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Everything posted by upstop

  1. ^^ One of the best teen movies ever made - it still even represents a microcosm of teenage life with just about every teen group represented. I loved the John Hughes movies of the 80's.
  2. Update: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2014/08/05/star-wars-disney-parks_n_5653067.html
  3. I wish our mazes were at that quality...those look and sound so cool.
  4. Voo Doo - Wow choose your own route....I like! Tooth Fairy - disturbing, could be borderline disgusting...yikes! Wow, using video mapping too..I'm impressed! Trapped - Lock and Key, not much info - but sounds pretty scary to be trapped in horror. 25 minutes long? That's torture! mawhahahaha!!!! Special Ops- Infected - missions to kill zombies....wow how fun is that? Hmmm....regular passes don't work at Scary Farm? Wonder if that's a sign of the times? The folks out west are lucky this year, sounds like a scary good time!
  5. I have "please stand by" edit streaming just started....try again.
  6. Prior to Paramount, gum was all over everything, including trees in WWC. Nothing like grabbing onto a gummy handrail. Now if they can only curb the spitting.
  7. I hope it comes back with a far out lighting package like WindSeeker and a new name. Anyone want to guess what it might be renamed, if it is renamed?
  8. The coding device is out in the open. It should be in a cubby hole big enough for the customer, and turned to the side so the customer has their back to one wall while facing the device. Then the device should be fully encased in a box with a hinged cover over it to conceal the keypad. Or they could/should convert to a fingerprint/wristband device.
  9. My friend and I practically knocked each other down trying to get to Galaga to play it....LOL
  10. It always was no open flame fires or grilling (for obvious reasons) but I think the guard has some wires crossed on no eating in the parking lot....unless rules have changed....
  11. This is cool.... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=weZrqrN9Jp0 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=673R9tE9c9o
  12. Do you want it? I can get it for you. I'm sure it's all over YouTube....LOL
  13. Terp is right. Those times (60's) were probably the most turbulent of times for America, not totally unlike today. We definitely need to read and live by the words of the song now for sure! It's a world of laughter, A world of tears. It's a world of hopes And a world of fears. There's so much that we share, That it's time we're aware, It's a small world after all. There is just one moon, And one golden sun. And a smile means, Friendship to every one. Though the mountains divide, And the oceans are wide, It's a small world after all. Chorus: It's a small world after all. It's a small world after all. It's a small world after all. It's a small, small world.
  14. It's all good. I plan on going to BGT for Christmas Town....fun fun fun!!!
  15. ^^ True. You can't beat the price, and it has potential to be something big down the road if this was a success. Based on the crowd that was waiting to go in, I think it was pretty successful.
  16. I don't understand the rush, but I guess they have their reasons, just seemed kind of anti-climatic to a decent evening of entertainment. I think a single conga-line of people with guides throughout the trail would have been sufficient with a head guide and a tail guide to round up the group. It also seemed like the volume of growls was turned down as well. To be frank, the best part was the smores...yummy yum yum yum!!!! I had a Hershey and a Reese's....I left the area, with sticky sweetness all over my face and hands.....ah heaven.
  17. I went Saturday. It was great for kids but kind of "meh" for adults. Every child was given a flashlight, so....I had flashlights in my eyes throughout the entire trail. Our tour guide was in a super hurry turning our Dino's After Dark into the Dino's 5k Run in the Dark There were thirty or so people in our group and she was so far ahead that she was turning on the dinos but before we could get there, then they quit moving. In actuality, we couldn't hear her at all...in fact, we heard "Wah wah wha wha wha wha wha". Then we rushed through the smores like lightning and to the exit. Interesting but hardly worth 3 dollars (for an adult) in my opinion, unless you have little ones and it was "awesome, Dad" as one kid exclaimed.
  18. I think Knoebles has the scariest....gas powered eagles....and there are trees with the branches skimmed off from the bottoms of the cars nipping them. Nothing like flying at 40mph within inches of trees. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2oQUzJ54h6I
  19. ^^ Agreed. You are off your seat from the initial drop to the bottom of the hill on Vortex...fun fun fun!
  20. Bring back general admissions prices and bring back the A,B,C,D, and E tickets and be done with all this blather. DW has completely out priced and outsized itself in my book and I don't care to have a virtual Mouse plan and monitor my every move while I'm on vacation. It's BGT and then SeaWorld for me from now on. Plus BGT is minutes from a free beach.
  21. If it rains, I hear it's supposed to be over around 9pm.
  22. Actually (the other arcade), the storage room behind "Wack-a-mole" was used and you entered in front of the Break A Plate game. You entered through the door on the right when facing the game. There was a Mummy attraction and later a mummy/vampire attraction for Fearfest. You might even still see green/black paint or tape on the ground headed to the door. I haven't looked since the repaving of Coney Mall.
  23. Congratulations to her!!!! However, she may be the 100,000,000th rider....but I've ridden Racer at least 100,000,000 times....
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