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Everything posted by IBEW_Sparky

  1. And a Cedar Point Season pass is $105 for next year, with a Platinum remaining at $164.
  2. For Millie to get number one, and Diamondback to get number 10 (a ranking that NEITHER deserve by a long shot), and I305 to not even be IN the top 10 is absolute proof beyond shadow of a doubt these awards are skewed at best. As if that wasnt clear enough evidence.... Wild Eagle best new amusement park attraction for 2012? REALLY?? The only two I agree with, are Holiday World getting Cleanest park, and El Toro blasting Voyage for best Wooden Coaster. That ride hasnt deserved number 1 status for at least 2 years, and its retracking this year doesnt redeem it to that status in my opinion. Now, for as someone as Pro Holiday World as I am to say that, says something. Terpy said it best in the previous few days when discussing something related to the GT Awards when he mentioned the amount of advertising dollars spent in Amusement Today magazine. To look at this list, and say the amount of money a company spends in that rag DOESNT mean anything, would be nothing less than foolish. What baffles me is that, with CF being the conglomerate that SPENDS said money, they didnt "persuade" the GT Committee to place I305 in the Number 1 category as opposed to Millie.
  3. Join GOCC, they do Holiday Parties, with (usually) tours within the closed parks that the parties are held at. 2010 was Cedar Point (I got some GREAT photos during that one), last year was KI, and this year is Cedar Point again.
  4. Yes, we had multiple Beast and DB rides with lighting as a sweet backdrop, it was GREAT.
  5. With all due respect... are you serious??? Come on, if the park offered 50% off every time the rides closed for a lightning event (they close for lightning within X miles, NOT just rain) Cedar Fair would be broke. The coasters were closed for a total of 15 minutes.. no more, no less.... and did so only ONCE during the event. I was there.
  6. It was a beautiful Service, and it was no surprise to me to see the parking lot, and the church, overflowing with people who's lives Keith touched at some point or another. I will re-iterate what I said to a few of us who spent time together afterwards to be support for one another, when I say that: A)41 is WAY too young to die. B)As nice, and humble a Man Keith was, He was likely looking down upon the full church during the Service and said "Wow, I truly didnt know I had that many Friends and people who I meant so much to".
  7. Dont forget about this one... http://illicitohio.illicitohio.com/illicitohio/disneypop.html
  8. As I was reading this again, I noticed the comment about BLSC being a "triple launch coaster". I will give you one (the launch out of the station) and two (the launch out of the helicopter scene)... but where is number three? I want to see if it exists/ I can feel it when Im there Friday evening.
  9. Glad you had fun on your trip. I very honestly cannot understand how a person can ride a coaster 8,066 times (or more... why) that I swear I could fall asleep on, and call Mille over-rated. I guess I am one who is captured by raw speed (Millie) and adrenaline (TTD). Thats probably why my #1 steel is I305 (speed AND adrenaline... 58 seconds of "HOLY S*** MY MIND CANT KEEP UP).
  10. I contemplated creating a Post of this type, but hesitated, mainly because I was having a hard time finding words that fit. I first met Keith at HolliWood Nights 2010, and quickly became Friends with Him throughout the weekend. He genuinely is one of the best Men Ive ever had the Honor of knowing, and my Heart goes out to His Wife and two young Sons. The textbook example of the phrase "Only the good die young". One of the best, and taken far too soon.
  11. But you see, Terp, its all in the delivery. Your demeanor and the way You present Yourself in person, makes it genuinely believable, as opposed to the GP and how they present things. You remind me of E.F. Hutton when we interact at a park. If people ARENT listening to You... or properly interpreting what You say... they should be.
  12. Hey Brad, dont forget about the "400 foot giga" that the incredibly informed man told you KI is building for 2013. Le sigh
  13. When I noticed that they removed every bit of DT besides the metal box with the 12E, I was hoping they would use that as a surprise, unannounced fly-through element of Gatekeeper. It would have been a nice little addition, while at the same time sticking with the "nostalgia" shtick that was met with such fanfare the year that Racers trains were turned around.
  14. Its because he is probably related to Mr. Six, and doesnt like his topics being discussed on a forum affiliated with Cedar Fair
  15. My main problem with it (other than riding in that vehicle in summer heat and bouncing around and into other patrons I dont know and wish not to have body contact with) is that it reminds me of a certain person's "People gotta eat" philospophy.
  16. As I was reading the article, I saw that at least one person had the same concerns I did when I started reading the article. There are at least some, as was made clear within, that would prefer NOT to spend the additional money to gain admission to the theme park. While this may possibly bring new customers into the park, I turly dont think it will make up for the potential customers lost by eliminating the option of allowing them to drive through the wildlife area as they have been for 38 years. Also, how many will pass simply due to having to leave the comfort of their own vehicle's climate control system? I am absolutely positive that the thought of sitting in an un-air conditioned 4x4 in the summer heat will distract more than a few from partaking.
  17. Just bought my ticket, see you all at rope drop next Friday night
  18. I wish they would have had this on Dragster last year, to capture mine and Brad (Indyguy4KI)s first ever ride. I bought the pics, but a vid would have been epic, given our facial expressions in the photo LOL.
  19. Since my trip last Friday fell apart about half way to the park, Im definitely 100% going to be at Pride. I want a night Beast ride, and to say that weekends at a park and I dont agree with each other, is like saying a mongoose has a slight problem with a Cobra. In other words, being at a park with 3000-ish fun people, who are a part of the same community as I, is my kinda fun night
  20. Thats easy to answer, Keith. It would look like this! http://cache.rcdb.com/emav5s1ifo005c93s568jg.jpg
  21. Go up on the Eiffel Tower, and look over towards the helix. Behind it, you will find a boneyard contaning the old tram cars.... I bet you find something else there that may satisfy your curiosity.
  22. My one question about this ride, especially considering where its at, is why they stopped at 170' with a 163' drop, and a top speed of 67mph. Though it will still get the records with those stats, I am amazed that CP didnt go at least 180 for a more intense feeling right off the lake, and try for 75-80mph. EDIT: To stop the comments right now, I am NOT some "thoosie" who isnt satisfied when it comes to this. I am a hobbyist, it geuinely makes no difference to me beyond sheer curoisity/thought, and I in NO way said it isnt going to be a very good ride as-is. Of course I will still enjoy it, I am simply a speedfreak and Love as much as I can get at all times.
  23. "A notable feature of Bolliger & Mabillard roller coasters is the box-section track. The running rails are connected to a box-section spine, instead of the circular spine used by other manufacturers. When a train travels around a box-section track, it creates a distinctive roaring sound, which is unique to this style of track. However, on some Boliiger & Mabillard roller coasters, such as Talon at Dorney Park & Wildwater Kingdom, the tracks filled with sand to reduce this noise.[28]" While this information was C and Ped from Wiki, the information was initially gathered from "Talon Review" on americacoasters.com... as is stated in note 28.
  24. Did anyone happen to offer an explanation as to WHY they made the decision to eliminate one of the most beautiful sounds on all Earth by filling the tracks with sand????
  25. Dont lecture me about contractors, I AM a Contractor, so its not "exactly that". Terp, I know what you are saying, and I understand, but believe me we know far well enough in advance about jobs... especially ones of this magnitude... to be able to reasonably say "The work will start on or AROUND X date". Furthermore, I dont "care" enough to even consider driving to this park every day for any reason, especially this! I also understand, Terp, about things that may need to be done before commencement of said job. Again, what Im saying is, transparency will eliminate the foolish rumors that we all dislike and Love to pound into the ground. THAT, is the point. Sorry, taking care of two posts in one, so I dont double post.
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