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Everything posted by Browntggrr

  1. CP will find another spot for those employees. They park goes through employees at a great rate.
  2. I was wondering the same thing. The timing is weird given the amount of time between now & opening day, and since we had such a mild winter, they could have taken it down at almost any given week.
  3. Nice find! That could very well be the video I remember (or don't remember ).
  4. Long waits do not necessarliy mean high ridership.
  5. There was a suspended looping coaster was tried, and I assume, failed. There is a video taken many years ago of an Arrow "test" suspended coaster that did loop and corkscrew. Figures that I cannot find/ or remember where I saw the video.
  6. This is unfortunate, but not exactly surprising. WC has suffered two incidents in 5 years. It does not mean those incidents led directly to today's press release, but I believe it was considered as part of the decision. I am surprised about the last sentence given the current trend of a more family atmosphere. Sure, it does not mean any guarantee of massive coasters, but it will certainly fuel speculation (as if enthusiasts needed more fuel ).
  7. Thats sounds really healthy! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YZ9Yy3NgABY
  8. I'm surprised they have not made up a Smartphone App yet for Disney or Universal regarding FP. .
  9. http://attractionsmagazine.com/blog/2012/04/30/disney-and-universal-to-begin-testing-the-next-version-of-their-skip-the-line-passes/
  10. From DDN in 2011: http://www.daytondailynews.com/news/dayton-news/kings-islands-halloween-haunt-now-open-weekends-1256094.html IMO, KI should not allow guests under 16 without parent supervision for the HH hours. The event is for mature audiences, and the appropriateness of many of the "skits" have been discussed (beat to death) here (KIC).
  11. I didn't realize there was a problem with discussing what positive changes could be made by comparing it to an established system at a similar chain that works. Where did you get that from?
  12. That is really nice and brings back tons of memories.
  13. ^ Did you ever use the pass at SFWoA? In 2001, they used a half sheet of paper to write down which rides FL was used on and there was no seperate line. SF has since learned what works better for their parks. CF's is still in it's infancy stage. If the program proves to be worthwhile, it would be foolish to believe positive changes would not be made.
  14. About as logical as thinking that the more money a business makes the more money is put back into said business...the shareholders don't see it that way. CF obviously reinvests in their parks or we would never see any additions or improvements to any park. If money is limited, you would not see anything new.
  15. ^^ I believe a patent was filed for their exact system (engineering technical design etc.) preventing others from using the same intellectual property. But I don't see how another park can be prevented from offering free fast pass/ lane.
  16. ^ Is comparing one of the most sought out family vacation destinations worldwide (argueably) and a seasonal amusement park even close to being on the same level?
  17. ^ I did not read it that way, but that could just be me. Forum translations..... If that is the case, it brings up other questions; i.e.-should the guest that chooses not to partake in Xtreme Skyflyer have a less positive customer service experience than one who does?
  18. His flux capacitor is better than yours!
  19. Whether I agree with FL or not, why is it a merchant's responsibility to make sure all guests have the same experience? If I have the option of paying more, I deserve more (i.e. the previously mentioned first class seating). I have not seen where KI has guaranteed the same guest experience for everyone paying for park entry. I have not seen many comments in the TR for opening weekend concerning FL. Anyone have any thoughts?
  20. SoB is only "collapsing" from FD, not AE. Nice TR! Other than you mentioned, any thoughts on FL?
  21. I have heard the renovations/ updates are intended to compete with Universal's addition of Harry Potter. The pics/ definitions don't seem as attractive....
  22. That and complete incompetance. There are easy ways of not burning others while partaking in a calming cancer stick.
  23. I cannot believe there are complaints about color of rides. Next there will be complaints about the lack of trees... oh, wait.....
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