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Everything posted by BoddaH1994

  1. Ya'know. I noticed the Chippery's absence last weekend and didn't really think anything of it at first. Does anyone know if they'll still be selling this season? I didn't get a chance to try the chips last season and was really looking forward to it this year. Unfortunately, the Chippery won't be back this season. In fact, Bret's e-mail address at ChipperyChips.com is invalid, and I don't think the same person has his cell phone number, so I doubt he's still with the company.
  2. lol... It's almost like Jeff gave up on the whole secrecy thing for Winterfest.
  3. A lot of the PKIC crew members will be there. I guess you'd know us if you saw us.
  4. If you were there Saturday, you'd understand why they're not.
  5. lol... actually after reading his discription, I thought maybe he had made a wrong turn and ended up at SFKK.
  6. This is already being discussed here.
  7. I bet this has actually happened to a lot of people.
  8. I think we have found some common ground... lol
  9. True, but back to his point, obesity causes cancer as well, so why not ban fatty foods from the park? You say that you find the smell of smoke unpleasant, but I find seeing men and women who are 50lbs overweight unpleasant to look at in skimpy clothes, on the same note, shouldn't we confine them to certain areas of the park as well? I must say, if anyone has really had their experiences at PKI altered by not having smoking around them must be miserable in public, because regardless of whatever regulation or ban they may put into place, people are going to smoke.
  10. There were a ton of PKI workers there today.
  11. ^ He's right, PKI is in fact private property. If you smoke in line, they'll likely just tell you to put it out, but if things get escalated, you may find yourself escorted outside of the front gates.
  12. Extra credit goes out to anyone who can tell me who invented this system.
  13. It is my understanding that, if the train rolls back in a convenient location, they just more or less push/pull it to get it in motion, but if it's in a difficult spot, they sometimes have to remove a section of track to get the train off.
  14. TheRickster was sitting next to me and Dane and Zosobeast were on that train too.
  15. That's very true. Call me crazy, but I hang on for dear life on DZ, let alone being at the mercy of my OTSR. lol
  16. Lol I bet you didnt know that Top Thrill Dragster didnt make it all the way over the hill and went back down close to loading station. (2 times) But now they got that fix with little boosters on the top And before you say im a lier ,Im not ,do you think CP would tell the public that it didnt make it over two times I use to work at CP Actually, they would. In 2003, the Discovery Channel filmed a segment on Tomb Raider The Ride, and when they aired it, it was on the same show that featured CP's TTD. A big part of the segment was talking about the rare but fun occurances of the ellusive "roll backs". So CP played if off as though they were natural and not a big deal. I'm willing to say that qualifies.
  17. Ok I must be old. Who is he? OMG Nick Lachey was one of the singers from 98 degrees. After they split up he went on to release a solo album. He is also married to Jessica Simpson. Please tell me who know who Jessica Simpson is. He also had his own reality show with Jessica, The Newlyweds on MTV. Which just aired the last epoisde last week I believe. Is he the one who's running for mayor?
  18. I think they tested it around 3. There were also sleighted to test it Saturday at 3, but for obvious reasons, they didn't. Don't knock the slow speeds just yet, sometimes just barely making it over a hill gives you a neat sensation.
  19. No, but it does directly proove the matter at hand.
  20. Hmmm - this implies that you are the only site to get video of the launch - a most incorrect assumption! It was wierd - it kept acting like it would rollback on the top of the helix, but it always just barely made it over. Like Bill said - the whole ride seems uneventful - especially when it comes out of the billboard. Nope, but the only site that people care about that has it. BURN!! PKICentral Sucks Ryan
  21. For those of you who were unable to be at the park today, they were testing the Italian Job Stunt Track! Of course, PKIC staff member Bill Ware was on hand to bring you some EXCLUSIVE footage of IJST launching and traveling through its course for the first time in front of the general public! Click here to see this great video! Also, he has been so kind as to let you guys in on what the park looks like with its new additions. Click here to see some IJST photos, as well as photos from Happy Days Diner, Graeter's, and the Starbucks construction! God speed to you all! Ryan
  22. Hats off to all those who attended the tour. We didn't even know about it until we were sitting in the warm and toasty lobby of Chipolte... to be honest, I don't see too much love loss by missing it, though. I have seen the perimeter of the ride, and now I don't want to see any more until I'm on it for myself.
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