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Everything posted by shark6495

  1. So I have my cache pulled up but how do I get information fgrom it?
  2. How do I check my browsers cache?
  3. Got it: http://www.KICentral.com/forums/index.php/topic/31120-stashua123s-double-trip-report-613-and-619/ If you want to go and snag my trip as well haha
  4. is there something wrong with the gravity in the future?
  5. There are something you say or do on here that I can not agree with at all, then you go and do this and I cant like it more than just 1 time. The beauty of different people coming together for a conversation. We are slowly building an idea of entitlement and spending beyond our means for everything. It used to be you needed a roof, food, and family and a way to provide them. Now its with this, eating out, having junk food, cable, internet, phones phones phones, etc.... For our trip each family of 3 is running about 2300 (not including flight) for the week long in the Disney hotel, with a meal plan, and the photo package. To save money we could have rented a much cheaper hotel, Disney says we can bring our own food in, and each person has a camera on their phone.....
  6. This is the beauty of our country. If you have something that is in demand expect to pay more for it. It sucks and sacrifices have to be made. My entire family is doing a big trip there and we leave tomorrow. We started saving and planning for Disney since Christmas of '13..... 18 months of planning for a week with 6 adults and 2 kiddos. It will be a blast. But we knew it was expensive and didn't want to cut ourselves too short or skimp on a family vacation. Prices increase everywhere and for everything. Not a right to go to Disney....
  7. http://paleo.cc/ce/dino-art.htm That's an interesting article that actually includes most of the pictures you used. The idea of dragons, for example, arose out of trying to come up with a rational reason for dinosaur skulls. Similar to the Arthurian legends that grew from just a king to magic, swords in stones, ladies of the lakes, etc.
  8. I only brought up the car accident because an earlier post stated the news doesn't cover car accidents
  9. So just to point a few things to everyone on here: 1.) news stations do report accidents. Radio reports them every ten minutes, and TV reports them all of the time. Some are minor fender benders that slow traffic and some are serious and close highways. 2.) again if people didn't want to know about this, the stations wouldn't report on it. 3.) how is it over reacting when the news says "don states the ride did what it was suppose to do". They are literally reporting to inform people that it's okay. Everyone wants to hate on the media.
  10. If this thing did exist either recently or ever there would be some sort of primary source of evidence in the form of a body or remains. Like dragons and Nessie, this creature is based on historical yore
  11. Not entirely untrue... Had some the same elements...
  12. Going to the list thing from before... if you are part of a 15 park article or a 10 or a 20, then you run with it saying you are in the top 10/15/20 or so parks in the country.... its not a lie....
  13. I think if you look at it through the lens of a non-coaster enthusiast, or a non-amusement park junkie, most would never know where any of those parks are. so to say the parks are underrated, they may very well be to the GP.... As for Six Flags, it could be in the branding. Their are national commercials for Six Flags (or there were). So to the GP in a Six Flags area, they see a national ad and think "wow they are talking about my park, its a national destination." Now compare that to the Cedar Fair chains, each commercial is park specific. So it feels more regional even in an advertising sense.... True story, no lie. My family is a huge amusement park family. My mom has been going to KI since it opened and Coney before it. She got us KI passes when we were younger, etc. She never knew Holiday World existed in Indiana or that it offered such a great experience. When I talk about getting a Platinum Pass for my wife, son, and I, my extended family (and wife) always mention going to CP, Kings Dominion, and KI. They never knew about Carowinds or other parks in the chain. Sometimes, I think since we have our fingers on the pulse of the amusement park community we forget how regional parks truly are...
  14. Its tough because as a parent you dont want your child to hurt, but you also want to instil a sense of pride and accomplishment. When things get tough or scary in the real world, you cant just quit. You cant just walk away. So you want to help push your kid to conquer the little easily conquered activities to instill this mindset for when they are older.... In parenting and rearing of children, there has been a shift of focus. From creating good citizens to creating individuals. We tell kids to follow their hearts and get a career doing what they want.... Its tough man.... As for what I will do, when I feel he is ready, I will help little shark transition to bigger coaster rides. There may be some forcing. I will also force him to do his homework every night and do well in school, scouts, sports, and anything else he does. I will teach him that finding a job he enjoys is important, but more importantly is to find a job that allows him the ability to afford to raise a family and to pursue activities that he wants...
