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Everything posted by shark6495

  1. It has cut down on my game playing significantly. Previously I wouldn't really think about the money I spent on a game. Now I think do I really want to spend money and more so after losing im willing to quit quicker Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  2. I agree whole heartedly. I was using that as a reference of why, maybe, the no swimming sign wasn't enough. If I saw a no swimming sign but saw people out on the water earlier I wouldn't think it would be for any other reason than maybe boating traffic. As in "oh yeah it says no swimming well that makes sense there are so many boats". Open water like that always worries me. We hated life Guarding a man made lake with terrible visibility and no life threatening creatures. Just too much can go wrong Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  3. If i can never hear another spieler again it would be perfectly fine. I have hated every single one except for one at that was years ago on TTD. He wasn't driving he was checking restraints and in between trains he would calmly and quickly tell you what you need to do and what to expect (I don't remember exactly what it was but it was something like please sit and secure your safety bar, when the coaster Is ready keep your head back and hands down we won't run if they are not). Also if there was some down time he didn't try joking he would ask honest questions/convo, if a train wasn't ready to launch because some yahoo had their hands up he might ask who is on their first ride ever or farthest driven. It was actually calming. The speilers down here though.... Terrible Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  4. Maybe you wouldn't do that but would you go tubing? Bay Lake and Seven Seas are connected. Just terrible all around. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  5. So is the hard foam a KI thing or a state thing? And Ollie Linden? Still alive? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  6. That's why there are locking belts in the kids area and I have to let some teenager poke me with a hex key to undo the belt haha Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  7. Probably took longer to post here than Google it Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  8. This is interesting to me as a convo (thanks Terp) so I had to look some things up. http://www.ushistory.org/betsy/faq.htm So it looks like Terp is right And don't wear the flag unless it's a shirt with a picture of the flag. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  9. Hence why I used the term Flag Code Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  10. Remember it's against the flag code to wear it as clothes or cape:) Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  11. Ignore her/him. They post things with the wrong name to be cute. Also they thrive off of the mentions and the replies. (Did you know, blocking only blocks original posts, replies and quotes show them :/ ) Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  12. Where there's Thunder... Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  13. That's fair. When you book Disney they also send you a bunch of things ranging from DVDs to paper work to a USB drive with info, you can put that there as well. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  14. Have this idea that Dons giving out clues all day and everyone is like why would this guy know anything. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  15. I blocked gavpen and beast gal so I don't know what they have posted but I thought Gavpen refused to say why he knew what was happening. So if has given evidence I'm sorry I missed it
  16. Not taking any side here but what can they do besides drain the lakes? I mean Gators climb fences and are found in swimming pools. So you can't even chlorinate the water. It would kill other things but the Gators would be there. You could close the beaches completely but many love the walking on the beach. You could close the water ways but people love going out on the water. Here are my ideas: Maybe step up patrols to take out and relocate gators of certain sizes (maybe lower the size that they need to be). If the park is part of a preserve (as I heard in a report) they can't block the gators from coming in. Enforce the no feeding of the gators. Post signs and educate guests about not just the gators but other water animals. There is a 30-45 minute video that's played on Disney Transport from the airport to the hotels. This would be a perfect time to explain about the wild life. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  17. Love the insight King Ding Dong. I work with kiddos with ASD (and all disabilities). I think the hard part about giving advice is every kid is so unique. For the most part routine and plans work best for kiddos. So by having the kids create their own schedules or you do it is great. Changes in schedules can be very difficult. So for some kids a change from "Beast is next" to "wel lets do WWC first" can create a reaction from disappointment to a complete break down depends on the kiddo. My biggest advice (for any kid with disabilities or really all kids) besides the schedule is bring your kids out. Talk to them in the park. Talk about the colors, sounds, and smells. Make games about the things you see "let's find 5 roses" or "let's count all of the Pink hats we see today". Help mode appropriate phrases for your kids. Have fun! This language engagement can help generalize into the classroom and into other areas. Lastly like King ding dong said, be willing to leave. If you child can only last 60 minutes then plan on it. After a few times plan to stay 75 minutes. If 4 hours is your max have a goal by the end of the summer you will get to 4.5 or 5 or even 6 hours. Small increments can be less taxing on their systems and it creates a new ceiling. Have fun and be safe this summer! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  18. Going back to the hype talk for a minute. If you hadn't gone to KI this season and you are not on here you wouldn't know that they were building a new ride at all. To be honest if it's a new ride that helps bridge the gap for our younger/shorter friends and park goers I'm all for it Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  19. Invertigo is a fun ride (personally I hate looking down and waiting for the drop, just worries me for some reason), but if the wait is more than 30 mins it's not 100% worth it to me Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  20. If WDW is self insured I wonder how this will change some on the lake entertainment Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  21. Opinions to improve The Beast are like but holes... Everyone has one and they all stink Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  22. Just because you can doesn't mean you should. we would get info into our station all of the time about upcoming events or such that we could share but if we did we would lose that contact forever. Like Benny said this little amusement park addition means nothing in the news cycle. Burning a contact and access for something like this would be career suicide. Let's look at the news side of the options: Go to Mason get blue prints, find an expert that can read them, go to the park get some no comment answers from Don, air the piece and get maybe a 30 second story out of it, while also not getting invited to future media days, losing an anonymous source for info when things go bad, and probably upsetting the bosses for this reckless journalism. All to get maybe a few extra clicks or eyeballs. Or... Wait till media day/announcement day, get invited, get high resolution pictures and mock ups, get interview time with Don, being invited to media preview, ride the new ride, get on ride footage, get a good few days of stories, and see more overall clicks as you got multiple stories out of it. See about the new water park slide and Local 12. KIC has been invited to many things. If some sensitive info is spilled here on purpose that relationship can dry up to the detriment of all Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  23. Just throwing this out for everyone saying the park is hyping it too much. I may be wrong but it's been a real low key hype about project 2017. No radio commercials, no tv spots, no rattling box near an entrance. All they have done is a cute sign on the fencing, some snap chat stuff, and maybe a tweet or few. Not a bunch of stuff. I mean we on here have blown everything up more than anything else. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  24. True because they could (I thought) park all four under the final brake run. However, there was a time when occasionally you would stop for a moment on the second lift hill. Wasn't that done partially because of Flight of Fear? That's true but it was still changed. And was FoF more than 15? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  25. Not that it matters much but on my travels this morning a news report on 700 WLW or NPR (honestly I was radio surfing) stated that a fence couldn't be built because WDW has a contract/deal in place with the state that says the water ways are part of a natural preserve which was part of the agreement when the park was built on the swamp/wet lands. First I had heard of that but if it's true that would explain why they relocate bigger gators and not kill them. **same report said he park removes bigger gators and rehomes them elsewhere. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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