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Everything posted by beastfan11

  1. Anyone in the marketing industry who is familiar with the content they have recently produced would have no desire to apply for the position. Like the Camp Snoopy construction update “video” from the last day or so. Ha. If you have a lackluster dinner at a restaurant and you have legitimate complaints about the experience, should we expect you to apply to be the new head chef? Such a tremendously flawed argument that’s thrown around too much.
  2. Noasterstock 2024! So, who actually thinks the event will happen in 2025? The park doesn’t owe anyone anything, but this comes across as a slap in the face to many. It could’ve been a perfect opportunity to make a kind gesture to the enthusiast community that could’ve done wonders to repair the strained relationship between this/other communities. Event aside, I’m just knocked out by the complete display of incompetence from Cha… er, The “Kings Island Team.” I work in a similar role/field and the type content and actions displayed would probably get me fired. Just a bad look, dude. KI has the ability to do much better. And I know they will. I love the place and hate to be so aggressively negative especially after they’ve done so much, so well the last few seasons. Pretty disappointing.
  3. Absolutely wonderful. Love that dedication. The work is fascinating. The KI&MVRR is the crown jewel of the park, in my opinion.
  4. I’m sold, honestly. I just want that’s section of the park to get its overdo overhaul. This could be really cool and exciting if done right.
  5. Man, I think I’ve got whatever cold you have. *cough* PT *cough*
  6. Couldn’t agree more! That era where the Nick and Hannah Barbara characters coexisted was pretty special. While I wouldn’t want the park to go “full Six Flags” when it comes to IP integration, but I’d love to see more characters utilized throughout the park.
  7. Fingers crossed it happens in the next two years. It’s waaaaaay overdue for an overhaul. The ride looks pretty terrible (effects, guns, etc.) and the park could do incredible things with that space.
  8. More info for those with unusable gift cards: https://www.wlwt.com/article/coney-island-gift-card-refund-cincinnati/46275191?utm_campaign=snd-autopilot&fbclid=IwAR1Y-aVuEdees6cD-6JEJCYD7fuW2_mK5qgqooXhGW5p60SNLEk1OsZBgTc_aem_AbPGBpczi8SjNkvNalCjyhihc28Xk7H3BPwiiklldj2T8KfGqRx9qq7_OwgVcte78aw# And an incredible and honest opinion piece from the Cincinnati.com: https://www.cincinnati.com/story/opinion/contributors/2024/01/02/boycott-cincinnati-symphony-orchestra-for-coney-island-closure/72085970007/ Boycotts are being organized and the funds for a documentary are quickly being raised. Regardless of certain questionable opinions, people do, in fact, care for the history of the park and Cincinnati and would like to see it saved. Those online, across news sites, and social media justifying and/or celebrating the closure of the park are in an embarrassing minority. Here’s to hoping for a brighter future.
  9. And Mystic! Makes me excited for the future of the park and the potential thematic experiences it could offer.
  10. I feel like the popularity of the 3 Point games has decreased a lot over the last few years. I wouldn’t hate to see them go.
  11. Yeah, and my AIM screen name from 2008 was on my profile until not that long ago. Doesn’t mean that it was up to date. Get a life and quit being a creep. You don’t know where I live and it wouldn’t be any of your business anyway.
  12. (No) Apologies for the double post: FullSizeRender.MOV
  13. I’ll chip in $300 for a Home Depot truck to get them back to Cincinnati. If KI won’t “take” them, we can put them in my backyard and have KIC parties. I just ask that you guys bring hot dogs and hamburgers so we can do it right. Mostly joking.
  14. https://cincinnatipreservation.org/coney-islands-moonlite-gardens-sunlite-pool-under-threat/?fbclid=IwAR113kJAtQag2YSv9CixNqBSuaGBsK7WbxOSobhgxGbCuowd8ZoEFw5IPMw Took a good portion of my day to attempt to contact our city officials. 0/10 answered their phones. If you have a moment to voice your concerns instead of complaining about food plans and Intamin, you can do so here: Be respectful and kind!
  15. Happy Holidays, all! That much closer to opening day!
  16. Probably my favorite show so far! Miss our Eagles. I hope they fly back to Cincy one day soon. That spot behind the Eiffel Tower looks empty…
  17. Sweet story. Demonstrative of how much this place means to everyone. https://www.fox19.com/2023/12/21/8-year-old-comes-up-with-19-step-plan-save-coney-island/?fbclid=IwAR29KJdZIN_fmiH-YQ4fgAdbY1K3lWm2OWwef8jQEcl8EvzbD8sp9ILKNxs_aem_AQrDM0sh2iqMfBXZ4ID7kTbdwVAvLawIR6aWlcdu6xFcbA4cKdtEIpCQ1yg5Onm2aPs#lqgo9dwqmn8qad43oh
  18. I’ve tried as well. Crickets. They probably aren’t going to respond, unfortunately. I also tried calling without luck. They’ve also disabled comments on their social media platforms. I don’t think they want to engage anyone. Sounds like another park/social media team I know…
  19. True, but tens of Def Leppard fans adds up to about 350 (dip spit filled) crushed cans of ‘Nati Light, so I doubt the traffic out of there will be any better.
  20. The petition grows and CSO remains silent: https://local12.com/news/local/thousands-sign-petition-demanding-coney-islands-sunlite-pool-preserved-historic-history-landmark-swimming-community-anderson-township-cincinnati-symphony-orchesta-music-venue-petitions-iconic-recirculating-gallons-water-kids-fun-entertainment-park-label# (your boy beastfan11 makes a blink and miss it cameo)
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