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Everything posted by BoddaH1994

  1. Why are you attacking him for an honest question? If someone asked you if they should go to KI on a Saturday in July to avoid the lines, would you tell them yes? Maybe you know better than they do. The guy's looking for honest advice. He asked if anyone has any "idea" as to how long the lines will be, not actual wait times. Can someone post on here asking for advice without being crucified?
  2. I seem to remember a former KIC staffer named Dan try to jump over a metal chain link fence thing in the SOB queue and land on his face.
  3. It's not typical. You probably just missed 'em since they just have the hand scanners. Honest mistake, likely.
  4. I heard some sort of figure like, they saved $700,000 over buying new. Don't quote me on that. Relocating rides isn't cheap... not at all.
  5. Its really never that crowded. I don't think I've ever seen people left behind in the station because there was no room for them. I agree, and that's probably exactly what they want... rather than having more and more guests ride it for the ride experience itself.
  6. To determine how many people think of the train as a ride and how many people just think of it as transportation to Boomerang Bay. MAYBE (and it's a big maybe) that if they see that more people ride it just for the enjoyment they might add some scenery elements. They would not have to spend a lot...one of our kids favorite things is looking for the bear...how much can things like that cost?! Maybe they do not want people to ride it as a ride. They clearly primarily run it as a means of transportation, so they may not want people crowding it who aren't going to CDBB.
  7. Bavarian Beetle was a galaxy style coaster, not unlike the Serpent at Americana, or even to a lesser extent the Wildcat at Cedar Point.
  8. I wonder if Gerstlauer would have even made new trains for SOB if they were asked to...
  9. I think she got a little over-heated, but I don't blame her. You basically said, "Hey, I have this video... it includes some of your employees being crude and shows a ride breaking down... will you post this on your web site?" No doubt the employee was in the wrong, but you're not doing any justice to the park, or any park at that, by showcasing it. It's without a doubt that theme parks don't directly compete with eachother. If you listen to their conference calls, you'll notice that the parks compete for your discretionary money, which means they're competing with things such as movies, video games, etc etc etc. They're in the business of winning over your wants since all of the things mentioned aboe certainly aren't needs. When you defame one park, you're hurting the industry as a whole. Why would someone want to go to KI, Six Flags, Dollywood, etc if amusement park employees have a reputation for being rude? The general public does NOT distinguish between parks the way in which the rest of us do.
  10. No, the fenced section at the far end is where they removed a few seats.
  11. Yep, tallest and fastest woody. Of course they are adding trim breaks so it may not be the fastest anymore.
  12. SFKK actually can't build that high because of height restrictions due to the airport. If you like SFKK, you'll be blown away by the rest of the chain. SFKK is the absolute arm pit of the chain.
  13. I agree with Ronny... there's isn't much to Holiday World. They've got 3 coasters with the Voyage being my personal favorite coaster of all time, the Legend being pretty good, and the Raven being nothing more than okay in my book. Other than that, what's there to do? Liberty Launch? The waterpark is different from Boomerang Bay, but I wouldn't necessarily say it's that much better. I do like how it's all close together rather than everything being a mile and a half apart like CDBB. I've been to about a dozen parks now and I really think KI has some of the best employees I've seen. I've heard wonderful things about Holiday World and Cedar Point employees, but I have yet to see it. Holiday World is so overzealous with safety now that it almost detracts from the experience, and Cedar Point employees are apathetic at best. When I went to Holiwood Nights last year, they ran one train on both coasters and two on thew new legend, until later in the evening when they added a 2nd to Legend and the 3rd to Voyage which I may add took several cycles before it warmed up and they let people on it. I don't know why they do that. Maybe they're saving wear and tear on the vehicles..?
  14. I know that in the past it instructed you to stop by GR and receive a ticket at the old Paramount Parks, but I'm wondering if that was the case at KI the past few years. Using your Maxx pass at KI is actually a rather complected process if you think about it since we are merging several different system and throwing in a new process just for fun.
  15. I've found myself cutting through it more often now than ever. I really hope they do something with it, but not necessarily build on it.
  16. Exactly -- and to bring up the topic of another thread, the station on your right from the view of the photo that Robbie showed you is wheelchair accessible along with the rest of the queue. Come to think of it, is there another exit route from the station that does not require stairs? There of course has to be, but I can't think of it. Can anyone chime in?
  17. They probably meant they used to like Skyline before they became a vegetarian. May I ask why you chose to be a vegetarian? I always found that interesting. It's rare that you find someone who's a vegetarian because they're against the "killing of innocent animals". My sister is a vegetarian because she got sick at school when she was in high school after eating, which turned her off to beef, then she was served an undercooked chicken sandwich at Steak 'n Shake which turned her off to the rest of meats. She did however revert back to fish recently. My mom's a vegetarian too, but it's because she had breast cancer about 12 years ago and the Chemotherapy made most meat taste like metal to her, and ever since then she's eaten VERY little meat.
  18. Long story short for the everyone: Dane and I are obviously very good friends, yet we live well over 100 miles away so we rarely get to see eachother unless it's at KI. Well, he was invited to go to CP with Todd and his crew, who live about 20 minutes from me. I was originally going to go over there for a few hours the night before they left just to say hi and hang out with everyone. Well, I was on my way there to meet Dane when he called me asking me to hurry over because it was so "awkward" because he got there and everyone who was going on the trip was asleep when he got there. Long story short, I ended up hanging out with Dane until they left around 6:30. The reason why I was looking "sick" was because I had stayed up all night and was pretty darn tired at that point. Well worth it though, at least I got to say hi to everyone and got to hang out with Dane.
  19. Do you realize what a pain in the *** it would be to have to transfer a wheel chair overtop of the trains. The reason they use the exits is so they can get back in their chair after riding. That's more of a problem with the park than a problem with an individual disabled person. FOF, and most riders built in the past 15 or so years have been built with a queue that can accommodate any kind of special needs access. Don't forget that some people who are confined to wheel chairs don't have problems just standing, some have mental disorders as well which makes it difficult for them, their parties, and the people around them to be in line. Personally, I'm thankful that I CAN wait in line for 3 hours rather than required to come up an exit. Don't let one pseudo-perk cloud the very difficult lives that a lot of these people live.
  20. Just listen to their conference calls and you'll believe it. Shapiro and Co. are really trying to win back guests by making the parks a good value, good experience, and a good way to spend your discretionary dollars.
  21. I should have gone with you... stupid work. haha You'd better go again... cuz I'm comin'!
  22. It has for the time being. http://www.KICentral.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=9683
  23. I think what he was trying to say when he was talking about "abuse" of the policy is when people rent wheelchairs simply to get in the front of the lines. I've actually heard of people claiming they've done it.
  24. Thrill flyers experience heart-pounding excitement as Firehawk soars through more than a half mile of steel tracking. Willing adventure seekers lie down to experience this 51 mph., top-secret, all-altitude airborne mission. But they're certainly not relaxing within seconds, each pilot is facing the ground, experiencing the inconceivable feeling of human flight. Manufacturer Vekoma International Track Length 3340 feet Ride Speed 51 mph. Height 115 feet Angle of descent 30 degrees Inversions 5 Click here to see photos of Kings Island's new flying coaster Firehawk in action! Keep checking back to KICentral.com for the latest news, rumors, photos, and information about Kings Island amusement park! Regards, Ryan
  25. I agree... lie to fly at the beginning is the best.
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