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Gordon Bombay

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Everything posted by Gordon Bombay

  1. I think he meant the one off Kings Mills (?) in the strip mall with the Sunoco.
  2. ^What do you mean both made the news? I don't recall an accident on The Bat being in the news.
  3. Over the years, I've been lucky enough to have worked with a few coaster video shoots - one for FOF and one for Diamondback. People would get to ride the ride over and over and over again. I can't imagine what happened to the poor souls who had to do that on Son of Beast. Anyone remember the footage of those riders? There was a kid up front wearing goggles on his head...
  4. Or maybe they put a roller coaster on the cup because there are roller coasters at Kings Island. Not trying to be mean, Collin WHAT!? YOU MEAN TO TELL ME that they're NOT hinting at FUTURE plans in the DESIGN OF A COLLECTIBLE CUP!? GET OUT OF HERE WITH YOUR LOGIC!
  5. KIBeast, great to hear from you again! I haven't been to Camden Park since 2008, but it is easily my favorite park. Classic rides, handcrafted artwork, good food, and friendly locals who work there. What I enjoyed most about it is that I felt it was the closest I could get to that old school turn of the century Amusement park feel. Just a neat place. Are they maybe just doing maintenance on these rides? I'll put in a call to a friend and see if anything turns up.
  6. I always wondered who held that coveted "official flavored milk" title. Was it nestle? Trauth? Mystery swarmed my mind. Now I know! Thanks!
  7. Or why not make it free, advertise that it's air conditioned and give people a glimpse of what they can see at Dinosaurs Alive? Promote the attraction through a free movie.
  8. I spoke with Dane on the phone last night. He plans to fix it as well as some other things. Unfortunately, he just moved and is having problems with his internet provider and his data lines. He currently has no internet aside from his cell phone. He'll get to fixing the site as soon as things settle down.
  9. Where's the dislike button? We need a dislike button for this post. You're more likely to find $2.00 for the movie than you are to find a dislike button.
  10. But they already have Firehawk... kind of. And you don't want that crappy B&M stand up. My trade would be: Diamondback for the Stan Mikita statue that used to be at Carowinds. I'd have more fun watching that.
  11. ^Come on, biggest failure in amusement history? You clearly forgot about Hard Rock Park.
  12. ^I'm not entirely sure it was the main hill either and don't believe it was.
  13. Vortex. Those arrow restraints are awful. I'd rather punch myself in the head.
  14. I see an Ohio Bobcats logo as your avatar. Maybe it's your browser. See if it's changed in a diff. browser or maybe delete your cache/cookies?
  15. I just hope the lead singer still insists on wearing a mesh baseball cap. Nothing will ever top their performance with the family from Full House.
  16. Ha Ha as much as I hate to admit it, I nearly failed a color theory class. I never understood mixing and balancing colors and when I color balance night shots it takes me hours so I'm no expert on color. However, you are right, the color of that image could be determined by anything from the lens to the mirror to the film used. Not to mention it's pretty gray out. Every time I've seen it I actually thought it was red and black.
  17. On what grounds? Is there evidence that at the time of purchase they were promised or guaranteed a refund? Is it worth hiring a lawyer and spending much more just to have a $90 season pass refunded? Where was greed involved? These people lost their business and in turn made a lot of other people unhappy. Where are the bags of money they supposedly made off with?
  18. ^Well said. I think he meant rot in a non-literal sense. While the fiberglass itself isn't rotting, I've been out in that field and seen those things first hand. It's probably not good to have all the equipment and pumps out there in the rain and snow every year. I don't know if it sealed it, but it certainly is a bad situation. Anyone knew who would come in would really have to work and get the message out there that things would be different. With the competition across the street, I don't think you'd see anyone willing to do that. It's a shame. I'm pretty sure DeloreanRider was being sarcastic. He and I measure time in Kings Island Wave Pools. "Hey Delorean Rider, how long ago did you join KICentral?" - "Oh, about one wavepool ago." "And when were you born?" - "Two wavepools ago." Agreed. Let's say they do re-open in 2013, who is going to buy a season pass from them after what was just announced. It would definitely warrant a name change and someone repeatedly saying: "No, we're not The Beach from last time." Edit: Medford said it better and I was pretty rude. Point is: this was a a business that went down, not some get rich quick scheme. There's no conspiracy that these people grabbed money from the passholders and fled in the night.
  19. Even if they maintain the place and come back in the future, this is going to be a hell of a PR storm to overcome.
  20. ^How was that "back on topic?" If you don't have anything relevant or intelligent to add, then stop filling this thread with even more crap.
  21. ^Agreed. Dollar hot dogs all around!
  22. ^haha, hey now, last year wasn't our year. Things are looking good this year. Not for Son of Beast, but the Redlegs.
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