  15. Not to mention that until the investigation is complete they may not be able to legally clean the area. If there is a lot of blood there are certain ways an area has to be cleaned...
  16. So 1: the news article there involves so much more investigating and reporting... 2: early reports look to say the coaster with people did hold up before being released..... Bad brakes or bad sensors to release the ride? Also why were to trains so close. I thought there should always be on block gap between the trains?
  17. Yeah I would go with provolone. It was for sure a white cheese. You could get it with peppers onions and I think mushrooms. Mine was just onions and cheese. I was impressed that it was cooked to order. Really make it worth it with just that. Wish they had fries but beggars can't be choosers. I know I won't be visiting that place during 90+ temps but come fall and falling temps....
  18. So a positive is the addition of the Philly Steak Sandwich at the Snake Pit by Diamondback..... Not a large sandwich but freshly grilled with a grilled toasted bun... delicious. Not sure it's worth $14 but as part of the meal plan it's darn near great especially on a chilly afternoon
  19. So decided to grab food instead of a coaster break. Over by Diamondback it looks to be about 10 switchbacks full. However the last coaster had about 5 open seats.... Race For Your Life appears to be a walk on
  20. On a break from work decided to stop in the park for a quick Beast ride.... Much busier than expected.
  21. I believe the land was chopped up a few years back with the idea of selling smaller plots of land? The article did say that the parking lost is where the Meijer would go. Also CF and Meijer will build a new road to accommodate future expansion..
  22. ... Wham, Wham, Wham.... nails are being driven in to the casket of any future Amusement Park on that side of the lake....
  23. Is it done on purpose or is it for reasons such as licensing? Do you have inside info? Nothing but music gets buried when you add more songs into the mix. Daily guests who don't know what to expect from the playlist would not complain that they didn't hear (insert a particular song here). Who claimed the music was bad? I personally mentioned that I personally find a lot of it uninteresting. Some annoying. "Bad" is vague here. People have varied tastes; I like some songs that most people don't and vice versa. Fortunately, I haven't come across anything obscene. That said, if the music was targeted at the majority of the guest population, one might expect more mainstream music. If the ads are carefully chosen, in my opinion, they're doing it way wrong. GameFly in particular is a huge contrast from the chain's previous message of getting people to put down the controller and come enjoy the park. Now that you're in the park, they're telling you to go back to that couch and pick the controller back up. FunTV can be used to get guests to put away smartphones and engage more in the crowd atmosphere of the queue. Some of the park trivia already does this; guests who don't even know each other discuss the questions. The sports/news section doesn't really do that. You can get all that.. on your phone. Maybe mix in less of that and more of things like Cash Coaster. That gets guests paying more attention to the content and less to their phones. It's only the second year of FunTV and one team at KI has a lot of parks to build out. By no means is the current content set perfect. It's alright for what it is, but I'm sure even the team knows that there is a lot they can do to improve, given the time. In previous careers, I know and understand music Licensing. Most companies and businesses pay the same amount for music licensing no matter what they play. So if they play 3 different songs 100 times or 100 songs 3 times, the price would be the same. ASCAP BMI, etc.... Gamefly targets to a very specific group of people. I would guess that same target group would be the same people who attend amusement parks.... I dont disagree with your idea about more content, but I would guess the music and ads are chosen for a reason as it speaks to a larger group of people. Plus ads help keep the system on air...
  24. Makr you are using a stretched version of what I said to make your counter point. A physical limitation is different than a mental. Also my comment about forcing kids to do things is not limited to only coasters. Children do not have the capability to make decisions based on what's good for them till they hit the age of reasoning (12-14 years of age). Before that age a child reacts to events and objects that stimulate pleasure or dopamine. So when given the option kids will choose the easiest way to release dopamine. As adults we have to do our best to expose children to as many new experiences as possible. If we don't expose children they run the risk of the following: limited world knowledge, limited vocabulary, limited real world experiences, limited problem solving, etc. Do coasters or not riding coasters in of itself determine the trajectory of a child? No. But if you don't push children outside of their comfort zone then yes it will. Also congrats to your nephew. It appears that his family has helped push him in other directions.
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