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Everything posted by Browntggrr

  1. I found an article on the same midget wrestlers that will be performing at KI. http://www.dailynort...ation-1.1922358 This article mentions the questionable actions in the ring. It does not mention any crowd issues that happened during or after the event. It should be noted that this event took place at a FRATERNITY RUSH. Now if the frat boys & college kids can control themselves, given the amount of alcohol consumed at a frat party, how can it be speculated KI's event will have crowd issues? EDIT: another, more in-depth article, with an intresting twist: http://www.postandcourier.com/news/2010/may/16/half-pint-brawlers-aim-high/
  2. Given the amount of people that have given information here on the drunk and disorderlies that attend these midget wrestling events, it appears quite a few. That is, unless they are completely speculating the type of crowd and have no clue.
  3. You're right. Someone at Kings Island decided to references two wooden roller coasters from outside the chain that have undergone extensive alterations in the same style as they referenced (after years of silence and pretending it doesn't exist) Son of Beast. They just randomly chose three random roller coasters from around the globe with absolutely nothing in common (oh, except that all three are / were considered among the roughest around, and that all three were "fixed" in way way or another) and stylistically represented them in the same way that they represented Son of Beast at the same event. As I said, it might be a wild goose chase and it may mean nothing. Even if it does mean something, there's quite a range of things it could mean (from being replaced by a steel coaster whose backstory involves being stronger than the Son of Beast, to Iron Horse track, to extensive modification of the track and ride statistics). But don't you ever just look at your posts and go, "I really act like I know everything, don't I? Why am I such a wet blanket?" If you don't think that it means anything, say that and then leave. Your opinion, however "informed" you may think it is, is not fact. If we didn't get excited about little teasers, and hints, and props (even if they are meaningless) this would be a pretty boring place. You immediately come in pretty much laughing and ridiculing us for even considering that there's a chance that this could maybe mean something. It gets us no where, except to make people frustrated and tired of dealing with you. Would you like us to not speculate or have fun with it until the day of an official announcement comes? Right, okay. We'll all just pretend Son of Beast doesn't exist. And we'll all just adapt your opinion that it's awful. And when new members join and stupidly say something about Son of Beast without conforming it to your opinion first, we'll berate them and laugh at how silly they are to think that the park might actually acknowledge that this ride exists and put in a few brainteasers for enthusiasts. And before anyone posts any rumors or thoughts or ideas, they'll private message you to ask if you think it's silly. And if you do, then they'll forget it and leave it behind because if you don't agree or you don't feel like having fun with it and playing around and speculating, then it's not worth any of our time either. Sorry if the truth hurts, but, the tombstones are simply a prop. Just like the "mysterious" dirt pile that showed up. It was just a dirt pile. Attempting to read a hidden message into a tombstone is no different than reading into a horoscope. There is nothing wrong with speculating, as there is nothing wrong with speaking the truth. You want to believe there is some kind of hidden meaning. Go for it. I am at the other end of the spectrum saying it is simply a prop. And what laughing or ridicule was in my post? Are you that sensitive that when a person does not agree with you, it is instant ridicule? If so, I can speculate much ridicule in your future. I am not the type of person to "drink the Kool-Aid" which is exactly what you want. Now for the humorous angle- you claim that I act like I know everything. Well how are my posts any different than yours, with the exception that we disagree? You speculate a claim, and I disagree with it. Big deal.
  4. I cannot believe people are reading this much into the name on a tombstone. There is no ulterior motive. It is simply a prop. What's next? Getting all excited about seeing a dirt pile?
  5. Are you leading us to believe that the HH ticket prices would be less if not for the wrestling event? If not, this is just another attraction the park is putting on and still does not warrent the "quick buck" comment as the park would still make money wrestling or not.
  6. Are you leading us to believe that the HH ticket prices would be less if not for the wrestling event? If not, this is just another attraction the park is putting on and still does not warrent the "quick buck" comment as the park would still make money wrestling or not.
  7. That is a good video. Classy of him not to call anyone out for having an opinion, yet, still get his point across.
  8. It makes me laugh when someone uses "facts" in a way to make a sound decision/ arguement. That said: so it is the park's responsibility (not the parent's) that kids are present during an event that has been advertised as a mature event? -and- Is it now the park's responsibility when a guest is injured due to a known injury/ condition on a ride even though there are warning signs that guests must be in good physical health? I believe it is apparent which bullet point is null and void.
  9. Although incorrect, the same feelings could be said of Pride Night.
  10. I smell a conspiracy here. Perhaps CF executives were "experimenting" a fire on MS with a much bigger goal in mind...
  11. I usually only see those that are completely wasted causing problems. Those "over the limit" are usually just having a good time.
  12. ^ Typically for events like this; the house rakes the money at the door, the event participants & promoters claim the VIP money. Yet, even if KI does take the ringside seat money, how many seats could that possibly be to warrent the statement: "KI is looking to make a quick buck"?
