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Everything posted by TheKlockster

  1. Ohio Revised Code § 1711.551. Duty of rider to heed warnings and directions and avoid unsafe behavior. (A) No rider shall fail to do any of the following: (1) Heed all written warnings and directions that require a person to meet certain conditions or to refrain from certain actions regarding an amusement ride, as determined by rule by the director of agriculture; (2) Refrain from behaving or acting in any manner that may cause injury or contribute to injuring himself or other people while occupying an amusement ride. Now according to what I read on Pointbuzz - it is illegal in Ohio for a rider to have their hands up on a coaster (if the park says you have to keep them down). PKI does direct you to "keep hands and arms inside the vehicle at all times". So for all you coaster fanboys out there - no more hands free rides! This is the same law that says that On Ride Photography is illegal. And before anyone says anything - I FOUND IT!
  2. I designed all the graphics for the IJ skin - and even I switched back to the IPB default Blue/White skin after a month. I didn't like it. But then again I am my hardest critic. I call this new one - the Fairly Odd Skin.
  3. You beat me to it! Ah. There for a while I was wondering if your first name rhymed with Heff and your last name rhymed with Teabert.
  4. But I bet you used to... I have a feeling...
  5. Theres two holi water towers? That is a cool overview of the park. I am more interested with the rest of it than that new crap at the top though.
  6. I love that photo! I wish I was there! Look how dead it is. And observe that there is a train on the side track. That means theyre running two trains - only 2/3 the capacity - and they are STILL dead! That would be an excellent time to marathon Vortex! Oh and the girl driving the ride is awesome! I kind of hope the park is closed. Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe comes out on Easter, on DVD.
  7. LOL Yeah. BEING BUILT. There aren't exactly Giant Top Spins operating all over to compare ours to. I obviously can't go into any deatail on here - but I asked someone who helped design the ride about that - and he said that "extra weight" would not really affect anything if the program was different. Almost everyone else I have talked to disagrees - but I am going to stick with what this guy said. We will find out once this new Giant TopSpin starts running, with a HUSS designed program - and runs beautifully.
  8. Yeah extremely old news. When Jeff first found out about the movie - which was at least six months ago - we both researched it and found out that it is the Vekoma at Playland. But good job I guess...
  9. Yeah you could. You could never run Tomb Raider with one operator. But if I bought my own Giant Topspin - I could set it up to run with one operator. The operator would just sit in the control room, the people get on, pull down their restraints. Once all the restraints are locked and checked (by the computer) then I would push the button and the ride would start. In reality - this would never be done - especially at a big park like PKI. I am just saying that if some Joe Schmoe bought a Giant TopSpin - they could set it up to be run with one operator. It wouldn't be very safe though...
  10. If you didn't have the show - you would have a ride program that would be more "typical" for a TopSpin. It would be faster - since the ride would build up more speed by constantly moving, rather than stopping at the bottom - going for the top - stopping at the top, dropping back to the bottom. Also it would pretty much be constant swinging with some swings resulting in flips. As far as the painful part - yeah you got me there.
  11. If you didn't have the special show and all that, guests were extremely efficient in loading and unloading, and you used the computer to check bars rather than physically checking each bar - then it could be possible. You could run it with just one operator!
  12. Oh I thought you were saying these were special designed rides for parks or something. Yeah they will be mounted differently - to be more permanent. But I am saying there are carnival versions that are identical to ours - just have different bases.
  13. What is a weight sync problem? You assume because one end of the gondola is left empty that the problem is weight. Do you think the engineers at HUSS would design a ride heavier on one side? It would not be a sound design - and nobody would drop 10 million dollars for it. Basically it is a combination of things. The first factor can be seen on the HUSS website. Check out the tech specs page for the Giant TopSpin. Look closely and you might see it. The second factor is the way that ours is run. And HelixSprial - ours is not the only one. There is another one being built in China.
  14. juggs! LMFAO! Hey there! Joe - the rides can be mounted permanently or temporarily. We are mounting ours permanently. That does not mean that they are not carnival rides. You can find skaters just like Avatar that can be packed up in an hour or so - to be moved to the next carnival. So yeah WooferBear is right you are wrong. The rides are in fact carnie rides.
  15. Just watch all these fanboys show up and not be admitted.
  16. LMAO! What is an idot? Best bet is to buy them from PKI. Some of the tickets you find online are the Seasonial Associate Benefit tickets - in which case those are illegal. They cannot be sold.
  17. You are wrong thier it is a wieght snyc problem. You are wrong. Giant TopSpins can be run amazingly. Ours is not. That does not mean they are not capable of it. There are a lot of people on this site that know a lot more about PKI and the rides than you do.
  18. It would be cool - but I don't think youll ever see that Delirium thing built. I know Century OCT in Beijing has a Giant Frisbee - and someone said they are getting a Giant TopSpin. It is a brand new park being built from scratch.
  19. Pizza, Pop, and Grrrrrrrrravy! A fedora and bull whip. Thats either Indiana Jones and the ACErs of the lost park - or a really demented pr0n film. Yeah I think it will be alot of fun - if the public attends. Surely there won't be that many ACErs there that they can't invite the public.
  20. Yeah - everyone as in the general public - and not just acers from other regions. I wonder what kind of yummies theyll have at the buffet? It only costs 8 bucks?
  21. Have you even confirmed that non ACErs are allowed to attend this? Remember that you found out about it through the ACE flyer - a flyer intended for ACErs.
  22. I never applied online. I just showed up to Casting Productions one day and the rest is history.
  23. Well it would still be a wood coaster if it was wood track. Now what would it be if you used a wood type track made out of some kind of composite?
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