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Everything posted by fanofFirehawk

  1. They are the pretty much the same from what I understand.
  2. ​Has this been approved by administrator? But also looks very nice and well done, hope your community begins to grow.
  3. I assume there should be a photograph of some sort because of the ":", but I'm not seeing anything...
  4. I believe it is remix of .It was probably done for the film, and then remixed for the ride. I might be wrong though
  5. Just one thing after reading all of those... You all think a lot like the Kinzel.
  6. Really, I might want to rethink that. A lot of those ride take up very little space and other take so much it would be so hard to replace. Taking out Backlot and Flight Deck would devastate my brother those are the only things that he really loves to ride outside of Planet Snoopy. We sure wouldn't be taking as many trips to Kings Island if you destroyed 8 attractions.
  7. I don't know much about this park, but WindSeeker or Steelhawk or Storm Chaser , what ever. But this kind of ride could be a more smart ride for the park, it is a more family oriented ride, it looks awesome at night, I think for a small park like that it is a very nice ride for them.
  8. I was just saying flaws were there regardless and Intamin was he manufacturer the overall out come would've been the same.
  9. I was walking directly behind you, then. Don was just ahead of me when he walked behind the building facing International Street. By the way, when I read the title of this thread, I pictured someone nearly colliding with Don on the midway. I just remembered something, where are you having a lively discussion about Kings Island insert in dysfunctional ride while waiting to go through the turnstiles because if so I believe I listened in on your conversation. What shirt are you wearing and did you talk to anyone like in line to get in front of the gate.
  10. I doubt the ride manufacturer would determine whether or not they tore down ride with that many issues. It would've just been another paragraph on Wikipedia's Intamin accidents (Sub) page.
  11. For what section of the park though?
  12. I will but you have to where a T-Shirt with B&M printed across the front and back.
  13. What do you think is on the Chopping block next a Kings Island? I can add more when requested... I think that Congo will be the next to go.
  14. At first when I rode Magnum, I was like... Ow… Ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow Austin, why did you staple me down?!? But after a few more rides on it, Maggie has begun to grow on, me not as good as Diamondback or anything, but it actually is a pretty nice ride. I think this will be my brothers next step up from Gemini and The Racer. If only I could find a smooth seat on it.
  15. Well, Your height shouldn't be a problem, Although you might want to avoid Invetigo, Delirium and maybe Drop Tower, I think might be able to fit on Diamondback. Although I'm not the best person to come to with that. I have just seen people that are a little larger have some trouble with those rides. The Ride ops will try there best to get you in your restraint. Hope you have Fun. - Nathan
  16. I guess I kind of classified Food services under vending, sorry. I am on it... EDIT: There you are, Food Services, Loud and Proud.
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