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Everything posted by shark6495

  1. Panda Express has been on point (on fleek for the youngsters) all season. Plus seriously they may be the best value on the meal plan Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  2. On food last time I was there a few weeks back they couldn't get the Subway line right in the water park. A group of us were in line and they said the right side was drinks only so we all go to the left the girl leaves and people show up go in the right lane and they make subs... Oh well can't get it right all of the time Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  3. Something new and entirely creepier on a different scale Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  4. *slow clap to standing applause* Look we all disagree and talk and try to state our point. We all think we are right. If you don't think you are then why talk. That's trolling. Don't wait and best gal that's all you guys do. Go join Youngstuf on Kiextreme.... Now Sparky has any park did that ? (Be straight about a new ride?) Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  5. Oh stop it. You and a few others are the reason many have stopped posting on here... The rise of your and your posts and the decrease of other people's posters may be what kills this board.... Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  6. Where did they announce DA being extended? If they make things work a bit better my son and I are happy about it. Also is it just one stake or multiple? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  7. I love the idea of alternate time lines. I think they are better when you look at only one small change. My small change... Carl Linder is unable to do a hostile takeover of Taft Broadcasting. Since his doesn't happen, Taft doesn't spin its properties off. Taft remains a viable media company. KI remains flagship property and didn't lose its Golf Course, Hotel, or campgrounds either. KI probably doesn't get SOB or Banshee or Diamondback. KI remains at its heart a theme park with thrills. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  8. Don't argue with small minded people. They will only bring you down to their level. How BG is allowed to remain on here is amazing Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  9. Great addition to the conversation. Glad you are pat of these boards...... Back on topic.... Yes Railriders response is right. Something anything that just says what a terrible moment for all families involved. Out of respect for the family they would like to not comment on anything until the police have finished their investigation. There are reasons good PR teams are able to make thigs disappear. There is a formula to good and bad PR. You want to almost (from a general audience point of view) want this to disappear. WDW if I recall didn't keep making statements following the gator. The settlement was done discreetly and it blew over the best it could. I don't think they made a big deal about closing the beaches they just did it. Quietly and methodically. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  10. I missed that. Yah that's super odd and a terrible way to write that up.... Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  11. Predecessor doesn't have to mean immediate. It's anything that happened before the current. Usually immediate but not always..... And if you want to get super technical, the last major overhaul of that building was From Smurf to its current shape... Phantom, Scooby, and Boo use the same lay out and cars with different props Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  12. I agree with you. He may be knowledgeable in the field of ride safety. But he is talking about restraints on a ride he admittingly has NEVER worked on, NEVER consulted for, NEVER built, NEVER ridden, and has NEVER even seen in person before. Dennis Spiegel is a highly respected person in the field of amusement parks. I was at Coasterstock where he basically mouthed into the mic that KI was going to get a giga coaster for 2017... He had no idea. Same where he though Diamondback was going to be a dive coaster in 2009... Way off the mark with that as well. Just because you hold a high position in a certain area doesn't mean you know exactly what is going on in a park that you are not directly involved with. Here's a kicker, what if the problem wasn't with the restraint? What if the restraint worked perfectly and held the passengers in the boat just as it was designed to do? That still wouldn't have prevented the injuries that killed the boy and injured the other people in the boat. I'm not trying to be rude or anything I'm just saying I'm in a wait until the official investigation is done and official findings are released so we have a true idea of what happened. I get what you are saying but comparing what Spiegel said to what this guy said is an apples and oranges type of discussion. For example: in my field I work closely with patients who have a hard time swallowing. If you were to give me just basic facts, say a person coughs every time they swallow, I can say with almost 99% certainty that they need thickened liquids. I don't need to see them to say that. Now if you were to ask me if the facility was going to get rid of thickening powder and move to already made thickened drinks, my ability to predict that is the same Spiegel. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  13. But the guy being interviewed isn't just a random Joe. He's a amusement park ride safety consultant. His job is to consult on ride safety. From everything he does I feel he can make a general statement. Also if the Velcro was to hold you in how safe do you feel with Velcro holding you in. We don't trust Velcro to hold our pockets shut to keep a cell phone from flying out. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  14. Linked from here. http://heavy.com/news/2016/08/caleb-scott-melanie-schwab-schlitterbahn-verruckt-kansas-city-water-park-slide-accident-death-dies-parents-father-photos-video/ For those of us on mobile the laughing Rick Gervais gif kept showing in the preview and I thought it was inappropriate. Here is a picture of 10 year old Caleb. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  15. https://mobile.twitter.com/kccrimefighter/status/762760855012282372 Don't click the link if you don't want to.... It's from the aforementioned Twitter user that someone sent him a picture of the ride. It looks like their is w body fluid and two yellow tarps on the slide. My heart breaks for this family. This wasn't a kid who died rock climbing or sailing. He was on an adrenaline filled amusement park ride. Dangerous but supposedly safe. Now a family lives with this loss forever Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  16. And how do you monitor age? A tall 12 and a short 15 year old look almost the same.... Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  17. Please post a link when saying something like this... But I got your back http://m.breaking911.com/just-person-dies-kansas-water-park/ Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  18. On a more serious note... Imagine how this sort of tech could held find missing kids. From CCTV it's hard to follow people in a crowd (no matter what CSI says) but if you can track a persons shoes in addition to Magic Band in real time.... Plus there have been reports of people stealing kids and putting a different shirt on them to help hide them (looking for a child in blue but the kidnapper put them in red).... But can't carry spare shoes... Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  19. Actually a go kart track that follows the DA path would be great... Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  20. I think I may have reported princess sparkles to the front for being good above and beyond others when she was working (if she was) this past Saturday. I hate Spielers and it was nice to hear a quick safety spiel and a "enjoy your ride". Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  21. For the likes. Do it for the likes... Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  22. Also they said MT made 5 wooden coasters.... Beast Woodstock Express Racer..... Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  23. Dude stop you are or were like a good poster on here. Recently it's all been the same thing. You think or want Racer to close. Not sure. Everyone else just report this for trolling and let the admin taken care of it Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  24. SOB wouldn't qualify for a Force ghost. I'm pretty sure it had some dark side elements during its lifetime. Ani got one so can our lil SOBSent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  25. I have and will call people trolls when the time calls for it. Trolls in the Internet sense are not the bridge defending that you may think they are. They are trolling for arguments. So if you don't want to be called a troll do the following: spell things right, if you make a claim support it, be nice to others, try to post with a just a bit of sense.... Honestly every little troll I just report every single post of theirs (yours for example Beast Gal I report every single one of your posts) gets reported. I'm surprised they or I am still here... Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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