To the topic of the queue line for Vortex, I don't like currently how there is a iron fence off to the side of the midway, I'd rather see switchbacks. I always see people confused where the enterance to the line is for Vortex because the fence kind of blends in. I'd like to see switchbacks, closer to the "queue house" enterance (up the stairs). They'd take up less space, if there were 2-4 switchbacks and would allow for less confusion. Just my opinion on that fact.
As for WindSeeker and that area of Coney, I'm wondering how the platform, loading and unloading will look.
Just thinking out loud here, please feel free to offer your opinions, will the only concrete be the octagon? Where will the operating booth be? Where will the queue lines be? Where will the lights be? Etc. Tons of questions in my mind about this but just wondering!