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Everything posted by shark6495

  1. I would also assume, at a smaller park, maybe some of the wiring may not be up to the best coding? Or at the very least, a fire at a smaller park (no matter how much damage) would be more detrimental than if the same fire were to happen at a big park/company.
  2. This can be seen in two different ways: 1. What a wonderful way to showcase the park to potential customers and to also get free help! Future customers can see the progress the park has made, maybe some church groups and scout groups can get some volunteer hours in, and the park wins because they get free labor to make the park ready for the grand re-opening. 2. Man this park cannot even afford to hire enough workers? Even pro-football teams pay the people who come out to help shovel snow out of a stadium before a big game.
  3. Best Beast ride was this past fall for myself. My sister and I hit up the Halloween park and went through KI together for the first time in about 10 + years. We left our significant others at home (husband for her, wife for me, along with our kids). It was like we were 12 years old again. Well we rode Beast at 10 pmish. And we got the Fog ride. It was awesome! Couldnt see too much into the valleys, and The Beast is so much faster at night! At one point, we couldnt tell if we were in the tunnels or not. Part of the great park of this ride was because my sister and I had not gotten to ride roller coasters together for what seemed like years and it brought us back to the first time we rode a big coaster together back when were 6 or 7 years of age. So for one evening The Beast made a 27 year old brother and his 26 year old sister 20 years younger!
  4. thats a fair point. But as I get older, I realize how much danger is in all rides.
  5. I love riding it, but as I get older I start to realize how much danger is actually involved for this ride.
  6. Yet Northern Kentucky does not have a reporting News Market. It is considered part of the Cincy media reporting. And that is what happens when you spend all day reading German history books...
  7. Okay you and I are on different though processes. My bad. I was implying any "local" news coverage from media outlets that would consider Louisville in their Local area. You are right, KK wouldnt be considered local to the Cincy sites, but I would consider KK local to the Louisville and Lexington News stations.... my bad for not clarifying!
  8. BB1: Having worked in the newsrooms before in areas of Columbus, our "Local" stretched to just outside of Dayton to Zanesville. But when I worked in Zanesville, we covered CP and KI as local. When I worked in Elmira, NY we covered 5 cities in the Northern and Southern tier as local. EDIT: Lexington 18 covered the job fair. http://www.lex18.com/news/more-than-2-500-show-up-for-ky-kingdom-job-fair/ Its under their covering Kentucky page. Same as WKYT out of Lexington (which covers Frankfurt) http://www.wkyt.com/home/headlines/More-than-2500-show-up-for-Ky-Kingdom-job-fair-238779991.html
  9. I forgot to mention, I news searched also. Sorry. First page results for "lightning run kentucky kingdom" brought up 5 results. "Banshee king's island" brought up 8, but also 21,200 total. So roughly twice that of the KK search. But Bing and Google never agree on anything. Okay so I just searched Bing News, like you did. Lets look at the results: 1 from the blog I mentioned (same as before Jaunted), 2 results from before December, 1 from January 3, and 1 from a few hours ago.... Same point can be made. Lets compare shall we? KI, 8 results, 3 from before December, 5 from this pas week. I am not trying to be anti-KK. It started as me looking for media information about KK and didnt see anything.
  10. Fair but just showing free buzz can be generated from media sitesSent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Which focus on major parks, and to some number, focus on KI rather than KK. Fair point, but shouldn't KK send news releases to news stations in Louisville and Lexington, maybe Frankfurt? No reporting done from any of these sites. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk That's the thing, the target audience frequents the KI, CP, maybe CI, they may not believe such an place is needed to report on with it being, again, a fledgling park. Not disagreeing with the statement, but knowing how news rooms run, most news rooms would run a story about a park being revamped if there was something to be done. Most news stations are looking for local or area news to run. Especially for the afternoon news block 4-6. I know I have been in many meetings where the conversation is "We have 4 minutes of news to fill, anyone know of anything local? Okay if not lets run a national package"
  11. Fair but just showing free buzz can be generated from media sitesSent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Which focus on major parks, and to some number, focus on KI rather than KK. Fair point, but shouldn't KK send news releases to news stations in Louisville and Lexington, maybe Frankfurt? No reporting done from any of these sites. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  12. Fair but just showing free buzz can be generated from media sites Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  13. First page results only... Plus read I did a news search first. To see what was being released from news media sites. When I did a regular google search I only reported first page results Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  14. Okay upon Terps suggestion... I did a Google news for the coaster names here are the front page results: Lightning Run Coaster: 1 relative return. Same blog from above Banshee Coaster: 11 relative returns. Most talking about the final piece being installed. Reporting Cities: Cincy, Indy, USA Today (National), Dayton, Akron, an Italian coaster blog, a German Coaster blog. So I figured I must limit my search I Googled the coaster + park name, front page results: Lightning Run Kentucky Kingdom: 1 result, same blog site Banshee Kings Island: 10 results. Same as above.... So maybe I am being too tough with Google News. I was looking for media coverage of the parks. So lets try just Google. Front page results: Lightning Run Kentucky Kingdom: 11 Results (yay!). Newest date: Jan 3 :/ Results defined: 2 POVs from Nov. 5 results from Forums/blogs. 1 Wikipedia result, Images of KK, 1 return from KK website. Banshee Kings Island: 11 results: Newest date Jan 23. results defined: 1 POV, 1 KI return, 1 Wikipedia return, 2 News articles about coaster completion....... I give up. I tried. I showed data. Did some quick research. Data shows what the park is or is not doing (generating buzz).
