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Shawn Meyer

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Shawn Meyer last won the day on July 29 2023

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    Akron, Ohio

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  1. Here's a question for Don. Did you ever in your 17 years working for Kings Island, ever want to work a season at Cedar Point? I bet you would have gained a lot of fame at America's roller coast!
  2. I find this funny that we made a thread about which bathroom is the best at Kings Island. While I'm here, I'm going to say that the restroom by The Bat/Banshee is the best one in the park. It just seems like one of the least used restrooms in the park. I also enjoy a bathroom where some punk before me didn't decide to vandalize the stall. That's so annoying because most of the time, you can't latch the door for privacy and people coming in might try to walk in on you.
  3. Is that bridge that the griswolds go under an actual bridge that goes to magic mountain?
  4. I would also add Rick Astley in the shed. Could you imagine arriving in the shed and getting Rick rolled? Lol
  5. I'm hoping to go as long as my friend can get on his phone in time to purchase them. My work doesn't allow me to keep my phone on me in the work zone. Unsecured area is a different story. But, by the time I go on break, they might be sold out so It's good that he has a job where he can step away and use his phone.
  6. Well I don't know what would get me punched. But I do know if I went up to someone and said The Beast is better than Voyage at Holiday world, I would get laughed at! I actually mean that by the way!
  7. That's nice of them to light up the Eiffel Tower as early as February. Maybe security did that to have some fun. I hope they take down the winterfest sign in front of the fountains soon. I think that's the only thing they forgot.
  8. ^ Maybe something like what Cedar Point received a couple years ago?
  9. My idea would be more towards making the tomb raider building smaller since it's just a haunt in September and October. They don't need that much ceiling in there.
  10. If arrows weren't becoming extinct nowadays, after the last lift Hill of Adventure Express, I would add a helix after that little drop that would just go straight into the station afterwards. Give more to the adventure right?
  11. I think the fountains are there because of the nostalgia of Kings Island. If you remove those, there would be an uproar of complaints from the fans and enthusiasts.
  12. Twenty-five years ago when I was in High School, I thought the introduction of the GIGA roller coaster was the coolest thing. I was excited to go around telling everyone what was happening in the roller coaster world. Now in days, people are like woopy do!
  13. I would ask Don this too. Would it be hard to swap a song and re-program the theme in the shed? I would love to hear a song like, "Bad moon on the rise"
  14. I would ask Don this. I know you don't work for the park anymore, but if you did, this would be my question. Since the merger, would you want to work for the park now compared to when it was just known as a Cedar Fair property? Like, would it bother you to work there under the Six Flags merger?
  15. Since the off-season began, has there been any word possibly of what might happen with the SOB station?
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