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Everything posted by TheCrypt

  1. See TR:TR or Adventure Express. Those rides used to have fog. But it rusted the materials far too fast. Which is why there is no longer fog on AE, and why there was no fog on TR:TR or The Crypt till it closed. Both used to have another corrosive material--water. Yet that has since been removed. The majority of us do not know what kind of fog they used or not, so fog might not have been an issue. You can also add The Italian Jobs to your list.
  2. I thought Baconador meant he thinks they are tearing down one of the buildings. How about converting a restaurant to a restaurant? There are two possibilities on International Street that I am thinking of. Can you name them? IR , S
  3. If you have a small drawstring bag, you can ride with it on your back. I've done it numerous times in the past and have not been questioned. The big bags, however, must ride in the foot of the car, or in (what is presumably) "cubbies" in the back of the station.
  4. WindSeeker replaced The Crypt? The two attractions are hardly correlated. 1) WindSeeker is nowhere near The Crypt's plot of land. 2) WindSeeker and The Crypt coexisted in 2011, so saying WindSeeker replaced The Crypt is downright silly. 3) I think you mean downtown.
  5. The bolded section is incorrect. There are no more single-use, $1 lockers in the park anymore (save for the miniscule few just outside Coney Mall's main enterance), as they have been updated to the electronic lockers that cost $1/hour. However, the minimum number of hours you must purchase is 2 (equalling a total of $2 for a 2 hour rental). These lockers can be opened and closed as many times as you would like. Remember that when you are done, make sure you hold the "End Rental" button. They are also very strict, from what I've seen, about leaving articles in lockers over the selected timeframe. Articles WILL BE CONFISCATED.
  6. Why are they adding these shops? Where will they go? What is the incentive? Will they be permenant or temporary? I'd like to hear more from the park about this.
  7. Don't you dare even think about that. I don't like Graeter's very much... Would it be bad for me to say I would prefer a pile of rocks in place of it?
  8. Hopefully they aren't removing the pretzel shop, either. It's the last bit of working German "theme" in the entire park. I'd like for it to stay.
  9. You are supposedly paying for ERT in the new Haunt or a behind-the-scenes tour of the Haunt. The park has not confirmed the specifics, so all we can do for now is speculate. Although, for $100, it would be pretty awkward to sit next to people you don't know at all... By the way, Don, I would like to point out that I love the little humor you put in at the end.
  10. I was seriously thinking you would pick Crocodile Dundee. I was surprised enough to see you didn't, but I just about fell out of my chair to see Yogi! Excellent choice, sir!
  11. There were 2 sets of walls added in the 2011 season for The Crypt. One set was actually manually operated doors that seperated the former antechamber from the ride, and the other was a wall that blocked half of the Triangle of Light rolling door's opening. It is unclear at this moment so as to whether or not the manually operated doors have been removed or not, or if the wall between the antechamber and queue has only been removed. Both could have very well been removed, but the 2 doors could also have stayed to create a sense of anticipation while waiting in line. I would be shellshocked to find The Bat fallen silent during the Haunt. The Bat could serve as a boost in ambience, which is good. Maybe they can fix the timer to have it run more often? I do think it would be a bit more effective, however, if they had more colored lights, a couple strobes, some mist/fog around the base, and a louder rasping soundtrack.
  12. But it is ONE family! Fine. If it must be one character, Boo Boo. Maybe a baggage claim, with that.
  13. Flinstone Family (Gee. Guess I'm in a minority!)
  14. According to Wikipedia, Jerry from the TV series "Tom and Jerry" is about 80 years old. I'm not sure what kind of fans he draws, or where, but my guess is that he does draw some sort of fans!
  15. Oh no. They took away the boarded up wall between the antechamber (preshow) and the queue! I know it is a minor difference, but even something that minor made an ambience impact. At least most of the Crypt theming is still intact. I really hope these are cleared before the night begins. It would be a shame to have everything compacted in the small, short, and cramped queue instead of the ride chamber.
  16. http://www.weather.com/travel/vacation-planner/worlds-most-visited-theme-parks-20120817 Disney....Disney....Disney....
  17. Time Warner Cable may disagree. Guess who's a happy poster? I immediately recognized the dining hall as the antechamber. I could see all the skeletons and dog demons, as well as Hindu carvings. However, how do they plan on using the space? Assuming the Haunt is in the ride chamber (more than likely is), will they clear the dining table, chairs, and other dining necessities to assure a clear path between queue and ride chamber? I'm digging the way the new props look as well as the reuse of former Crypt/TR:TR props. Totally psyched to visit the building on the inside.
  18. I'm not sure what you're trying to say above. Would it be nice to see a fortunate few rides from Kentucky Kingdom refurbished and sent elsewhere to operate under caring owners? Yes. Is it feasible given Mr. Workman--well, the board for that matter--'s reluctance to cooperate with any party? No. Question: Is there anything of historical importance in the park? If so, what?
  19. While I don't necessarily disagree with you, Terp, what was the most recent steel coaster refurbished after decades of nonuse? I think the most recent coaster of any material was Zippin Pippin, which from my understanding, had a substantial amount of redesigning as well as new materials. But heck, I could be far from the truth. I would think fixing up a wooden coaster would be far easier than a steel coaster. This is a bit early for even you, Terp!
  20. If I were a betting man, I would venture out to say that after the feast, you get a behind the scenes, lights on tour of the house. That would very much so appeal to me, even if few items on the menu appeal to me. This year is shaping up to be the best Haunt year yet!
  21. None of them. The rides were not "put away" properly. Thunder Run's train is still sitting on the withering brake run, protected by nothing. Weeds are infiltrating all aspects of the park. Rust has been calling roller coaster track home since day one of the closure. I would rather try and save The Big Dipper before save anything from Kentucky Kingdom.
  22. Again, the mobile and full sites dispute eachother. Call the park and do not call the trip off yet. For all you know, the park could very well be open whilst you have a foul taste in your mouth and visit the Point. EDIT: Thank you, Don. You have saved a park trip!
  23. I wouldn't call Millennium Flyers the "best in the industry". B&M makes some snazzy Mega Coaster trains... Millennium Flyers are the best wooden coaster trains, I'll give you that. I doubt a PTC could ride as well as the MF's on Gwazi.
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