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Everything posted by Browntggrr

  1. I can only find instances of DNA requirements when it involves a case of a sexual nature- which is COMPLETELY understandable. Perhaps I am looking in the wrong place?
  2. It is true that requirements do vary, but, that does not excuse the disabling of safety devices. I have a difficult time accepting that a ride manufacturer will not include a safety device because a particular ride is being sold to a country (state etc.) that does not monitor ride safety. If the park removed a safety device due to a maintenance reason, they are negligent. If the manufacturer did not include a safety device due to who bought the ride, they are even more negligent.
  3. If a ride operator is able to be given a felony for a mistake, one that is/ was able to be prevented by safety devices, they deserve more money. That will only hurt the guest with higher admission costs. There are no winners here. I also question the "DNA" reasoning. What is that all about?
  4. While the lack of an operator is the most serious issue here, I have to ask, were the safety devices disabled? I don't work on amusement rides, but, I do work on automated machinery. On most of our machines, we have a "load monitor" which will fault out the machine if there is too much/ not enough load on the servo(s). While I have no idea if this particular ride has the same type of safety system, I do find it hard to accept that it wouldn't- along with numerous other safety features (i.e. interlocks for chains on entry/ exits for the ride car itself, interlocks for safety bars etc.)
  5. In the spirit of safety, this was a move that was necessary. Not necessarily. Big Dipper kept skid brakes up until it closed. It was more for the spirit of maintenance than safety. It was absolutely necessary. The current magentic brakes were a direct result of an accident on Beast. Although not a fan favorite, the magnets are able to still be effective in wet conditions. Also, comparing two entirely different coasters is apples and oranges.
  6. There is no doubt about that. Go to Chuck-E-Cheese on a Saturday for first hand knowledge on how some people let their kids act. And the funny thing is, those same parents will blame teachers for the kid's failure in school, but when it comes to discipline, they will also be the first parents to start a lawsuit because their kid was disciplined too harsh. Some kids need a good crack in the a$$.
  7. In the spirit of safety, this was a move that was necessary.
  8. Imagine if many thieves today put as much effort/ thought into making money legally, instead of stealing, what they could actually accomplish.
  9. You said LEG, meaning one leg, so he did have a leg to stand on because only one was broken. Hey! Quit ruining my bad joke!
  10. A guy here in Erie fell from form the roof while stealing copper of a closed Burger King and broke his leg. Needless to say, with the evidence piled against him, he did not have a leg to stand on.
  11. Scrap & precious metal dealers have to account for items purchased from people off the street. This is a law (at least in PA) that was put into effect some time ago to trace possible thefts. I'm sure Ohio has the same type of law. My guess is, these two yahoos used their actual ID when the scrap was sold believing that KI would not find out for quite some time. This law also is to prevent dealers from knowingly purchasing stolen metal as they have to open their books to the authorites when requested. Some info of a recent case that happened locally: http://www.wicu12.co...00489&type=News
  12. So is the 'perfect coaster skirt' short? That could be an intresting sight on some coasters!
  13. Apparently, this show will be at a handful of the SF parks. I wonder if a singing & dancing Jeff Probst will make a surprise visit... http://newsplusnotes.blogspot.com/2011/02/survivor-live-coming-to-six-flags.html
  14. I discussed this here a LONG time ago: Beast trains were originally multi colored (red to green), but, prior to opening day 1979, were painted their current red color due to (don't shoot the messenger, this is what I was told) the brighter colors were able to be seen through the trees losing the "out of control feeling through the woods".
  15. Some other threads with similar discussion: http://www.KICentral.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=22719&st=0&p=403184 http://www.KICentral.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=20222&st=0&p=346124 http://www.KICentral.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=18737&st=0&p=315960 http://www.KICentral.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=18762&st=0&p=316460 http://www.KICentral.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=18159&st=0&p=305540 http://www.KICentral.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=18287&st=0&p=308019 http://www.KICentral.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=14932&st=0&p=243674
  16. ^ My inital reaction with the title: Dang! I thought on the general public started frivolous lawsuits, not enthusiats!
  17. That's a good way to get your car stolen. *facepalm*
  18. I suppose it depends on what you feel the lesser of two evils are. While CP (or KI pre-Paramount) has lost some of the charm we remember, those corporate dollars have also introduced some big money & innoventive rides that some of us crave.
  19. KI is not toying with us as less than a year ago, an article was printed stating SoB would be closed in 2010: http://www.wlwt.com/news/22874809/detail.html And if you want to read more into the quote, the ride would be closed until KI officials feel it is performing at a higher level. Given that no work has been done on the ride, I feel safe assuming SoB will be SBNO for 2011.
  20. SeaWorld prepares to get back in the water with its killer whales http://news.bostonherald.com/news/national/south/view/20110224seaworld_prepares_to_get_back_in_the_water_with_its_killer_whales/srvc=home&position=recent
  21. Cedar Fair’s Loan to Refinance Debt Said to Rise in First Trade http://www.businessweek.com/news/2011-02-23/cedar-fair-s-loan-to-refinance-debt-said-to-rise-in-first-trade.html
  22. Santa Clara Moves To Preserve Funds For 49ers Stadium Project http://www.foxreno.com/news/26962113/detail.html
  23. ^ Getting the steel treatment is an out of touch reality experiment for SoB still being dreamed upon by SoB's hardcore enthusiasts. Yes, TG is getting the "steel treatment". TG was also considered one of the best wood coasters at one time and has not had the numerous issues SoB has had (even though TG is 10 years older). TG's layout is better than SoB's. TG's roi has also exceeded SoB's by such a large number, it is hard to guess what it could be. Then the big question- will the same firm actually want to work on SoB? If the ride is still poor, or has another incident, that firm put their stamp of approval on their work and will have to answer to everyone else in their industry. For the amount of money being spent on TG steel treatment, KI is better off dismanting SoB and constructing a new coaster.
  24. ^ Congrats! You can pick up your KI season pass with exclusive Beast & DB ERT on opening day under: "I lived in the 80's" Thanks for playing!
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