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Everything posted by Delirium13

  1. The whole area is looking great, nice pictures! Two questions though: How tall is Planktons plunge? and are both sides of the avatar cut-out thing going to be painted?
  2. I actually would rather Anheuser-Busch buy the parks. Because where CF emphasises more on the coasters and PP more on the themes, AB has a nice balance of theming and thrills (Not to mention they theme better, maintain it and the ride itself is very good). Anheuser-Busch has better service than CF and the atmosphere is a lot better. So I hope AB buys te parks rather than CF.
  3. Oh soon you'll know the progress... very soon... keep visiting the site. That sounds very interesting.
  4. The Park has really cleaned up FOF's queue though. But anyways, you can find the vandalism from all the idiots that do it all over the place, for some of it you have to be a little closer. Vandalism makes me sick though. Why can't people just leave other people's stuff alone so other people can enjoy the theming and stuff. And also good job to Combat Stupendous and all the other employees who do their best to stop the vandals from ruining the park.
  5. i wouldnt say i am whining, but i would compare it to record breakers because its at Kings Island, K.I. is not just another Coney Island, its got alot of record breakers, atleast half of their rides have a record, i guess in my book IJST wins the records for slowest rollercoaster, and if i didnt know anybetter i would say that The Beastie feels faster...but speed is something you expect from K.I's rollercoasters so you going to want it to be up to those standards. and for a person to say something like that that loves PKI as much as i do, i would say its one and a million, never in my dizziest dreams would i bash Kings Island but for this particular reason, i do. Not every ride has to break record you know. ah my friend, i didnt say every ride.. Nope. i am still simply comparing it, in my opinion, which is not illegal because it is an amendment, that i dont like it, and that it is something i just cant see coming from PKI.. even though Paramount Put it there, still the fact they took it drives me off the wall, and they took away a clasic ride to put in something that is the same speed practically. I never said you couldn't like it or compare it to other rides. I just think that a ride like the Italian Job shouldn't be compared to record breakers, as you are, because it is not meant one. Once again it is supposed to be a fun ride for the whole family and not a record beaker.
  6. i wouldnt say i am whining, but i would compare it to record breakers because its at Kings Island, K.I. is not just another Coney Island, its got alot of record breakers, atleast half of their rides have a record, i guess in my book IJST wins the records for slowest rollercoaster, and if i didnt know anybetter i would say that The Beastie feels faster...but speed is something you expect from K.I's rollercoasters so you going to want it to be up to those standards. and for a person to say something like that that loves PKI as much as i do, i would say its one and a million, never in my dizziest dreams would i bash Kings Island but for this particular reason, i do. Not every ride has to break record you know.
  7. He never said you were a moron for liking Gemini. I believe he was just calling people who call it a wooden coaster morons.
  8. IJST was added for the whole family to enjoy. It's a smooth and fun ride, but it is too short. But as CombatStupendous said, you shouldn't be whining about the ride not being a huge tall record breaker. And sure some of the theming has gone down hill, but the ride serves its purpose: It's a fun rollercoaster wit some cool special effects that the whole family can enjoy together, and If you don't like it don't ride it and let the people who do enjoy it ride it.
  9. They used to have construction pictures on the GWL site, but I can't find them anymore. Are they gone or am I just looking in the wrong places?
  10. I was getting it yestarday but haven't yet today.
  11. Why on't we all get back on topic. When he said skyline he wasn't referring to the best chili in Cincinnati, he was talking about the look of the building, as in a city skyline. But yes I am also surprised by the size of the GWL. It looks great and should bring in a lot of money for the park.
  12. I don't think its powered throughout the whole ride I think some of it may use gravity. I could be wrong though.
  13. Sorry, I guess I just looked over it when I was typing the names in.
  14. Which is your favorite rollercoaster at Cedar Point? I haven't been to Cedar Point yet and I may go this summer and was just curious which of their rollercoasters you guys like the best.
  15. Why not? I mean coaster is even in the name. Disk'O COASTER-RollerCOASTER
  16. NU is looking great. It's looking very colorful and Avatar and the Phantom Flyers things looks really fun. All the peoplethat complain about the rides being carnival rides should think back to when we found out the park was getting rid of the Flying Eagles, that type of ride can be found at a carnival. And like BoddaH said, it's for the kids. But once again the whole area is looking great. I can't wait for the 14th and nice job on the pictures.
  17. But depending on the buyer they could probably take the ideas and use them to their full potential. What I mean is everyone complains about the overhyping of new attractions, but the new buyer could actually put them on that level.
  18. Nicely said Legend Rider. Some people just like to look at the bad things and make them seem 50x worse than they really are. Paramount has done a lotmore for the park than people give them credit for and people like to ignore all the good that happens and overly complain about the small bad things. So everyone should be thankful for everything Paramount has put into the park and hope that the new owners do a just as good, if not better job.
  19. Speaking of Dirt Clearings, PKI hasn't given us a NU update since Fubruary 28th.
  20. I don't know if this has been posted yet but PGA has the big disc car thing on their Survivor, just to give you a better idea of what Avatar will Look like. -Off Topic- Survivor the Ride is beginning to look pretty nice.
  21. I have also blacked out in the beginning helix on IJ, but it was only for a second and I only felt a little dizy for a minute or two. But on Face/Off I have blacked out more than I do on IJ, but once again it goes away right after i'm out of that spot. For me it's not that serious so I just ride the rides and don't worry about it. I don't think I've ever blacked out on Vortex though, but if I did I'd still ride because it doesn't bother me for more than a few seconds and I don't get a headache or anything afterwards and the rides are too fun.
  22. I personally would like to see Anheuser-Busch or Universal buy the parks. I like how they run their parks, all of them have great atmospheres, rides, shows, and more.
  23. That's sad. Almost everyone of those shows were great.
  24. I like this new skin, its not a big change since I alwasy had the light blue and white one.
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