  15. I just did a Google news search on the following terms: Kentucky Kingdom and Kings Island Results: first page results only! Kings Island: 11 + more pages + 1 story about a crash near KI. Newest Dated Jan. 28. Smattering of dates from others. Cities reporting: Columbus, Dayton, Indy, Cincinnati, USA Today (national), Kentucky Kingdom: 6 results, newest dated Jan 24th by a pop culture blog talking about a new park opening. Others are dated Jan 4/7th talking about the job fair. City reporting: Louisville Thats just one page of results. Im sure if we included other pages, then difference becomes larger...
  16. Well most people who take the time out to rate things are doing so because they are eiter generally upset or generally happy. And to each person dirty may mean different things. To some a little dust on the tv is filthy while to others noticeably dirty floors and towels would be. Myself, I want clean bathrooms towels and beds. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  17. Except if the park does not allow drinks in line. If the park took the hard line stance of NO DRINKS AT ALL, then, well, relief can be granted, Water and Shade in line. But as others have said here, there are options, may not be the best option, but they are available such as getting cups of ice or a disposable cup for water to drink while in line.
  18. Soooooooo I shouldnt carry an epipen for a bee sting while standing in line, or an inhaler for breathing troubles, or if I have to drink 20-30 ounces of water an hour I am out of luck? If I cant bring a bag with me, I will need to carry all of this in my pocket. If my pocket is not big enough, then I guess I am SOL? So the logical response is, dont ride rides with long lines? So I should probably not go to KI then. You are being rude. Some people have reasons for needing to drink in line. Some medical, some not. Who are you to make sweeping statements like that?
  19. There are few "houses/condos" you can rent. They sleep 10-12 for about $1100 for the week. There is significant savings there Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  20. 600$ When did you go? HOw long did you stay? But I agree. For 3 people, staying on a property for 8 days, with tickets and gas to drive down, its going to run just north of 2000$
  21. Many things can be said about Walt Disney. Some true, some false. No one can take away the man knew how to hook the public and had some brilliant ideas that helped transform America (in good and bad ways).
  22. Unless you have a little one, or an old one, or are on vacation and want to take pictures (say you have a nice Nikon or Cannon). Lets say you want to make sure you carry sunscreen for your little ones. Sometimes just "running" out to the car and back is not always an option. But your point is a good one.
  23. I understand everyone's limitations. I have been there, but God willing, I dont return there, or at least for a while. But I am one staff reduction away from being there. My wife and I have made many sacrafices to be able to be where we are now. I lived in one room apartments where I didnt turn on the heat (look at the How cold have you been thread for details), I lived in a renovated hotel room with no stove. I have been there. If I could afford a pizza it was because I made it stretch into 3-4 meals. You dont have to be wealthy to afford Disney, or KI, or anything else. Save up. Set a goal. Even if that goal is 2-3 years in advance. My wife and I planned our Universal trip over a year in advance. We skimped, we saved, we made hard decisions. Do we want a new mattress or Universal. Do we want a refinished basement or Universal, etc. Same thing now, we are planning our Disney Trip. We began planning it last fall (almost 2 years in advance.) We know its expensive but we are planning on staying on site, getting a photo package, and maybe a meal plan (still havnt decided if thats worth it). I get when people say they cant afford things, but Im sorry I dont feel for ya. I feel for ya if you cant afford food or a place to stay but there are many ways to work around that. I worked 2 jobs working almost 75 hours a week. This is how I was able to save up for some vacations. This is just my opinion, but there are people who find reasons of why they cant/dont/wont and people who find ways.
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