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Everything posted by BB1

  1. I could imagine it now, Keys To The Kingdom*, coming to a movie theater near you! *Kentucky Kingdom I see what you're saying Terp, and I am not expecting KK to really have a good year if they cannot get more than 600k. I wonder, what are the attendance records for Beech Bend? Or better yet, that small little park on the River.
  2. Well you see a long time ago..... (And it would be that figuratively everybody is in eachother's shoes or sandals at one point or another in their lives, that's poetry at it's finest)
  3. Look sharp, and be honest. I remember being in your shoes, it's a new way of seeing things and being a part of the fun at Kings Island. I do hope you get the job, and I do wish you the best of luck!
  4. I like it how they refer to HCB as "The Bay" oh the nostalgia, and oh the confusion to the commoner. Look, I like the park, it's small but it has some attractions that I like. I just don't understand how is it that Hart is trying to bring in less than a million visitors, I mean come on I'm sure that Tri-County gets more visitors than KK! The State Fair alone should allow guests into the park and have a broad spectrum of guests to enter and make some hard cash or KK will flop. Bad juju here, bad bad bad, I smell a flood coming, an Ark too?
  5. I'm sorry but all of this CoasterMania! talk is making me get a little bit of Lisztomania . I would just like to send a special thanks for you guys for continuing to respond to my polls, the months may turn to weeks, and from weeks to days, but the poll will still continue all the way up to the Opening Day 2015!
  6. When you ride an escalator, and get to the top, to hear it sounding like a chain link at the top of a roller coaster.
  7. One of the best ways to ride a coaster, or go to events, is to go with a group. That's the premise of Coaster Clubs: To meet fellow enthusiasts and to participate in exclusive events. So, following this light, what Coaster Club are you a part of?
  8. I'm still waiting for FLASHBACK: 40's, Big Band Swing, now THAT will be the show that I would actually sit down and watch. Other than that, I am not really a big person on the shows, I just don't do that.
  9. When does fundraising start? Mid-late jan or what? I would like to start to fundraise sometime soon so that i could get even more for CFK. Also this is just on my mind that i want to put out there: This is not just a chance to go pay some money and ride coasters; nor is this event a right, but a privledge. It irked me last night thinking about it and i just wanted to say that this goes out to the kids who have had a terrible time and to the families for all their hard work. When you actually see these kids, it breaks your heart and makes you just want to thank the parents for all that they do for them. I truly think that this event is one of the things that an enthusiast should do to give back and help those who have been struck with hard times. Im sorry for ranting but it has been on my chest.
  10. BB1

