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Everything posted by Delirium13

  1. What's Coke to Go? Anyways I'd rather have Coke at the park it is so much better. But even if they do serve Pepsi next year it won't be that big of a deal, because I don't think anyone goes to the park just to get their favorite kind of pop. So no matter which they choose it won't be a big deal.
  2. Yeah I'm pretty sure we were going to get one but the cost of building the volcano and the ride was too high.
  3. I hope it dies a slow and painful death from hungry wood-boring termites...and then maybe burn down I guess! I don't. I love SOB.
  4. So it'd be okay if there were shirts that said Vortex est. 1992? (The Vortex at Carowinds was built in '92) I think that KI should to send all those T's back and make sure they get it right.
  5. I'm glad to hear that you all had a great time today. The last time I rode SDATHC my shooter was broken and I got 105, but anyways how were the crowds today?
  6. Delirium13

    Metal Detectors

    I'd like it better if they kept the metal detectors, just to give everyone peace of mind. But I also agree thy need better staffing out at the metal detectors.
  7. That article was confusing. But I guess I got the main point. I guess not much is going on in Dayton either if they have to write an article complaining about a ride name change and then just ending with the fact that the kid can't ride it. Get over it people it's so your kid can be SAFE! And is Ni-Ni really the kids name?
  8. Kinda like the one on the right side of this picture of the Park they're going to build in Japan?
  9. I hope so! I think Coke tastes so much better.
  10. Yeah I remember the first time I rode Son of Beast, it was smooth and it passed up The Beast as my favorite ride, but it just got rougher and rougher to the point that I'd only ride it once when I'd go. I cna't wait to ride now to see the difference.
  11. They said it costed the equivalent of a $1.50 so you were close. I don't think I've ever seen a worse park. It looked like it was closed.
  12. As good as a park Cedar Point is, I'm still hoping, although it seems less likely now, that Anheuser-Busch buys the park. Because as everyone else has said, they landscape beautifully, they theme stuff nicely and keep their theming working, Better Food, They add B&M rollercoasters, and they keep the overall atmosphere of their parks great. But if Cedar Fair does buy the park I hope that they take care of Kings Island like they do for Cedar Point and that they don't just buy it so they won't have to worry about competition. If they do everything like they do at Cedar Point to ings Island, then I guess it won't be bad.
  13. Well I agree that there has been way too many negatie topics lately, and of course a lot of it was true, they're cutting some corners and raising prices to save money, but there has been too much. I have been to the park twice already and I've noticed some of the problems, namely the higher prices (but how could you not), but both of my visits have been great. I love PKI and it's my favorite park but there are a few things that need to be fixed, but of course nothing's perfect.
  14. I don't see the huge problem everyone else is talking about, I think the park is fine, but this makes me mad. They spend a whole lot of money to theme the ride like it is and now they don't use part of the line and I've noticed the line moves slower because of this. I love PKI and think it is being run fine and that it isn't slowly killing itself, but the fact that they are going cheap on a lot of things makes me mad.
  15. Nice Triple Post. But as for me I'm still hoping that Anheuser-Busch buys the park because I think they would do the best job. Or maybe even Universal since their parks are so awesome.
  16. That ride looks unbelievable. i would love to go down and ride it. I hope PKI puts in a big rollercoaster that is just meant to be fast (in speed), long, and fun like Voyage. Without a lot of theming and not a family ride. Unfortunately I don't see it happening anytime soon.
  17. The Beast, not to sound like everyone else but this ride always makes me smile and laugh everytime I'm on it and when I get off. No matter how many times I ride it it always feels different, Some days it feels way faster and more out of control than usual and other days it's more timid. It's long, fast and way back in the woods. Plus you can't beat the night rides. Flight of Fear, Top Gun, Son of Beast, Delerium and Drop Zone all tie for second.
  18. Very Nice Trip Report, I'm glad you had a good time at the park. I was also at the park on Saturday and had a great time. After listening to all the negative things people had been saying I didn't notice anything but the higher prices. Other than that I think the park is doing a great job and if I hadn't known beforehand I would've never guessed the park was for sale just by going. And the employees are great, they get their work done quickly and effectively and the park has been very clean everytime I go. But I agree with you guys, i've had experiences with the employees in the food dept. that aren't exactly diplaying the best work ethic. They just seem bored and annoyed that you are there. But other than a few times when ordering my food and the higher prices, I have no other complaints about anything at the park.
  19. Very Nice Pictures, and I agree the pictures of Top Gun are nice. You can't even tell it needs a paint job.
  20. People just like to complain about the negatives instead of looking at all the great things Paramount has done for the parks. Such as: 1) Giving us a new ride each and every year. 2) Giving us an award winning kids area 3) Top Gun, Flight of Fear, Italian Job, Delirium, Tomb Raider, Son of Beast (I guess that varies from person to person on wether you think SOB is a plus or not, but I personnally think it is a great ride.), etc. 4) The Action Zone and all of its rides 5) They made HUGE improvements on the waterpark in changing it into Boomerang Bay 6) They keep the park clean for the most part. They do a whole lot more than what I just name. We take these things for granted too much.
  21. Nice pictures, I saw the Blue's Skidoo thing running on Saturday, the whole NU are looks great.
  22. ^Well you guys are doing a great job from what I can see so keep it up!
  23. Was it an early ride day?
  24. Delirium13


