it jsut me or is anyone else having this problem........on both PKI's website link and the link posted by reclaimer, after i open it from that map I get the carowinds map.
  4. Whoa, dont be dissapointed in the cars yet..........they havent had their final paintjob and details added yet.......that all has to be done at KI. They will look amazing when done.
  5. Does anyone know how long the tour would last? And I think the group photo thing would be cool, Id really like to meet some of you guys.
  6. First off you cant compare farting to smoking, farting is a bodily function and is natural, smoking is a choice made by an individual, its not needed to sustain your life. Farting although it is gross, you do need to it and cant help it because it is part of your digestive system. So thats not a good comparisson. That guy is right about the Truth commericals, there is no proof at all that second hand smoke kills but Im sure that is not why KI is banning smoking. Smoking also can make people have allergic reactions and stir up their asthma, i cant tell you how many times ive had to leave a section of the stadium at a reds game or get out of line at Kings Island because of some smoker who couldnt follow the rules. KI's attendance is booming rising and that means more people and a larger attendance record and most people dont want to taste or smell smoke especially those who have allergies like asthma and children who have asthma and there are a lot of those people. (Im not saying smokers are bad people at all, my best friend smokes).
  7. I just tried it from that link and my Adobe messed up and frooze so I went to the parks website and tired to get the map and when it opened up in Adobe it was Carowinds map.
  8. After visiting Downtown Disney and absolutely hating it because of how expenisve everything is down there I would only like to see this at Kings Island if they made it reasonable and not ridiculous in every aspect like disney did. I can see KI putting in something like this by their new hotel.
  9. It could be a historical ride and actually teach us something....whether you like it or not war is a part of our history.
  10. FMJ's boot camp scene was very accurate cause the whole part was written by R Lee Ermey who had things like that said to him.....the rest of the movie wash sketchy but We Were Soldiers is accurate because it was written by Colonel Moore (the man who the story is centered around) and other men who are featured in the book and movie agreed with it being accurate. So unless about 20 vets are lying than We Were Soldiers is a good portrayal of the war. The reason I said Apocalypse now isnt; is because Apocalypse now is based off of a book that was written in 1902 and has nothing to do wtih Vietnam and the storyline is just stupid being put into a vietnam scenario and portrays soldiers as crooks and criminals
  11. Lets hope Dxrunner makes the team and has a good year at ki
  12. 96 Quite Bitter beings by CKY or Dream by Combat Stuepndous heh heh wishful thinking
  13. Yeah, i did and I see how it helps some people. Ive seen how it calms some people down and relaxes them and can get them through tough situations. I almost started smoking a few months back when i went through a really bad time in my life. I just dont like seeing people get sick from it. Especially people like Dxrunner and the people on the PKIC boards. Everyone ive met through here has been a cool person and shares the same passion for PKI as myself and wish that nothing bad happens to them.
  14. True we dont see eye to eye on one issue. I dont judge people, especially people who smoke. I know a lot of people who smoke and while it aggitates me I hate no one for it. Dxrunner I respect that you made the decision to smoke, I just dont see why and if you could give me a reason the negative effects outweigh the possitive, which there are not really possitive ones.
  15. I never once said you were rude considerate or ignorant, im not judging you as a smoke, its just one thing about you i wouldnt agree with. If I met you in person I might not care for your smoking but we could still be friends. I know lots of people who smoke and I dont hate anyone.....so dont jump the gun....true some people judge smokers as a whole because theyve had nothing but bad expereinces with smokers at KI.
  16. Im not sugar coating anything family man i agree with you that smoking is harmful and that he shouldnt do it. Smoking is terrible and someone like family guy whose profession deals with smoke would know.
  17. 1. TheKlockster 2. CoastersRZ 3. Alien Seed 4. CombatStupendous89
  18. First off, DXrunner started bashing people in the first place when he had no right to and he does it constantly on other topics...a taste of his own medicine if he will. And you say hes as much as a person as I am. Of course he is. I never said he wasnt! I dont agree with peoples decision to smoke but im not going ot hunt them down and persectute them for it! I never said he wasnt a person, so dont twist my words emonun. And yes Dxrunner tar can build up in your lungs in you smoke 3 or 4 cigs a day, eventually it will, like i said, just not as quickly as someone who smokes a pack or more a day. True, there are some people who can smoke two or more packs a day for 50 years and get no diseases but that is....RARE! What makes you think your gonna be so lucky? It affects your physical appearance too, I bet any of those people who have smoked two or more packs for 50 years have the most unattractive teeth. I agree with Dxrunner on some things though...Labeling is wrong, I have friends and fmaily who smoke and while I dont agree with it Im not going to persecute them or label them with derogatory names. I also agree with Dxrunner that the people who run the "Truth" and "stand" commercials are deceiving and wrong. They are very stupid commercials that often have no proof to them...which is why you see some of them only once or twice on your television. So once again, I do not see smokers as any less of a person then me, all Im saying is that theres no good benefits to it at all. Family man you didnt have to make the comment about him "killing himself" suicide is different from smoking, that was a stupid thing to say my friend that makes people on our side look ignorant.
  19. after seeing how MGM simulates their machine gun bullets while visiting thier park, i cant wait to see this ride, its gonna be so great, i pray that Kings Island maintains all the effects.
  20. Cool, thats what i though, lap bars making looping coaster a million times more fun and allow a different experience, i wish theyd put some in on Vortex although it may not be worth it.
  21. He has no brain? Its true insurance rates are starting to go up for smokers and many companies wont take on clients who smoke or wont cover them if they die of certain cancers/diseases/factors that can be linked to smoking in any way. I think you have no brain for smoking......Im not one of those "Truth" people and I know there is no concrete evidence that prooves second hand smoke kills and I think the stand and truth commercials are very deceiving but why smoke? honestly! Does it sustain your life in anyway? You HAVE to eat and drink, thats a vital life function, but your body works fine without pouring black tar down your throat! Why even start? My friend in my band started cause he said "i thought it would make me look cool". In todays world most people will label you and look down on you for it, it doesnt make you look cool, it doesnt help anyone, it creates litter and polution, there is not one good reason for smoking.....sure it relaxes some people but so does taking a nap, no one got cancer in their lungs from a nap. And yes Dxrunner, if you smoke 3 or 4 a day long enough in your life and continue that pattern you will develop problems. Good day and good luck. www.nicoderm.com
  22. They are Premier trains and they do look awesome, are they supposed to have OTSR's or lap bars? Im guessing lap bars from the look of things but they might jsut not have any restraints isntalled yet cause i noticed there arent any decals yet. I really hope for lap bars.
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