    Week X: Park Events

    ^I edited the poll for HoliWood Nights as I too am very excited for it.
  11. Every year enthusiasts and guests alike are able to partake in various events at parks world wide. Media Days, Gold Pass Days, Club Events, even KIC official/unofficial events. This year is far from usual as now we will have even more events at Kings Island than the years prior. So, which event are you most excited for? I made this topic as sort of a topic base for next week's poll discussing Clubs, so stay tuned for even more polls during this off season! EDITED: Holiday World's event is now added
  12. Phew, my dream last night was amazing. It was Woodstock Gliders GP Day and instead of just WSG being installed, The Beast got a RMC treatment. I was chauffeured by a golf cart back to The Beast (It was dreary and wet) and was the first one in the front car. That thing flew after the first drop, no mid course brake run, it literally flew up the last chain link and took off down the helices. Maybe it was just because of the rain but man, that thing was swift, but I would prefer the wooden style any day. Then after I went back, TR:TR was operating and I finally got to the WSG and marathoned that at least 3 times, but I forgot my camera! I was so frustrated with not having it; but then I lucid dreamed and remembered that I was dreaming and to start to put together a small package for the trip to make sure I have everything. Darn you spell check!
  13. Link is bad. Here's a link that works . I can't wait to have Heinz relish, I love relish in general, but Heinz has a special place for the relish counter.
  14. January is here, tix go on sale soon as per the site. Probably will be attending if the calendar lines up. Can't wait for some good ole Beast ERT!
  15. Wow, it comes to the point of the season and talk about Holiday events stops. Look at the temps, I'm not going out in this weather. Too cold.
  16. I would have added in the awesome Coasting For Kids raising all the money that it did for those who need a little bit of fun after illness. This year changed many lives, some we may have met, others we have not, but it all makes a big difference.
  17. Hey, it may not be for you, but for me it is. If you go to Florida, and if you want to go to Orlando and the beach, usually one would go to Tampa. If one goes to Tampa and wants to go to a theme park, forget BGA, go to WDW. Friends, relatives, even fellow enthusiasts do it. Florida is known usually for oranges, everglades, beaches and Disney.
  18. Florida, at least in the Orlando-Tampa area is known mostly for WDW property. Advertisements plenty, and tourists all flock to it. BB1, a Florida traveler/Enthusiast for a long time.
  19. ^I would suggest asking the park by calling them; as this is an enthusiast site and is in no way a park ambassador, nor a park representative.
  20. Kudos to KK, getting the public before the dollar. This year....phew PR and KK seemed like two very different entities, but I am glad that now PR seems to be growing. People want to be a part of KK and want to invest, and KK needs that money. Sure, like what Home said, it is not ideal, but hey when it comes to PR-Guest relations, this is something that shows a sense of "Southern Hospitality". OR: The PR may just say that just to say that and want more people to buy with that in mind. Either way: Kudos to you KK
  21. Every Christmas it seems that everyone wants the same thing: Technology, clothes, or gift cards. It happens every year, and it gets repetitive quickly. But what if, instead of getting the usual present, you get a coaster instead? In light of the season of giving, what coaster would you want for Christmas? * (NOTE: that space nor operating cost does not matter in the fictional world of our Imaginations!)* EDIT: Just realized that KIPR did a similar poll as well!
  22. Well, while talking with my cousin about it today(Yes, Christmas TPresentR from the Creation Museum) we did concoct a Moses LIM attraction "Escape from Egypt". Yeah I get your point and I see that as I have researched it thoroughly but having the park only have that could easily cost major costs in renovations and upkeep which need to be balanced out with attractions who could make profits and in turn help create more profits to keep the park alive.
  23. Let's just hope Gwazi will not turn out to be another SOB sight. It will be interesting to see what will go in its place, steel coaster? RMC coaster? Never know in the land of Mouse.
  24. Woah woah woah partner, how the heck do you compare Hitler to Ken Ham? Are you mad? What makes a guy running a Christian museum the same to a guy running a government machine that slaughtered 6 million innocent Jews? There is no hate in true Christianity as that is just a load of bull. Christianity was founded upon the morality of good, love, peace, and goodwill base. If your conjuncture is true, then that would mean some of the most impacting groups for the poverty struck Cincinnatians, is only out to hurt and decimate those who even try? Or better yet, multiple and multiple of mission trips to poverty struck Haiti, only seek to, again, destroy even more of the morales of the people? I as a Christian I feel as if your agenda by that post is more of a hate, as, being someone who seems to be outside of Christianity, is only spreading hate for the religion. Yeah sure you may not like what he is saying nor agree with it, but he is trying to expand on a market in KY and expand his ministry. I am not saying that you cannot disagree with what he is saying about it; but there's no reason why to call him Hitler as that is a terrible analogy. I mean seriously this isn't a black hole and a sun scenario here use some logic and stop trying to pull bull and start a flame war over it. Now on the topic of the Ark Encounter I am just going to touch on a few major flaws that I see. First thing's First (I am going to be the realist <Good ole Iggy>) the park has little to no attractions for the family. The park needs more Biblically based attractions, coasters to be exact. That way it could actually make more revenue and go along with their already growing popularity of the zip-lines. Secondly, they need more emphasis on what they will have as in amenities and etc. The park is too based on the Ark and it needs to be more than that, KI doesn't just rely on The Beast, Diamondback, or Banshee for that reason. It needs more of a stretched arm in what it has, not just a dark ride and a boat. The park as of now just looks like it needs work on the design, it doesn't look like it could be successfull to be a regional park. Already we have dollars being poured into the Kingdom of Louis, and that could either be a go or a big no depending on how the economy and years play out. Now a park that could possibly go down the tank because of the lack of attractions. Sure, it is a sight to see and would bring in revenue in the first year or two, but attractions need to be planned for the long run of things to be added aka coasters, flats, etc.
  25. Quaker is a wings place, similar to BW3's. They are notorious for their motor vehicle flare, gas pump like beer cylinders, and an extended variety of sauces for your wings..........The hottest of them all is something that few would try. I personally like it, a location is close by, though I never go, I still like to go occasionally for some wings and the Twizzlers for the dessert. (Sorry Terp, no Snickering here) By far I must give the utmost respect to Cedar Point. Expanding on the marina, and their market, the park is now more of a resort where people could have "StayCations" and essentially spend most of their lose monies on site rather going out of the property. When I go to CP this year (first time ever too), I will have to go and try to get some Quaker wings after marathoning Maverick.
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