    I got out to the park for my first time yesterday and had a great time! Me and a friend got droopped off at about 2-ish and went to get our season passes processed. Luckily not many people were there so we only had to wait for about 5 minutes. I was surprsed when they just handed me a season pass had me sign it and that was that, no more picture on the season passes I guess, not that it makes a huge difference but anyways. When we got into the park I did notice the louder music, which I liked, and we headed over to Action Zone to see if Delerium was running but it was closed at the time so we headed over to Face/Off which was also closed. We decided to go to The Beast and had to wait maybe 30 minutes, The Beast is always a great ride and wasn't any different today. We then headed to Vortex, the line was out of the station but the wait was almost 10 minutes, another great ride and it was actually pretty smooth. We stopped at Adventure Express since we were passing it, I hadn't ridden it in a few years and it was fun but the ride pretty jerky and a little rough. Next was Top Gun, about a 20 minute wait, this time around we had just an ok ride, we rode it twice yesterday. While leaving Top Gun, we noticed that Delirium was open so we got into the line and waited about 30 minutes, when we got on I was expecting it to be like it was when they got it running last year, which wasn't that exciting, but I was wrong. From the ride I got yestarday I think it's safe to say that the Delirium of 2003 that we all know and love is back. After Delirium we went and got some Skyline and then headed over to Tomb Raider. a little over a 30 minute wait, but I think it seemed longer because they were just putting people right into the chamber right before the actual ride. Once again a fun ride except when they hang you over the "lava" for more than one reason. We went over to Top Gun again, it could've been a walk on but we wanted to ride in the very front so we waited about 3 trains. Top Gun is so much better when you ride in the very front, I love it. We walked through NU it looks great I didn't even recognize the place. But I couldn't convince my friend that Avatar would be a good ride so I didn't get to ride, but I'll get on it next time probably. We headed towards the Action FX Theater for the Funtastic Hanna Barbera thing. It wasn't bad but I think the motion from the seats wasn't as good as it could've been. Our last ride of the evening was Vortex we rode closer towards the back so we got good airtime on the first hill, but it seemed a bit rougher this time around. I had a great time at the park, and from what I could see the park was spotless with no trash on the ground, the employees were doing a great job, and I didn't notice any cost-cutting, except for the train and Top Gun looks bad. One other thing I noticed was that the speakers, not just for the music, but the speakers that spiels come out of and the employees talk over for the ride were a lot louder I like the music louder but I wasn't to crazy about that. But other than that I just wanted to say thanks to the employees for making my day enjoyable and I can't wait to go out again. Edit: Blue's Skidoo is open and I think the Spongebob water thing is finished. And the only things closed yesterday were Face/Off, Delerium (which reopened), and Son of Beast of course.
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