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Everything posted by shark6495

  1. You know, You dont have to keep put "Probably typed with my thumbs" On most of your posts. Just write the post. Dont need anything extra. Who cares?
  2. Expect long hours and low low pay. But the perks do add up. I got to go to many OSU sporting events, hang on the field during football games, see the Destroyers and Blue Jackets. When I was in NY, I got to meet some very interesting people and had almost set up an event to attempt to break a roller coaster record as a radio publicity event. The last one fell through due to management at the radio station not wanting to take on the liability. (A few may remember when I was on here and wanted to do something similar to a ride at KI, but the radio bosses didnt enjoy the idea of me traveling to OHIO, so I picked a NY park that paid advertising with us). Depends on what station etc. If you get in at a smaller station and can swing the bosses to send you (think Zanesville) then its possible. To be a reporter, some say go to college and some say you dont need it. What you need to do is to be able to do field work, look good, speak well, and write a concise story.
  3. I have to disagree with both you ^^. Just because a ride is not the tallest or fastest or W.E. does not mean that only the little ones will enjoy this. I am guessing that some of the taller ones will enjoy this ride just like the little ones. This looks like a ride made for entire families to enjoy not the just the thrill seekers.
  4. I have never been to Dollywood, but this may make it worth it for me in the near future. When my son is 3-5 years old (in 3-5 years from now) it will be coasters like this that will be fun to ride together.
  5. BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. BEST. COMMENT. EVER! Sorry, but that was really funny coming from someone with over 2,000 posts. Hey I am the very first one on here to admit that my knowledge of rides and ride operations ends somewhere between physics and the mechanical part. Thanks for the wonderful job at bringing me back down to earth... Post count does not equal ride intelligence..See Pointbuzz..etc.. Some think we can stop trains on loops...hit stop, it stops.. Sigh I know that when you hit stop it has to slow down first then stop! Like ice right? Because there are little brakes all over the train right? (sarcasm)
  6. I know its not broke, but what is the reason Bat (formerly known as Flight Deck/Top Gun) slows down on the lift hill? Is it just the weight of the train?
  7. Explain to me then why YouTube videos taken of Banshee from OFF property testing were asked to be removed from the site? Even though it was created completely legally. Is it illegal to tape the park from off property? Its more than just links and photos. They have been controlling every little thing. You don't see that being done to lets say, TPR? They have events and such all the time. They post stuff like that all the time. I don't see TPR getting hate from parks? Also, when you cited your papers in school. Did you contact every source you used, and asked if you could use it on your paper? I can guarantee that is a no. Have you ever gone over the speed limit in your car by 1 or 2 mph? Oh you broke the law. Ever casually roll through a stop sign? Ohp. That too. HUGE difference between law, and justice. Im not going to touch the speeding thing (because fun fact, speedometers have to be accurate to a percentage not 100% but close, like off by no more than 3-5 MPH), and have no idea about why YouTube videos were removed (are we sure they were shot on public property and not private?). However, about citing a paper. Many many research books, journals, and papers all have a claim about how to cite them. They give explicit permission to use their information for citing. So you dont have to call them and ask for permission. I will say this in general for everyone. In life you must know whats worth fighting for and whats not worth fighting for. Its called picking your hill to die on. Is it really worth getting banned from here or causing major issues with the park for you to not use trademarks correctly or to link to things without proper usage. In life you will find things worth fighting for, a child or parent, maybe its to get a heart/kidney transplant but insurance says its not covered. Those are the hills to die on. Being upset over being told to link or use trademark is silly and immature when compared to the 100 of thousands of worse things out there.
  8. I know many of us on here, right or wrong, have made multiple comments over the years about the lack of family friendly shows. About how there was not much for people who could not ride to do. This show is a great addition to the park. You can only have so many musical reviews in the park and this adds to it. Do I wish they could have this and Ed Alonzo? YES! The more shows the better. Now to be honest, what they need to bring back next? Not the Eagles, not Woody Harrelson carving wood... Trams! Or something similar. Help a family out, help out older guests, etc...
  9. That part I will make tomorrow I would assume, right or wrong, Racer would be the mom (due to a multitude of rides) and KI would be the dad for other reasons....
  10. Sucks for him. I would rather read about rides getting stuck or breaking that reading about someone being turned away because the park felt he/she would not be safe to ride...
  11. Thanks to these posts, I always use it as an opportunity to read about the trademark in question. So according to Merriam-Webster, maker of dictionaries, http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/photoshop "photoshop" is a transitive verb (purposely lower cased) While Adobe has other things to say: http://www.adobe.com/legal/permissions/trademarks.html "Photoshop" is to not be used as a common verb or even as a noun. It is an adjective to describe a generic term such as software. Protecting trademarks. However, I feel that companies such as Adobe or Google will eventually lose these trademarks due to the ever changing common vernacular. Heck rules of language are changing every day as well...
