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Everything posted by markr

  1. ^CP doesn't allow basketballs in the line queues. I'm surprised KI hasn't adopted this policy since Cedarfair took over.
  2. Rivertown not just because of Beast and DB but I also think it is the nicest part of the park as well as the coolest. On a hot day, the rest of the park is like an oven, I think, because of the blacktop. I think the new paving in Rivertown keeps that section cooler.
  3. I thoroughly enjoyed Shoot the Rapids. The only drawback in my opinion is that it really cannot be enjoyed in the cooler weather during the fall and sometimes early May . And we don't know for sure that the ride is going to be a Starflyer ( or whatever you call it.) It just seemed possible from the clues but you know how they can totally throw you off. ( Remember a ride called Mustang, ie Ride, Sally, Ride?)
  4. My thoughts and prayers for your grandmother.
  5. *gasp* Oh, wow... I wonder how they found out that she actually did work at the park... no, she he wouldnt... but she must have... wow. I guess the attendant asked her and she admitted to it. I thought it was pretty stupid of her in the first place to say to us she worked at the park as an excuse to cut in line. I must say we did get a nice laugh out of that.
  6. I've got a great one. Last month, my friend and I were waiting in the DB queue. I young girl behind us says "excuse me " in a real sarcastic tone. We ignore her. She says "excuse me " again. My friend asks what she wants and we hear the usual, wants to catch up with her friends. My friend calmly explains to her the prohibition against cutting in line. She responds, believe it or not, " I work here." She ends up getting ahead of us and catching up with her "friends" ( Like Angie, I use that term loosely since, I agree, real friends would wait for you before getting in line.) At the station, we told the ride attendant that this girl cut in line and claims to work at the park. It turned out that this girl did work at the park in food service. I think the attendant called her supervisor. We saw that she was not allowed to ride. As to any disciplinary action, we don't know what happened. As far as I am concerned she should have been fired.
  7. I remember the line jumping situation being bad during both the Paramount and the CBS years. During the Paramount years the midways used to be a mess on crowded days because they rarely filled up the line queues for such busy rides as Beast-they would let the lines snake out all the way to the midways even on crowded Saturdays. I recall that making the line cutting situation worse. Maybe my memory is fuzzy but I recall enforcement of line cutting policy being very lax during those years.
  8. ^One of the few times I have to disagree with you, Terpie. I remember line jumping under Paramount's KI being just as bad if not worse than under current management.
  9. As I recall, Raptor didn't start construction until Fall 1993 and opened on time in May, 1994. To me this would mean there is ample time to build perhaps a B & M dive coaster. On the other hand, I was also thinking of the Cedar Point logo on Facebook with the year 1870. There is a lot of buzz about a wave swinger. There was a swinger ride in Lake Erie in the early days of CP. Perhaps the year 1870 hints at nostalgia-that would back up a swinger ride. Just a thought.
  10. When someone after going through all the DB queues jumps into the single rider line when the single rider line is to the bottom of the stairs, I don't say anything but laugh to myself at the goofball for being stupid enough not to realize he just made his wait longer. I don't say anything to the ride attendant because I think the longer wait is punishment enough.
  11. Many of you will probably disagree with me but I think the biggest mistake you can make is to verbally confront the line jumper-you may be risking a physical confrontation which is a risk of yourself or someone else getting injured or yourself being ejected from the park for fighting-no ride is worth it. I think the best way to handle the situation is to say nothing until you get to the ride station, then quietly tell a ride associate and let them handle it. Unless you have a witness willing to back you up, however, there is probably nothing that can be done. Line jumping in my opinion is a problem that will only be solved by putting security/police in the line queues. Saturday 7/31 was a particularly horrible day for line cutting. I expressed my concerns to Greg Scheid, the park general manager. The next weekend, I did notice that there was security posted at the DB area- I don't know if my complaining had anything to do about it. My conclusion: The more that we demand of the top brass that they take line jumping as a serious security issue, the greater the chance of action being taken. Talk to any supervisor you can find and tell them your feelings-you don't have to yell, just talk to them.
  12. I may be wrong but I think El Toro reached its 1 millionth rider for the season, not all around.
  13. Nice TR. Do agree with you about Voyage-gave me a headache too but I think it will improve once timberliners are in. Even though Voyage may not be my fav, still think HW is a wonderful park-its about the whole package, not just the coasters.
  14. Congratulations. Hope to reach my 1000th this weekend.( Am at 938.) I'm still going to keep counting.
  15. Highly recommend a couple mom and pop operations: The Seacrest Motel in Sandusky, just a few miles from CP, has inexpensive, clean rooms with a heated pool. The proprieter, Vicky, is a doll. Also recommend The Plantation Motel in nearby Huron, Ohio, just about 10 miles from CP. Also clean, inexpensive rooms with a pool and right on the lake. Huron is really a beautiful community, a lot nicer than Sandusky. Although I have never stayed there, have heard great things about the Maple Motel, which is located on Route 6 right near the back entrance of CP.
  16. Nice trip report. I assume that you went on those rides before eating. ( lol. )
  17. ^Considering that DB reached its 1 millionth rider last year,its first season. That tells me that either El Toro ( which by the way is my fav woodie.) either has lousy capacity or has had a lot of mechanical problems or both.
  18. Whatever the real reason for turning the back-racer forward, it is nostalgic for me as I grew up with both racers going forward.
  19. I think children especially will exaggerate waits, God love them. If you are a child, any amount of time in line will seem like an eternity.
  20. Yesterday I did a little experiment and waited for The Beast during a peak time on a super-crowded day. The wait was posted at 90 minutes and the line was a little out to the midway. They were just starting to fill up the back queue house-the second queue house and station queues were filled. I got in line at 3:24PM. Total wait? 50 minutes, 40 minutes under the posted wait. In my opinion, just an example of how line waits are over-estimated. People probably saw the sign that The Beast was a 90 minute wait and didn't want to wait in line and told others it was a 90 minute wait. The only way to know for sure the wait times is to actually wait in the line.
  21. ^Ironically, it seems like KI has gotten rid of more old rides while CP has preserved most of them.
  22. While I love CP, I also love KI. KI is a part of my city's history and heritage, ie a continuation of Coney Island and I wouldn't have it any other way.
  23. I'm with you...there is no problem, it's a hobby. I'm tired of reading comments from snarky people about this. It's time to grow up and stop being so dang on critical of something someone does, it's not your life so get over it. As several people have said Gary is one of the most humble people I know. Get to know the guy before you even say anything about how he's going around parading. I'm sorry but Gary is a guy I look up to because of his life and things he has taught me it really irritates me when people are so critical of him. Right on, Diamondback CMH. ( And may I add that you and the rest of the DB crew are absolutely awesome?)
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