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Everything posted by BoddaH1994

  1. No need to close this. This is kind of a new development so it's not totally inappropriate to start a new topic. Plus, I'll be the first to admit that the Invission search tool sucks. Thanks for the information.
  2. That's what I was thinking too. It would expain why there would be no opening delay. I also thought it was funny how the wheel apparatus is about the same size as the fiberglass train itself.
  3. I have already had several people tell me that they don't intend to get season passes to the park this year because of the new regulations. I highly doubt allowing smoking in an outdoor venue ever really kept people away, but disallowing smoking or making it very inconvenient might. The sad part is, if Tom's right and they're just going to mark off areas of the paths where people can smoke, then it's going to really accomplish nothing since non-smokers have to walk through or past it anyway. What I would do would be to allow smoking in most areas, but supply ash trays next to every trash can and at the entrance to the rides. People complain about patrons throwing butts on the ground, but if there are no ash trays, they've got to go somewhere. In all honesty, I rarely see a situation at the park in which a smoker, assuming that he's following the rules, has ever blown smoke in anyone's face or done anything intentional like that. It strikes me as more of a victum statement than anything, 99% of the time you can just alter your path slightly and be out of the stream of smoke. Now, I do think that there should be distinguished areas in NC and HBL for smoking. Children are more sensative to smoke than the rest of the population and would know how to react if someone was bothering them. Adults on the other hand should know how to react. If someone is smoking on a midway, it's really not to hard to bypass them or avoid them. Even if they are in a situation in which they are breaking the rules like smoking in line, it's really not to hard too tell them about the rule. Maybe they don't know, and even if they do, if someone points it out to them, they'll likely put it out because someone has noticed. Heck, even if they didn't, it's not to hard to tell an associate and let them handle it. In all honesty, I think that people use smoking as a big way to point the finger in today's world. Granted, there are a few people who have asthma or are allergic, but if you think about it, how come in the 1950s when you could smoke almost anywhere did people not speak up about being bothered by smoke? It was before the day and age that they knew about the health risks, but logically wouldn't the same amout of people be offended by the odor of the smoke? The answer is likely yes. It seems like non-smokers like to point the finger at "Mr. Dirtylungs" and claim to fall victum to his or her habit. Look at smokers as a sociological group: if you read through the previous posts in this thread, you find things like, "they always blow smoke in your face" or "they always liter and throw their cigarette butts on the ground". This is clearly a campaign to make smokers look like inconsiderate individuals who care about nothing. Think of it this way: how many smokers that you know personally would intentionally blow smoke in someone's face? Probably very few. People are conditioned to think that if an individual is smoking, they are intentionally trying to be rude to them or victumize them in some way, which really isn't true at all. As far as littering all the time, it's not like there are ash trays anywhere in the dry park for people to discard a burning cigarette. I'd hate to be the one to break it to you, but if you throw a burning cigarette into a trash can full of paper.... well... I think you can get my drift. I am sympathetic to the notion of disallowing smoking in lines and in indoor areas of the park simply because in those scenarios you have to be around other people who really have no choice but to be in the path of the smoke. but outdoors... give me a break... Sorry to be so anal, but that's what I think. Ryan
  4. To be honest with you, 19 does sound like a lot, but I guess it's a lot of little ones. So long as there are 1 or 2 per area, I think this will work out fine.
  5. 19 areas dispursed throughout the park? Sounds pretty fair to me.
  6. PKI.com has updated with a few more IJST construction photos. They are labeled as being from March 10th. Click here to check them out! Ryan
  7. The article implies that the trains were destroyed, so we'll probably get new ones.
  8. Normally that would be true since when it comes down to it, it's a matter of fiberglass and steel, but since these cars are special in several different ways, I could understand why people would fear the worst. You also have to keep in mind that especially with a ride like this, they have a lot of testing to do with the trains of the track, which calls for more delays.
  9. We're just trying to stop employees from getting themselves in trouble.
  10. The word on the street for a very long time has been the School of Rock will be the featured show in the Paramount Theatre for the 2005 season. Although I personally haven't seen anything making this concrete fact, I also haven't heard anything otherwise.
  11. They need to make the Addams Family ride an indoor spinning wild mouse like Exterminator at Kennywood... trust me on this one.
  12. Tuned In. I highly dought that Tuned In would be back for a second year...dose anyone else know what will be there instead? Tuned In. lol... yeah, it's more or less been Tuned In! for years...
  13. Yeah, but perhaps some people are overly optimistic.
  14. Although I doubt we'll ever see it, the Addams Family theme would be awesome for the park.
  15. Here is the article from the Enquirer.
  16. Likely it'll be something in HBL if there is that expansion in 2006 that we are anticipating.
  17. Chill people! You don't need to read into my words! I was informed that there will be an article about whatever happened in tomorrow's Enquirer. The reason why I'm not saying "the fire" or the IJST trains is simply because I'm not sure. I really know just about as much as you do about all of this. I don't want to claim anything that I can't back up. Clearly this subject has become touchy, which is why the initial thread is in storage for now.
  18. Nah, it's cool. Don't be reading into this as if I have a surprise up my sleeve. I was informed that there would be an Enquirer article about it tomorrow and that's all I know...
  19. Just wait until tomorrow when the article comes out and we'll discuss that.
  20. Due to the thread getting out of hand, we have opted to remove the thread involved the IJST trains. Expect an article in the Enquirer tomorrow. Thanks for your understanding, Ryan
  21. I thought you and Yukari went there for the Gold Pass thing on last year's 4th of July.
  22. Train, carousel, shops, shows... they may get bold this time around and add FoF, Fx Theatre, and any other indoor attractions.
  23. Oh but it would... we still have to get signed off by the powers that be. Don't forget...
  24. Open to the public there are 3 rooms. There's the main room which is in the center, beyond that is a smaller room which I believe was the private room, and on the opposite side there is a room themed to horses/carousels. Behind that room is the conference room.
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