  12. Well if you put enough of us into a circle....... Some of us (myself) can still only distinguish wood from steel when it comes to coasters. I also can tell the difference bewteen bad and good coasters, but have noticed that many of my bad coasters have the same brand.....
  13. According to this http://www.aecom.com/deployedfiles/Internet/Capabilities/Economics/_documents/2012%20Theme%20Index%20Combined_1-1_online.pdf The whole Sea World Chain had about 25 Million people in 2012... So broken down by park that would be about, maybe, 2 million people on average.... 2 million people at a rate of 20 people per boat... That would be 100 thousand boats per year....
  14. So in other words... BB1 attempts to sound like someone else on this board, by being vague but not helpful. As compared to the other user who actually has knowledge and has been helpful. BB1, have you ever thought about not being cryptic or secretive? If you did, people would probably enjoy your interactions just a bit more...
  15. Well to be brutally honest, I highly dought it will look like this And seriously, lets not freak out about something that isnt even built/completed yet. Yeesh....
  16. Double post: I agree that the park will draw locally but I'm talkin about the local who can afford only one park visit a year. If they don't know KK is opening then they may spend money elsewhere. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  17. I agree about things in your local area. But when you have to plan a trip that takes a few hours to go to, then I'm sure families plan well ahead. Especially when requesting days off. If KK starts their media blitz yesterday then your point is 100% true. If I go to a Blue Jackets game, Columbus Zoo, or CP I am planning that out at least a month or two in advance. If I go to KI, Reds, Cincy Zoo then it may only be a few days to a week or so. Then again I live in the area and don't need to plan logistics. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  18. I dont disagree with your statement, if we are talking about all things being equal. If there was a marketing campaign already happening, etc. You stated you believe they will do a large blitz right before the summer hits. The problem with a late media blitz is the dollars are tied up. A proposed child/adult interaction happening just outside the Lousiville Area: Feb/March Adult: Child would you like to go to KI this year and ride their new ride or go to HW and ride (x, y, z)? Child: Oh I think KI/HW (chooses 1) would be great parent of mine! Adult: Super!Ill book the hotel room and buy a ticket. APRIL Adult: Here is more info about the park we are going to, isnt it awesome? Child: Sure is parent! I love you! MAY/JUNE (1 month before trip) Child: I saw a KK commercial let us go there instead. Adult: ummm no. I just spend $*** on our trip to KI/HW. Thats where we are going. Child: Bummer! KK: Oops?
  19. Agreed. I have no problem with them using the SOB station since it was built and the other option was tear it down. Same with the Crypt location (for now). But if they were to add another ride there I would be 100% okay with it. The motion rides have some of the best memories for me. WIth it being a wasted space for months is silly to me as well. Movies played in the theater in order of awesomeness (according to me). 007 Days of Thunder Marvel Spongebob
  20. I think they will be fine. I think both parts of the park will draw, since there will be something local to do again. When KK was in its heyday the first time around early 90s, the population of Louisville & Jefferson County was over 664k. It is now North of 750k. I have a lot of family Louisville. Some of them built houses long ago in rural parts of Jefferson County. One of them told me last year "we have lived in the country so long, the city has grown to us!" Something that is a 30 minute drive vs a 2 hour drive, will have a huge psychological effect on the local populous. I think they know that season passes aren't going to keep the park alive, but daily sales will. There has been a lot of mention regarding marketing. I think they are waiting until the last minute to go on a marketing blitz & grab everyone they can. The state fair should be a huge help as well, other than figuring out the ride ticket mess! Problems with last minute marketing blitzes.... If people have their dollars commited elsewhere, it may be difficult to change the spending habit. Going to a park is not like picking up candy in the grocery store. People go to the store then see the candy as they are leaving and think "hmmm, I want a York..." When planning for a park visit, most families will look/call to see how much it is. Then budget gas and possibly book a hotel. They will look up/research things to do in the area, rides to ride, places to eat, etc. My family is planning a Busch Gardens or Kings Dominion (still debating about which one would be better) trip this summer and a Disney trip next year. It doesnt matter what happens around either place, those dollars are reserved for those 2 vacation spots. If a family from Louisville has set their hearts on HW or KI, odds are the late marketing blitz would not help much.
  21. I work in a school. I have only been doing it for three years now, but for the last three years I have never been sicker. In my adult life (from ages 18-25) I was sick sick maybe 1 or 2 times. Im talking real fever, muscles ache, cant get out of bed sick. Those 2 times were in college. From 25-28 (now) I have been hit with 4-5 real sick sickness. 103 fever, muscle ache, it was effort to just move out of the bed room and get a shower. The kiddos here bring so many sicknesses to school. In the past 3 years, I have been spit on, coughed on, sneezed on, etc. Sometimes as my mouth is open a kiddo decides he cant not cough...... This year has been a bit better, havnt had to use any sick days for myself. Maybe Im finally getting immune.
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