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Everything posted by IndyGuy4KI

  1. Terpy, who has me and probably someone else confused again, not that it takes much for me.
  2. Maybe you can create groups that we can sign up for daily updates, and then a group for major/important updates that you have been sending? Time of day is not important in my opinion. If you signed up for the service you should expect to get a text at any time, and silence your phone when appropriate.
  3. New for 2025 Son of Beast gets a loop. New for 2026 The Racer get a backwards train. Wait a minute......
  4. Dont forget to take the quiz while there as well... Quiz!
  5. I always leave my glasses in the car. I am okay without them until it comes to going to a food joint and trying to read the menu. A lot of squinting and funny looks to see what I want to eat...
  6. No loop, that is the answer. IndyGuy, who just had to...
  7. Very nice find. I agree, that is what made Son of Beast special. Some things are just not meant to be I guess.
  8. I thought they did not have friend day last year? I know if they did I missed taking someone...
  9. I thought the same thing Giga... I only run, (walk quickly) to get on the next coaster in the park.
  10. The new cars are shorter than the old ones, so I am wondering if they could have removed a car or 2 off the old trans and been ok as far as weight and making the loop? I am guessing not since they spent the money replacing them, but just a thought!
  11. The writer did write a lot more on the Indiana parks than SFKK and KI's portion. I realize this is the INDY Star not ACE writing the article. I would say the introduction of Diamondback is a lot more news worthy that IB's free park admission this year, but I might be partial to KI. I will say though, IB is where I rode my first coaster (Galaxy) after being drug up to it by my parents with me crying and screaming. I got off and rode it again. I still really enjoy the park.
  12. It hope to see some grass poking through the straw they laid down on opening day. I think the splash down will be a sight to see (not that it's not now) once there is some color in the area!
  13. Sort of true, these two Wilsons were always hiding from what was about to be blown up...
  14. OK, I am trying to figure out the difference between a Hyper and a Giga. Please correct me if I am wrong here, but it looks like they are height measurements. Hyper - Steel coater above 200' Giga - Steel coater above 300' Indyguy, still learning..
  15. I love the logo and its texture, but in the picture it does not seem to fill the sign up. Might be an illusion, but it makes it feel like something is missing? Anyone else feel that way?
  16. I also worry about that as well, but do keep in mind that the hourly capacity is 1,620. If you have been able to see it testing, it appears the second train starts to move into the station before the first train is completely on the lift. Also, with no seat belts to check, that ought to help as well. Let's keep our fingers crossed.
  17. Have you ever seen anyone win that game? We passed by on numerous occasions and even some of the most muscular people couldn't win! The average score seemed to be between 70-80 points no matter who played. My father-in-law has won it before. He is not a muscle man either, he just stated you have to hit it in the right spot? I have no experience for I have expressed my feelings on the games before and will leave it at that.
  18. It does not look to me like they have placed the queue railing in yet? What do you think? I could be wrong since I found out the day I was looking at a lamp post not a building structure!
  19. I just say my name at the top of the list for posters today, but didn't think that was possible since this is my 4th post of the day. I guess it keeps a running total over the last 24hr time period. Hum, interesting.
  20. Maybe they are painting those eyes on the front and want coverage from the wind?
  21. Looks like a train is being pulled out of the station for some possible testing today. Sorry, I did not get a pic of it before it switched views. I am surprised they are testing in this cold, but I guess they proabbly need to "test" in the cold, for they may have to run in these temps sometime in the season.
  22. I don't know about others, but I think we aught to change to a positive mood in here and get back to the topic? It looks like Terpy is in the lead right now with 12 posts for the day.
  23. Yes, we are getting quite spoiled with the gas prices right now. I really hope they stay quite low through the summer. I know it slowed me down on making the 2 hr drive over last summer.
  24. I will say though, it is fun when you hit a certain number of posts like for me 50, 100, and 200. Lot's of people comment about that all the time, but I don't intentionally post to add to my post count, it is just cool when you see it up there. I do not care however how many posts per day.
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