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Everything posted by westcoaster

  1. Look how much better holiday world splashin safari is getting!!! compared to Kings Islands.... We need a water coaster!!!
  2. Oh how the park has changed for better and the worse. But really the park, needs better landscaping the tiques and the flying eagles need to return, in some shape or form. That was a true loss. Really the amount of rides removed has been huge, but others have came in to replace. KI needs to cater to the past while shaping to the future for riders, families, thrill seakers, non riders, and people that remember KI for the great landscaping, a truly great park all the way around......
  3. The park just needs a new Wooden coaster in line with the tornado at strickers.... This would help the park for sure...
  4. This ride could be built maybe as a water park attraction, Built to resemble a huge super soaker ~~~ ha ha, Looks fun, wonder if they really could build this!!!
  5. Entirely too much money at a cart ....They should do drops for sure...
  6. This would be great at coney WOW!!! please Coney get one. It does have some thoughts of Strickers grove's Coaster for sure... for 3 million, maybe someone will get it!!!!
  7. Crazy article, I would have never guessed today's america Outsourcing:
  8. yes The Racer is looking old, and should be turned backwards.
  9. I still feel its going would love for it to stay...
  10. There was others too like a new antique ride .... car wash I believe. So much planned, hope we get two quality family dark rides, that would put us over the top, with a year round schedule and Kings Island hotel.
  11. Festival of Lights win's again, for Cincinnati's true Christmas & Holiday celebration. Wow, and now that Downtown seems grim for the holidays except for ice skating, 2012 would be great for Kings Island.
  12. Beast at night no secret there...but a great ride..
  13. It would be great if anything from coney could be found on their dark rides for sure!!!!! Could you imagine just a couple of dark rides added to the park up north would be. Or if coney added a new family relaxing dark ride no shoot em ups, costly for a coney sized park I'm sure:
  14. Egg Laying oh MY!!!! Easter 2012 Family easter egg hunting as eggs are being layed by the Dinos's!!! oh My what a block buster. Yes the parks are smart,,,now on the west coast if KNOTTS would add back the Dino Ride with all the dinosaurs kids and families would love it check out you tube, for the ride, or knotts beary tales, KI will always be my home park even living out west, what is next for Kings Island more dino-tainment???????? X BASE being exteneded around to DINO NATION and all themed to DINOS" ..........I guess reading the posts kids love the halloween trick or treating with the dino's too!!!
  15. Well the news is out Ed Hart is out, no more negotiations with the Kentucky State Fair board, Yeh!!!!! If he as a new owner of the park thought it was good then he would have put his own plan together,,,,,not city/state money sure tax incentives like them or hate them they are part of our society today!!!!!!!! No matter what!!! But if Ed hart would have put an investment team together.....then he would have could have and should have. Sad another park is going down but look north to KI and holiday world close to louisville they are the Power houses, they keep it fresh and Keep the Families coming, Sure us thrill seekers love parks but the families spend the money........ Don't blame mr hart for selling for profit years ago, or six flags for leaving ( my family had lots of fun, at the park) but it was frankly not a powerhouse park.....for six flags.....they took what was good and moved those attractions... Finally if the State of KY fair board thought it was or will be a success they would open it, and find the money .... If you want to open a park or a business come up with a plan!!!! RIP KY KINGDOM / As we knew it!!!!
  16. Don't forget there roots, and what made them sure you have to refresh but don't change too much.........Its the busiest park in the world!!! but Don't forget walts mission, and dreams........oh when you wish upon a star....
  17. Remember, Son of Beast was not un popular. The loop was incredible the original trains were incredible. But this is not the first time in history Kings Island/former coney island had a un popular problem coaster, the Shooting star was built from a un popular ride at Coney retaining the lift hill and station. I hope for all of us Son of Beast is a keeper even redone, to become an incredible ride. Not to mention, sometimes kids need help, need tamed this is just a growing pain. Son of Beast has to ride again! To many crowds....
  18. I really don't think a chance...Cedar Point will get coaster or coasters...
  19. Highly themed Water Coaster, KING COBRA!!!! would be the name yellow slide, some tunnels...and great theme....with hills and dips and lots of fun! Fitting tribute to a great name of the past and propels the water park to the next level!
  20. It will be truly a great addition, sad for the 40th they did not add a water coaster though? Guess the one next door at great wolf, is the only one Cincy will see!
  21. Wow Kings Dominion/Island type of park near the Windy city what an interesting article. They did good with the Island/Dominion .....But what that park could have been up near Chicago!!!
  22. Bring back some elaborate, themed, and relaxing dark rides to the parks..........Smurfs return to Kings Island 2012!!!!!!
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