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Everything posted by BB1

  1. From Kings Island to car discussions, I guess this means we need the Antique Cars in 2016?
  2. FINALLY the end is coming near to the 2014-2015 Off Season! The coasters are testing, the rides are finishing up, and the gates are close to lifting as Kings Island will spring into 2015 with world class thrills and family fun. With that, this is the final week of our KIC OSPS 2014-2015, drawing an end to our beloved Polls. I will have to admit, the discussion that I have stirred is phenomenal, and I once again thank everyone who has responded and put in their thoughts of the polls i have made. That being said, I would like for us to take a step back and reflect on the KIC OSPS 2014-2015, which poll was most popular? What were your favorite moments during the Poll series? Also, as an added bonus, I will be adding one poll question to this poll DAILY! That's right, one last huzzah until the final day of the Off Season! So make sure to savor the polls as they come, as this is the FINAL week starting on Monday! (Some other discussion topics for the main poll: Do you want this to come back? Do you have any comments on new ways for this to return for the 2015-2016 Off Season?) [PS: Many of you are probably wondering: "BB1, why did you post this so early?" Well, I may not be able to post on Sunday due to a family function, so this way I could bring out some new content a tad bit early!]
  3. My weather app has told me readings for the Opening Day attire: Shorts, short sleeved shirt, and my old sandals. It feels good to finally have the warm weather back!
  4. Fury 404? I'm sorry, but that coaster cannot be found! (I'm sorry, but when you make a post like that, I have to use computer style lingo!) Overall lately I have experienced no lag nor troubles on site!
  5. ^That's how I store my Gold Pass as well, I have kept my GP in my wallet since last year! That way I don't have to look all over for my pass when needed.
  6. Well, that escalated quickly; but oh so true. The ride operators are properly trained on how to operate and manage their respective attractions, and will perform at their best to deliver the guest with the best, safe, experience one could have on the said attraction as instructed. Because, to be honest, that is what I see at Kings Island. I have had some of the best ride operator/ride operations experiences at Kings Island, and I know that statement is backed up by what Kings Island has to offer. Remember too, that this is a family attraction, not a thrill-junkie's paradise.
  7. Next week My my, what a long time it has been, dreams, thoughts, POVs, finally coming full circle as I will finally be back at the park. Just counting down until the water starts to flow.
  8. With 2015 rolling in soon, we will be seeing some new attractions, and new chances to ride some of our favorite attractions. With that we will be having CoasterStock in 2015, a new way to connect with other enthusiasts, and get to see some of the ins and outs of the Kings Island operations. This expands from ERT, to some exclusive events that one could only find here at Kings Island. That being said, what part of CoasterStock this year are you most excited about? Which part do you think will be the most memorable?
  9. In the end, the point I am making is that one could find a coaster like T3 at another park, yet Lightning Run is special as it has no comparison as of now. Of which I just can't really see T3 lasting as a flagship, rather that if anything, it may share the crown with Lightning Run, or may be a little bit less popular as LR is a family yet thrilling attraction for its' size and radius.
  10. I do believe that Ednor at La Ronde is a clone of T3, as El Condor was the first of SLCs, as per the POVs that I have watched and compared. EDIT: Here is Condor , now compare to T3 .
  11. To say that T3 is going to be flagship is not exactly the same in my eyes. T3 is a Vekoma, similar to many other Six Flags installations, with a similar ride layout more commonly known as a clone. Sure, it may be a "thrilling" attraction, Lightning Run is revolutionary. It is the first of its' kind and a one of a kind coaster. It has some great airtime and some great turns, making for a great attraction. While T3 is mainly for the loops and inversions. The park, sure they want to put the latest and newest attraction as flagship, but I believe that in the eyes of the park guest, and the enthusiast base, that Lightning Run will keep the crown.
  12. Every year at Kings Island enthusiasts get to ride their favorite coasters during the Operating Season. With that, we get to ride some of the best out of the best in the industry. That being said, which coaster will you ride the most this year at Kings Island?
  13. With being a fan of the parks, one wants to get deeper information or view points on various subjects throughout the industry. With that, we look into various outlets like Forums, Databases, and Podcasts. That being said, I thought it would be best to help out some of the other KICers with their Off Season ailments with some podcasts that others listen to. So, what/which podcast(s) related to coasters and or theme parks? If it is by a site, feel free to post the URL here, if it is on YouTube, feel free to post the channel name or a sample video that you like!
  14. Except for the few who tan, heavily. I like the new SR&R, but I loved the Orange and it will take a few rides to find out which one was my old beloved.
  15. In response to our SIX 2O15 topic, it was discussed that the new color of Scream! makes it look better. So, does a coaster color really matter or does it not? What are your favorite color schemes?
  16. That looks gaudy, now it looks new! Just a coat of paint could do wonders to a coaster's appearance and satisfactory rating, except for a certain Vekoma SLC that is now a certain hue of red which may or may not be one of the most rickety rides that I will ever have on a coaster.
  17. I'm just stating this for the record: I always believe that for an event like this, one should always get there about as early as possible. Now I don't exactly know about registration and all of those criteria, but I would suggest to get there as soon as possible. I will personally be there at the earliest time possible, only because I want to get some of the first rides on The Bat and I'm gearing up for a milestone.
  18. I'd rather have the plastic card, paper+water= big nope.
  19. "NEW FOR (Insert year here), (Insert name here) ! Experience the first of its' kind attraction at Kings Island!" That brings guests folks, and it is what parks need for $$. If you get the first of its' kind attractions, it's personally a wild card. WindSeeker is an amazing attraction that brings in guests, you can't find a MONDIAL WindSeeker anywhere else. You get some flukes, like Knott's, and some of the top of the line, Kings Island for example. They could either fly, or die quick. As Terp said, look at The Bat V1, first of its' kind, and it had some iffy moments. But in the end, it was taken out. SOB, well, everyone knows THAT story.
  20. INTAMINitus has returned...............YoungStud would be proud. I would think that manufacturers should go into this poll. I mean come on, a Vekoma SLC is not a B&M Invert, or an ARROW invert for that matter.
  21. Rumours are rumours, until I hear the FrankFort tell us anything new, it's a rumourou. German cities, have to love them.
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