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Everything posted by kingsrattler

  1. After looking at the map, am I the only one who thinks it would be cool if they made a 3d version of the map?
  2. Kings Island and Holiday World are two completely different entities. One is part of a publicly traded company, the latter a small privately owned business. Holiday World does not have to cater to shareholders, nor worry about stock prices falling if they something is wrong with a major ride.
  3. And we have an official opening day... April 28th, 2012. Now I know where I will be the last Saturday in April
  4. ^ Well that is very interesting indeed.
  5. And on that note, I really like the new design.. they also have a page up for celebrating the 40th. New show coming in- "Yesterday Once More: The 70's!"
  6. GYK, because Mr. Helbig has nothing better to do with his time of course
  7. ^That's actually not a bad idea at all. Play on the real ghost stories of Kings Island in the Halloween Haunt. Note to KingsislandPR
  8. Is that the shed where they take breaks from work .. or are you referring to brake sheds?
  9. If someone had knowledge of an official number it would be the park. Try contacting them. Kings Island does something like this every year as a fundraiser for a specific foundation. If they do it for one foundation, couldn't hurt to propose them do it for a different foundation.
  10. ^ Especially considering they have just been sitting around outside, by the looks of the show.
  11. Hahahaha! It's been about a year hasn't it? I think that's long enough.
  12. I love photography. It is my 2nd favorite hobby (after being an amusement park enthusiast) But I also know that my work isn't going to produce any sort of revenue. I don't put enough time into it to develop it that far, nor plan on it. But it is nice to have an opportunity to have a chance to have my works in the public eye, and who knows.. maybe on someone's desktop. Could KI have hired a photographer to take these photos? Sure they could have. But are they any less of a company because they want to get people they know love the park, AND can take great pics involved, if they so choose? I don't believe so. Some people like to do stuff for the hobby of it, not for monetary gain.
  13. KingsIslandPR- If we win the backstage tour of The Beast, are we allowed to bring a friend or two with us? Thanks!
  14. ^Even better than Islands of Adventure's Log Flume ride?
  15. I've seen the land most people don't see. And I have also.
  16. And injuries are a moot point, because you said the cost of fixing it. Paying for injuries do not fix a roller coaster. If it did, Son of Beast would be well on its way to being fixed.
  17. Now that is an awesome picture. You kinda forget what it looks like with all the business going on around it.
  18. Not that I have any knowledge into the ideology behind what amusement parks do, but I feel like with the additions of water parks that are included with the admission of the dry park, there haven't really been many water ride additions in dry parks, and I don't see this as a trend that will change. For one, the three water rides that Kings Island has on its dry side of the park are high caliber rides, and two if there was to be a water coaster or something of the like come in, I would bet it would end up in Soak City to help pull crowds off of other rides in the water park.
  19. That would be a cool 47 million but who's counting.... When the announcement was made that SOB would be closed for the 2010 season, it was said 30 million had been spent on the ride (still not even as much as Diamondback and Top Thrill). It cost 20 million to build. That leaves 10 million for repairs that have been done. But I could see how you could get 47 million and 10 million confused.
  20. ^^ Kings Island made a reference to April 28th on their twitter as a day something will happen, with the general consensus being it is opening day.
  21. Kings Island owns a lot more land than just what they sit on. Almost 2 times as much. (Well Cedar Fair owns the land if we are getting precise.)
  22. Thank you Shaggy!! While there are very mixed opinions about the ride experience of SOB.. it is a ride I hold dear in my heart, because it was one of the coasters that really got me into loving roller coasters to the point of considering myself an enthusiast. I have ridden better coasters since riding it, but I can't help but think if I hadn't have had the great experiences I had early on on SOB, that I would have never experienced those better roller coasters because I never would have never went any further than Kings Island. Once again, thank you for the pictures, bad ride experience, good ride experience.. you can't deny it is a beauty and beast of a ride to behold to the eye.
  23. ^ I once had a simliar arguement with my fiance before I moved here. She is from West Chester.. and I am from Southern Indiana. I used to say she is from Cincinnati.. and she would say.. no I'm not. She soon came to find.. that no one outside of cincinnati knows where West Chester is, and has sense started saying she is from Cincinnati. Kings Island is not in Cincinnati.. but ask someone from Georgia (who does not go by Interpreter) where Kings Island is (if they know what it is) they will say Cincinnati.. Would you go "You have no idea what your talking about, its in Mason, almost 20 miles from cincinnati".. or agree.. that Kings Island is in the general location of Cincinnati? And on the same note.. maybe someone should tell the outlet mall they need to change their name to "Monroe Premium Outlets"
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