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Everything posted by shark6495

  1. Thats great! I love when they add more options. Plus with Skyline, Chick-Fil-A and now Panda Express as well it really helps open up the dining options (and the lines). By the time the end of the year rolled around last year, I had grown tired of some of the options.. Because they added more to the meal plan?
  2. and KI only put up your tombstone....
  3. He obviously doesnt want you supporting KK... Kind of how KK doesnt want people who feed children, in wheel chairs, like rides, enjoy themselves......
  4. you're*** Also, yelling at people for visiting your favorite park doesnt always go over very well.....
  5. Sounds like 649,976 visitors now... unless Terp counts as 4 visits, then its 649,971.... Sorry our tickets dont work, spend more for a season pass... Frost warnings, heavy rains, and 50 degree temps... brutal.... Soooo how are the other 2 new rides?
  6. I'm going to guess with 99% certainty that it has nothing to do with Universal.... Probably more has to do with an unforeseen issue such as illness, accident, delayed flight, etc....
  7. Not really, I have a goal of winning the lotto, but I have no plan to purchase lotto tickets.... To increase 50K is an increase of just under 10% of last years reported numbers. 10% is a large increase. Then again, if 100K bought a pass, thats really only asking 1/2 of that number to attend 1 more time. If you have 100K pass holders, and each of them visit on average 4 times (looking at an increase), then you have 400K people attending. So the park is really asking for 250K new/1 time park goers.... That seems like a lot. Especially for a park that, to be honest, doesnt offer much for people to travel a long distance to attend. Maybe they are hoping to find a way to get pass goers to attend 7 times each....
  8. 1: I dont think he was that annoying, I think he was sort of entertaining and having fun with the riders. Probably not used to having a ride full of snappers. Then again, many things when you watch them a few times can become annoying. 2: HE probably knew it could snap and was having good natured fun with the group...
  9. hahaha well... Band-a group of people who perform instrumental or vocal music
  10. Thats not his ego leaking, thats the patrons that would have spent money at KK leaving the Bluegrass state for other amusement park adventures... Well 600,000 is closer to 1 Million than say 400,000 is... For all thats said and done, Im happy that KK is at least opened again. I would love for Americana/LeSourdesville Lake to reopen. Even if it was with sketchy hours and a horrible owner. At least for one more time down the mid-way.... But Im not sure how much longer it can survive its current mode. It would make more sense, if it were to leave the fair grounds... but then again...
  11. Soon you can raise some Cane in West Chester/Mason area!!!
  12. I sort of hope they dont leave any trace of Phantom. Boo Blasters has remnants of Phantom because it was done on the cheap. If they were to remodel I would hope they go all out. I also do not expect to see a return of Phantom. It was a great ride and had a good run.
  13. True but its also one of the few rides all parents/children can ride together and its air conditioned which helps in the heat. Maybe Im the outsider here but it doesnt/shouldnt be a haunted theme. If they go with Amusement Dark in Rivertown, then make it a light heartened fun experience in the Boo Blasters building. Maybe Im just old but maybe it should be more fun....
  14. I don't know, how much do you expect the bolts to loosen? How tight are the torque tolerances on them? If they let things get too loose they risk destruction. Well I obviously dont mean loosen to the state of dangerous. With everything there is a "breaking in point" where grease works its way into crevices and parts begin to work the way they are intended. Similar when you hang a new door. Its stiff, doesnt swing as easily, etc. Over time, the door loosens up and begins to swing freely. I imagine the wing will loosen up and allow for quicker transitions. As the ride begins to loosen up the wires may allow higher swings, etc.
  15. And sometimes all it takes is someone saying "lets go". Its amazing what just a little motivation can do. Similar to last year with Banshee. It seemed to be a little pushy for riders but none the less, someone pointing out whats going on can make things run so much smoother
  16. I thought the exact same thing while walking around them. Not a very good location for them at all. I am not buying a different location would be better idea. Did you see the line for Shake Rattle & Roll? Is is by where the old flyers used to be and they had a nice almost full queue as well opening day. They are the new item this year, and they were giving away free shirts to ride them. Give it a little bit of time for the newness to wear off! Agreed. Give it about 3-5 months and Im sure there will be days when the ride is a near walk on. Heck I remember days last summer when Banshee, Diamondback , and Beast were all walk on rides.
  17. Theoretically, wouldnt the news ones become easier to snap as they get some age on them? Bolts loosen up, the wings loosen up, etc?
  18. I hope the clock and the calendar look better than last year. It just never looked correct...
  19. Dino is free with a Gold or Platinum pass
  20. Maybe its the location of a future footer for a park wide elevated people mover system.... /sarcasm.... honestly good eye, I have no idea what it would be.
  21. Just booked my Fast Pass selections for my June trip. Interesting, that they dont have tiers for the MK rides, you just get three while at Hollywood Studios there is a two tier system. Also, just found out Pirates will be down the week we are at the park, bummer. Edit: thanks Terp!
  22. Just a reminder that wait time depends on capacity as much as it does on popularity. The Bat was the 9th most-ridden ride at Kings Island in 2014. Looks like it was a top 10 ride for the last 3 years. I have to say it only takes little to no time for that ride to cycle through riders. It seems that by the time a train stops in the stations, unloads, reloads, and then is dispatched the next train is already sitting and waiting on the brake run. For being a big fiberglass tub, it sure seems to load and unload quickly....
  23. Dont forget the idea of pushing in the clutch to let the car "coast" through a corner or down a hill. The only way to do that is to throw it in neutral which I wouldnt highly recommend to anyone. I drove in Chicago traffic with a manual. It was horrible. But living in Cincy, and the occasional drive to other cities, I love the manual transmission.
  24. Ehhhh automatics have a tendency to shift to a gear with less revs no matter the situation. On ice up a hill you may not want low revs.
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