  13. The only upcharge is for ringside, not for the event itself. The other pricing listed is the actual ticket cost to enter the park.
  14. Isn't KI taking a chance with every new ride/ event/ fireworks show? I haven't seen anything that suggests midget wrestling causes drunken brawls. If people sat around all day thinking up the most extreme outcomes to decisions, we would never get out of status quo for fear of what may, or may not happen. And how is KI making a quick buck on this event? Is there an upcharge for the event that I am unaware of?
  15. Actually, it only takes one person to assault another guest. Two guests for a fight to begin. Intoxication has nothing to do with it. Unless, you are now going to claim you have to be intoxicated to fight? How do you know what resources are going to be used for an event that has yet to happen? Along with that, do you actually believe that the promoters for midget wrestling want to have a label of letting a crowd get out of control? As was stated before, the wrestlers/ actors depend on events like this for their livlihood. If these events continuously became out of control, venues like KI would not hire them thus they have no job. They have a greater sense of urgency to stop an altercation than KI does.
  16. The article(s), the first one from Wiki , lead you to believe that a person in a bar drinking-or drinking period- is intoxicated, which is simply not true. Just because a person drinks, does not mean they are drunk. From a rough numbers standpoint: take a football event. If 50,000 people are drinking, I am willing to bet only 500 are actually drunk. That is only 1%. Now if there will be 500 people at the HH wrestling event, that 1% is now 5 people. I'm sure park security, and the promotion security, can handle 5 people. Your second article, is a joke. Of all the events serving alcohol WORLDWIDE, you quote one article. What about all the other events that serve alcohol and there are no issues?
  17. I believe what is happening here is a issue that people have with many things. MF's novelty & "newness" has worn off for some people, just like Beast today compared to 1979. The coaster(s) has been hyped so much from so many people, when someone finally rides it for the first time, they are looking for something new and MF just doesn't have that feeling in 2010 compared to a coaster built recently. That said, MF is as great today as it was in 2000. We are all just used to it now.
  18. So, given the information in your profile that you are 15, how many bar fights have you experienced?
  19. Kings Island is not promoting fighting on park grounds as this is a staged event. Did the park promote daredevil stunts when Robbie Knievel did his event? What would have happened if RK would have made a mistake and crashed? His event was much more real than this one will ever be- blood or no blood. Are you referring to one drink or multiple drinks as alcohol is being served in the park everyday.
  20. Oxymoronic? Intresting.... I always thought HH as a living dead event during a time that a dark sunshine covers the park. So, if I am understanding your point (and please, correct me if I am wrong)- It is ok to allow teens into the park that have already been unruly to other guests given the marketing stratagies of CF and the fear of an attendance fallout. -But- KI should not try an event, for the first time, marketed for adults for fear of what kind of: attitude, guests, or attendance figures it will bring to the park. Now please don't take my example the wrong way. I am in no way endorsing that teens are not allowed into the park, but simply bringing up issues that I have seen personally and have also been talked about at KIC for many years with no practical solution.
  21. Oh, I took your comments that you have first hand experience with these types of wrestling events, only to find out, you don't. My family & I have been disrespected numerous times at different parks by teenagers who insist on smoking, line jumping, running through the park, and being in off-limit areas. Given your unexperienced criteria of what type of people attend these events, do you also suggest to not allow all teenagers into the park without parental supervision? No. I am also not going to take my kids to a rated "R" movie as neither event is advertised for kids.
  22. So you have attended events like this and have personally witnessed spectators acting out what is on stage? How terrible. Where and when did this happen?
  23. Very true, and I enjoyed your thoughts. When a sterotype is tagged to something, people will often specifically look and seek out that specific sterotype. This event, given the attitude of many posters, has the potential to become negative no matter what happens. It is quite possible that this sterotype can be attributed to 10 people in a crowd of 1000 (as with any large crowd, there is always the possibility of an incident happening) only because people want to believe and are specifically looking out for the negative reference- this event will be considered terrible and shed a negative light on the park. I am amazed that the event has not happened yet, is already tagged as being a bad thing, and KI fans will refuse to enter the park. Drinking the Kool-Aid has certainly worked here. Now if this event does sour HH overall, I will have no problem agreeing that it was a bad idea. I just like to have an open mind and see the event for myself before passing judgement. On a side note: comparing midget wrestling to porn? Really? Talk about going to an extreme to shove an opinion down people's throats....
  24. I find it intresting that most people obviously do not attend these wrestling events, but know: what kind of people do, know that those people will cause vandalism, will be drunk and disorderly, and should be considered/ called "white trash". Wow. The stereotypes contained in this thread are endless. And like many people find this event over the top and disgusting, I find these uneducated sterotypes worse. The YouTube video was produced for a shock reaction, much like ESPN's SportsCenter everynight- you only see the "highlights". The entire event will not be like the video- just like the highlights on SportsCenter are not the only things that happen in a game. The video showed the "worst" of the "worst".
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