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Everything posted by BB1

  1. Ahh the Florence Mall, have to love the memories and the experiences to be found there! (One must hail the old tree that once stood, and sadly now the kiddies hail to the miniature Florence Y'all water tower now in the middle of the mess) Great PTR, I almost went last week and will probably be going to the event next week if possible. (Good intro for the trip too!)
  2. In light of McSalsa's twist on my Poll Season(Which I must give him credit on an excellent poll) I made this one to go back all the way back to day 1 for KI. In this poll, you can pick one per era. (Edits on the telephone, reception is not a gift) I also will like to wish everyone a Merry Christmas and do make it merry when ever possible!
  3. Finally after 2 years of no goes, i will be going to do CFK in 2015(Don't know about the team though, maybe I will go solo, never know about me). Looking forward to getting set up for this year and hopefully there will be a major turn out for a great cause!
  4. 1St off, don't tell the one guy that has a fansite that has a plethora of members in Orlando! Even when i wasn't on the forum sites i knew of TPR vaguely and how many did go to WDW. 2Nd, boo on you BGT that you left the only major wooden coaster(s) go to waste. It is one of those deals that Orlando area actually needs to have. 3Rd, if IF we loose it, i could see a RMC treatment on it's way. That is the best way to go if you are to take down an iconic woody and to make it a smooth experience for the riders period.
  5. No waterpark? -sigh- Well, the park side looks great, but you're still missing a fourth of the park map a little bit to your right. But good job over all!
  6. This was the next week's topic! Other than the all glorious BB addition of which I do hold dear, I will have to say that out of all of the additions, Delirium or OLFOF just due to how different they are and how instrumental both were in the park. (Plus, I love them both more than any so)
  7. As the season continues, the Christmas desserts like gingerbread, buche de noel (Yule log for you english speakers), and many more are to be made and eventually eaten. So, with this week coming close to the Christmas day, what is your favorite Christmas dessert?
  8. Throughout the year topics comes and goes. Usually laced with some puns, some great information, and occasionally some of the oddest conversations I have ever seen. So, in light of the many topics made this year, which one was your favorite?
  9. ^That sounds like something what I would (have) say. Luckily the injuries were not fatal, and this is not something people should laugh at as it could have been worse.
  10. "I will pay you, your car, for one dollar" I can't help but think of that looking at the prices! Sad thing for it to go, but I wouldn't mind having a thing or two from there now. Luxury? Apartments? Concept? Across the street from.GWL? I have a headache.
  11. Already 5 weeks in and it feels like forever since I have been to KI! There was a lot of buzz on our forums lately about the upcoming films and some of the films we have had this year. Now, I do suggest for you to also look at our KIC Movie Reviews posted by moi in our Multimedia section. With Guardians Of The Galaxy, and a plethora of other films that have came out, and the upcoming film of The Hobbit, 2014 has had a great running in the movie era. So, I made this topic to ask a question: What year was the best year for movies?
  12. ........Meanwhile festivals like The Salt Festival, and Wool Festival have been ever so slightly been decreasing and few even know of them anymore. Plus, once you go one year you've seen them all. I rarely even go to them anymore and to be honest, the crowd has really been dying off due to economics or due to death to be frank.
  13. Bring The Eagles Home, that they did. This topic, no clue, but the pot, or Kegger is being stirred.
  14. Stir the pot as they say, but please don't spin the Keggers. Pass me a Snicker's Bar too, we may be in for quite a ride.
  15. To be honest this park has gotten far too political. The park needs to be able to pay itself off by x amount of years or it goes. The State, or whoever it was by the state, found the park to be an investment for KY to have profits with to balance out the revenues made with Indiana and Ohio. Both of which have high profit parks with major additions in the 2014/2015 seasons. Tides are turning, as you can see with this year's election which I won't delve too far in because it is too political for this forum site which is strictly not about that kind of work. The major thing that I think will make or break KK is this upcoming season: 3 good sized coasters, a good sized water park, and a fairly large family area. If the T3 project is a dump then yeah I would like to see some changes or better yet some movement to the correct changes. Sure I hope for the best, but with this economy and what is going on nationally and internationally we need to invest in parks who would succeed. Now let's say KK fails and it is a flop, what's next? I would rather see Beech Bend actually get an expansion to keep revenue and profit in KY so that one park in KY could rise above how KK did. BB (irony) could use a larger waterpark, which the water park at KK has a plethora of amazing well to do water amenities for park guests. If not that, then possibly move KK farther east to Northern KY, there are places and space where it could develop and grow more than it does in Louisville.
  16. BB1

    Next New Ride?

    To be honest, I'm taking the opposite side of the majority and calling for a 110-130' tall woodie. Yeah sure, reliability, and you name it are big focal points of the steel coaster, but I mean come on, the park has added so many steel coasters and no classic wooden coaster. With the new innovations in corkscrew technology, I wouldn't mind seeing Kings Island acquiring a wooden coaster, not a hybrid might I add. Or better yet, let's get back those Antique Cars, with landscaping and all back to where it all began. But hey, with the Ouimet era, we just don't really know. He is really investing in the histories of the parks and using that to fuel the parks with some thrilling nostalgia which I couldn't say that it came too early or too late. KK just got their Flying Scooters and KI needed theirs back to keep up with that kind of attraction base. It will be interesting to see what happens in the future, as I am really banking on getting a Shoot The Chutes attraction similar to CI's somewhere because that just looks like one heck of a ride.
  17. To be honest, from a person who has never been to The Point, that just looks retro. Times change, and the park needs new space, as people have already been discussing. If the space is what it looks like, it could easily place a new small coaster or a few flats.
  18. Over the few years that Cedar Fair has owned Kings Island, they have forever changed the whole atmosphere of the park; whether it be new rides, new areas, and a few rides returned as well . With this, the culmination of all of the additions now is something enthusiasts have been dying for: Flying Scooters. So, what is the best Cedar Fair Kings Island Addition?
  19. What's the stats on this thing? It looks somewhere around 100, 120?
  20. I got a brochure in the mail months ago, so already i knew a little bit about the project. But this isn't the first rodeo, Celebration, FL is an successful community created by our friends at Disney.
  21. "It's Tomb Raider, The Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiide" That's all that i could think of looking at that.
  22. That would be one of the awkward moments to ride that in GWL's Arcade.....
  23. Great Scott! If WDW's 20K Leagues Under The Sea attraction had a baby, it's this! I LOVE the steam punk theme and how it ties in with the area. Cedar Fair is doing EXACTLY what I love, theme and plot based off of the history of the park. Maybe I should go SoCal this year?
  24. Yes, I was stating MARVEL to emphasize that I am not a fan of DC Comics, sorry for the confusion. This comes after today accidentally saying that a Romulan ship was Klingon, from the 2009 Star Trek film. (The mind thought, and the hands posted another thing)
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