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Everything posted by BB1

  1. Uhhh let's see here.......New Killer Whale exhibit in So Cal......um.....Manta......Kraken...I have nothing else.....I need to get back to SeaWorld! Everyone wants some more change in their pockets. I could see how this could happen, but I would not be surprised how she picked now to sue.
  2. ^^I caught the point, i'm just saying for those doing research to not use Forum posts as logical data, ss they are biased.
  3. I wouldn't exactly call KIC unbiased as everything has bias. Look at our TRs for example, I can find little to no trips by our KICers who go to the waterpark, Soak City at Kings Island. Look at our usernames, everyone likes certain things for a reason, of which changes our outlook on life. Now, it is the issue of finding little biased sources like FOX News with the Ebola case. But hey, I like KIC, it is basically the only "Buzzing" enthusiast community about Kings Island, plus there are some interesting posts here. I would start with some news reports, and leave the forums to last. As forums, again, are biased places where people voice their opinions more than less, not just the facts.
  4. The BEST out of ALL of the countries were Germany, Norway and Italy. Germany had the Biergarten, which is probably one of the best venues now. Italy had a restaurant called Alfredo's (as I called it) amazing food and amazing ladybug dessert. Norway had this little bakery with strudel, BB1 likes his apple strudel........ I've never ate in France though, doing that on my next trip.
  5. At least it isn't the Pequod, for Ahab would not be pleased! I've heard mixed signals pertaining to My Magic Bands, as some like them, others hate them. I'll be deciding soon.....
  6. .......Who was the captian of the Nautilus, a Drone.Pretty cool photos I LOVE The Beast during the Autumn and seeing all the colors!
  7. Things come and go and that's the problem we have always. Humans don't like change, it is in our DNA. Some of us liked Boomerang Bay, and it left. Some of us liked Hanna Barberra Land, and it left. It's a continuing process and KII&C is next, let's say that it was in better condition, yeah I could see how people could keep it alive, but now it is just too desecrated. Heck, I wouldn't be surprised if it is a Dippin' Dots Guy shack and it becomes the literal Rumor Mill.
  8. BB1

