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Everything posted by MDMC01

  1. Happy Thanksgiving KIC! :D What is everyone thankful for?

  2. I would suggest calling the park and they can direct you to the correct person. I give this advice as I once contacted Cedar Point and was able to order a Rougarou shirt over the phone and have it shipped to me. The lesson learned that day was: you'll never know if you don't ask!
  3. Good to know. I wonder why they don't make the moving models anymore?
  4. That is beautiful! However, it seems to be darker blue than when I saw it in person Saturday. It looked turquoise/aqua from a distance (which I really liked), so maybe it's actual color starts to show the closer you get to it (or maybe I'm mis-remembering ). Either way, I'll have to re-examine it next Friday...
  5. So, stupid question... are these Coasterdynamix models working models or just static? Either way, I'm still planning to get that Son of Beast one sometime. Also, @TheRickster, I had to think about your post for a sec before I got the joke lol
  6. I saw two of them Saturday, mostly in Planet Snoopy... I thought it was just part of their character to freeze when spoken to/interacted with lol (that's how it seemed last year and this year when I said hi). Someone else might have more information, though.
  7. Depending on how much it is, I'd love to get the SoB model!
  8. So, while looking for a picture of an old Rivertown sign, I came across this article discussing how Rivertown (and its theming) has changed over the years: https://www.themerica.org/blog/2019/02/24/kings-island-03 EDIT: Also, on page 4, they reference KIC!
  9. Ok. I barely remember that vine tunnel, but I never remember a sign... maybe I didn't look for it lol. That would be cool if someone could find a picture (paging @IndyGuy4KI; I'll look as well,)
  10. There was a Rivertown sign? Was that the one by The Beast?
  11. While looking at Orion, I noticed it combined elements of our previous B&M's: it's tall and fast like Diamondback, and that wave turn reminds me of Banshee's zero-g roll. Also, it's a cool feeling when you walk around the park and Orion has such a presence on the skyline. It's going to be seen from a lot of places in the park, which is really cool.
  12. BUMP (as this is the only dedicated Boo Blasters thread I could find...) I rode last night and I was just blown away by how long Boo Blasters has lasted in that building. I would like to see something replace it when its time comes; it's a great building and I don't want to see it go empty. Also..
  13. I had a fantastic night tonight! While the shows and rides were good, I think the best part was running into so many people I know. It was great to see members of my Haunt Fam and other people I knew everywhere I turned. Though I'd planned to say hi to a few certain people, a lot of the encounters were complete surprises to me and that was really fun (for example, I saw Don like three times)! Also, on "new Tinkers": I really enjoyed it and Overall, it was a great sequel to the already beloved Tinker's Toy Factory. The first season of Tinker's was a classic and this was a great follow-up. In the rides department, I got a Zen Ride on Shake, Rattle and Roll close to open and got the tree on Mystic. I also went over to the Petting Farm and they have these pygmy goats that are just adorable (along with the sheep, bigger goats, yak/cow-looking animals, donkeys (no white one this year) and the camel). I think my favorite is a small brown one named Juliet. Going back to rides, Antique Autos after dark was cool, but my steering wheel wasn't the easiest to control. As a final note, carriage rides are only $10 this year! I had originally thought they were $40 per group (like in past years), but the guy said $10 (maybe this was because at this time of night, there was no line, idk- someone might have to confirm). EDIT: Oh, and that Coney Confections walk-through was interesting... the setup reminded me of a Haunt maze.
  14. Interesting indeed... first the RMC-like elements on coasters, then the hybrid track, and now the single rail... Wonder what new designs RMC will come up with in response? To be fair, they say imitation is most sincere form of flattery. Either way, the future of coasters looks interesting...
  15. Even on the eve of Winterfest, it is still great to hear Haunt-related songs on the radio. Over the past 3 days, I've heard "Abracadabra" (Steve Miller Band)/"Don't fear the Reaper" (Blue Oyster Cult), "Dragula" (Rob Zombie)/"Voodoo" (Godsmack) (one right after the other!) and that "we're running with the shadows of the night..." song.