    Haunt 2014

    Went to Haunt last night, it was pretty cool. I got to go through six (DDD,KM,US,TTT,BD,WP) Haunts, but I wish we got to do more! KillMart is a treasure trove of old KI stuff. For example, anyone notice the Phantom Theater box sign? Or better yet, the christmas trees from WinterFest? I LOVED the idea, yet I think that it could have been expanded on much further with better costuming. But did it scare, not really. (I don't get scared) Will be checking in on Sam next week at Slaughter House: Reloaded, he owes me a piggie.
  9. Yacht And Beach Club is the true name , Yacht Club is more New England Nautical, while the Beach Club is more Myrtle Beach themed. Yet it should be noted that both share the same "Best resort pool" due to the sand bottom and the amazing LAZY River, and whirlpool. Might I add that the slide was one of the most interesting in WDW. I used to stay there ALL the time and I loved the Yacht Club! Yes, i am more of a Disney enthusiast occasionally, only because I visited 13 yrs in a row and research it often.
  10. Spooky stuff, scary people, fun rides, FUN times.
  11. Front on The Beast, back on FOF.
  12. I think slide tubes are made of a thicker construction/different internal design than tubes for the lazy river so the park decides which colors it wishes to use to signify the type of attraction the tube is made for. Some guests aren't the brightest.... I can't count the number of times that I have been waiting in line for Zoom Flume at Soak City and a guest gets in line carrying a Splash River tube... lots of lifeguard whistling ensues... I believe Soak City has a similar setup. I think the red tubes are only for Thunder Falls while both blue tubes along with the yellow ones are for Splash River. Yes, at Thunder Falls there are tubes lined up under the sign that signifies to place tubes here or to pick up tubes at that location. The same for Splash River, at one point there are tubes lined up next to the River to allow guests to grab a tube and ease into the River. The River has many various colors (Blue, yellow, purple) and sizes (single regular, single large, single small, and double) to choose from while Thunder Falls has a standard tube size, similar to the single regular size, that is red. It should also be noted that Zoom Flume already has family rafts for guests to use, and should only use those said tubes and follow all neccessary procedures the signage and the LifeGuard's ,at the top, and bottom of the attraction, instructions, as per all attractions at Soak City. What could have happened was that a guest came up onto the slide and was permitted to go down due to that there are 2 lifeguards(at least on my visit) at the top of the 3 slide PROSlide complex. This would permit one to go down with the wrong tube and could find oneself to get hurt. I E the green slide has sharp turns that could easily make a guest fly off, or on the bowl and get flipped over.
  13. Yogi Bear would have said the same more than likely when he was around, and look where he is now! I still keep a Yogi on my desk, and occasionally I will ask for a picnic basket. 1. The Beast 2. NA 3. Oktoberfest or Soak City, only because I am a man of the waterpark and I love the what little German theme of the area. 1.
  14. Woah woah woah, look at that post! What little Aussie theme did it have except for the name? I mean really, BB1, I know you're a BB fanboy and all but seriously man get some liable content in your posts! 2 is liable at least, it still gives me a little bit of adrenaline and is still at my number 1 spot. Strange what 2 years could change in a person ya' know. On the flip side, I have been taking more of a liking towards the Congo Falls lately, easy to get on, and some great views of the Banshee Plaza.
  15. I would rather not camp out right next to the highway...... I feel like the only revenue that KI&CC is really getting is nostalgia. When it comes down to it, there are two resorts to stay at relatively close to KI. Option A is an old run down motel next to the interstate with at par amenities, and a huge hotel with an indoor waterpark. I personally would stay at GWL more than KICC. But at the same time, it looked as if it was making some profit during the season. I hope that it is not going, but I am actually surprised that it is still there. (I'm waiting for the motel enthusiast to come and rage about this any second now ) Let's say the KIICC were to get ousted, what would I want? -New hotel -New KI store for the off season -RV/Cabin site -Restaurant
  16. ^^That may have been it! I do a bit of research of old parks and new parks so it is easy to occasionally forget. Thanks for all the feedback and the information about GENcon!
  17. It was a cold morning that I made the 2 hour trip westward/northward to Indianapolis. I have personally never been to the city, and thought for a second that there was a park there, or at least nearby (SFOSL and IB come to mind).But that was not why I was here. No, for it was the Awesome Con that was the reason why I went. A little background to why I went. I like Doctor Who, Tolkien books/movies, Thor(no, not a bandwagon), and so many more "fandom/geeky" things. End background. I was expecting for it to be a tad bit warmer, nope, it was cold. We parked close by about near this outdoor "Fall Fest" was going on, think of our Oktoberfest, and scratch the German and rides, and you have yourself a Fall Fest! We finally made it into the Convention center (Which is a large labyrinth of corridors and rooms. I liked the Wabash rooms though, the name has a certain chime to it.) Navigating left and right we finally met the masses of the Awesome Con. Think of a mass of cosplay and normal clothed people. Finally, we got into the Con itself and it was HUGE, yet it really wasn't, but I'll touch on that later on. We got to sachet through first the comic book stand. Yes, this is the first time I truly became a "comic book nerd". I finally picked out two comics, DragonSlayer and RAGNAROK (Thor/Loki stuff). But the selection at this one stand was superb, Twilight Zones, War of The Worlds, DC, Marvel, you name it, it was probably in one of those boxes. Plus, they were a buck each! After this we went out onto the show floor and looked around at the different booths and the "celebrities" who were there. The Invader Zim cast (Yeah, it's one of those iffy shows, but I liked it for some of the dark yet light humor in it.) of the voice actors for Gir and Zim, Davies from LOTR was supposed to be there, never saw him though, and of course, Adam West. As well to add to that, numerous of different artists (Adventure Time and Bravest Warriors comic artist, and some other people that I cannot name) were strewn about. Now onto the vendors themselves, Etsy to comic book vendors, it was a plethora yet it did not seem large. Some local artists and carvers came out with their items, so did local shirt designers and etc. It was a great taste of what was the geek/fandom side of Indy and the region itself. Many of these prices were not that bad to be honest, so I took advantage of a few and bought a Gandalf shirt, a Dalek poster, and an "I WANT TO BELIEVE" poster from The X-Files, one of my personal classic Sci-Fi shows. Then when it came to the variety of the items though, they did not have much from the LOTR and Tolkien themes. For example, I could find troves and troves of SuperNatural, Walking Dead, Doctor Who (No problem with that) but what a few bits and pieces of LOTR/Tolkien? Maybe it was also the fact that many did not find interest nor was there as many vendors as what I was expecting or saw. But that wasn't such a bad thing as it made it more ambient and more open for people to browse and see what is around. Now onto the other part, the groups and what people were wearing. One of the major groups that was there was the 501st Legion. The 501st Legion is basically a group of Star Wars fans who dress up like Storm Troopers/etc from the film, and participate in things like this. As well, they make some amazing costumes and act very authentic. Adding onto that, out of all of the places I have ever been, this was by far the best place for some of the best costumes. I especially liked how in-depth alot of them went into. I E, Gandalf suit was superb, many Doctor Who fans (Such as myself) dressed similarly to the 11th or 4th, a reoccurring theme. The presentations were cool too, they were mainly by special guests, but they were interesting and were for the most part informative. Overall, I loved the trip out to Indy, it is a cool city with some old history too. If you are looking for a new con in 2015, go to Awesome Con, even though it costs a shiny penny, it makes for an amazing trip!
  18. Move it to Kings Island, that would be hilarious! I am personally hoping that Vekoma or someone retracks T3, that thing from some of the POVs I have seen was far too rough. Another thing is how odd of a drop that it is. No wonder it gets a max of 55! Should be an interesting credit nevertheless, hopefully not too painful.
  19. As per my history, the rides go through refurbs every so often. This would permit for animatronics to be reworked and etc. But i wouldn't think a full evacuation of the props, instead just reworks with their own parts. As i would think that WDW has their own or at least a reliable vendor of such technologies. But hey, that's coming from a 14 year in a row WDW visitor.
  20. Indeed PT is a gem. But then again, looking through my level electronic glasses, I see problems. First off, let's make the analogy of the props being Christmas light fixtures. They go out, so what do you need? Spare parts, which costs an arm and a leg. That alone could put you in the tank, now multiply that by 20ish 40ish. That's some major Boo Boos some one needs to pacify. Now other than that,could I see it returning? Yes, look at the KD for that matter. Could I see some or all of the props returning; yes, but I would think some MAJOR work will need to be done after the water damage alone No telling how deteriorated they are now. Heck, I would even start a Kick Starter for PT to return.
  21. Me thinks the Banshee will more than likely make me dizzy(Will be riding soon.....soon).
  22. I was referring to the Haunts, but I guess no early access more than likely. Thanks anyways!
  23. Just for those of us(Or probably only me, being a penny pincher) who haven't been to the Reds HOF; do they have boneless wings?
  24. Hopefully he won't be a StarChaser either. But at the same time, I like what Mr. Hart is doing with the park and I do give him kudos (Cyclos?) on what he is doing and what he has done!
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