  16. That's easy; the boomerang! IMO, it's very iconic and doesn't take up a ton of space as it's sunken into the ground. -MDMC, whose verbiage is intentional...
  17. Oof. And now that you mentioned it, I do remember a slide being closed (and I'm pretty sure it opened later in the day) as well as one of the pools (I wanna say it was the kid's area or the adult pool near it) being closed during one of my visits. EDIT: Also, which slide was "Riptide Racer" and why do you say "the legality of ownership [of the slide] may be questionable"? Like, did The Beach not own the slide? -MDMC, curious...
  18. I love that the put construction trucks on the map lol Also, what is the "Holday Sing-Along" (in Rivertown Wonderland)? Is that new? Also-also, Subway is open; yeet!
  19. THIS! Also, would it help for FOF’s launch to be revamped, like what happened with Pskye Underground (flywheel launch was replaced with a more modern system), or would the trains just need some reworking? I would love to see FOF yet some TLC, especially in light of Orion opening up next year. It’s a cool ride, but it is aggressively rough at times (and I don’t mean the good kind of aggressive, like Maverick or Rougarou).
  20. After seeing the actual webcam pic, I looked at the webcam thread and saw it was closed. I'm actually happier about the webcams being back then I thought I'd be lol Also, Winterfest starts in less than a week (though my brain is still in Haunt mode; I had a blast this year!)!
  21. That station looks really cool! Also, the webcam is back?
  22. So, you're saying you had the inside scoop, @Oldiesmann? Other assorted memories I have of The Beach are as follows: That high dive "cliff" that went down really deep (like, it wasn't that high up off of the ground, but it was long way to the bottom). the triple slides, the year Volcanic Panic (the slide at the front near the wave pool) opened and being really excited for that, the first time I rode Aztec Adventure my friend and I didn't weigh enough (we were kids), getting water in my eyes from the drop when I did finally ride it (it was also my first "water coaster"), getting sick airtime on the Bansai (the racing slide) just by lifting yourself off the slide before the drops, getting stuck on Hidden Rapids, finally getting up the courage to do The Cliff (that was like a big deal as I was always scared of it as a kid), the Twilight Zoom, the unique layout of Snake River Rapids, that weird really wide slide near the enclosed one, said enclosed slide freaking me out a little, that rope bridge to get to said slides terrified me as I thought it would break... I think that's it for now EDIT: Looks like Queen City Disco has an article about The Beach's closure... in 2012! Link: http://queencitydiscovery.blogspot.com/2012/10/the-beach-waterpark-all-dried-up.html
  23. In response to the comments about the shows/extending daylight hours, I think it would be interesting to have more showtimes during the day - or at least, if not more showtimes, then maybe have the same amount of shows, but move it up so more showing of a particular show are during the day (like how Gravity did for the sensory friendly shows- great idea, btw; I got to see all the shows I wanted to that day and still had plenty of time to ride rides). As a Winterfest example, let's say the Drummers show schedule is moved up an hour. Since the first show will be at 4:30, this frees people up to see more shows (assuming all the other shows start at 5:30/6:00). However, maybe shows are set up the way they are to encourage repeat visits (as you really can't do everything in one night!); I'm not sure. I never understood why on Saturdays, some shows didn't start earlier even though the park opened at 4 instead of 5 - though it was nice to just be in the park, I found myself waiting around for things to start.
  24. I haven't been to The Beach in years; I remember going a few times as a kid and it was fun (but I was always bummed you couldn't pet the goats on the way to Snake River Rapids (not sure what it's called now, but it looks like there is a mat racer attached to it). The last time I went was for the tubing hill and I was underwhelmed. I hear it is a ghost town now and its nice in that regard.
  25. I feel like I have to chime in as I'm one of The Bat's biggest fans... I've loved the coaster since it was Top Gun; it used to be one of my standbys as a kid. I've pretty much loved it throughout its lifetime (there was a brief period where I resented the repaint because change!) and I'd hate to see it go. I do not mind the walk back there and I think it's one of the most photogenic (and unique) coasters in the park. Although it may not be as intense as modern coasters are nowadays (while people now think of The Bat as stepping stone coaster, it apparently was billed as a thriller when it came out), it has its moments ( like swinging above the station as well as that intense turn on the far end of the course, near Banshee). It is also very cool to watch as the individual cars swing and articulate to the track. All things considered, I also realize it is getting older and maybe it will lose its luster with me (there are some rides on it that aren't quite as thrilling as expected; it seems to happen when it's the first ride of the day- but maybe that's because my anticipation is more than the thrill provided, if that makes sense); see below*. When its time does come, I think an Axis coaster that could emulate the original Bat's feel and layout OR a floorless would be great replacements. *However, I am very curious to see/experience how my relationship is with that coaster after riding Orion (which may or may not dethrone The Bat as my favorite coaster in the park).
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