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Everything posted by disco2000

  1. And here I just got notified of apps available for update and KI was one of them, but sadly it was for an update on 5/24 that just rolled out to me, so even if they updated the app today with the new hours, it could very well not rollout through Google or Apple until someone has already traveled here!
  2. It is a shame it is appearing to be multi parks in the chain that are having difficulty communicating to their patrons about changes. What if you had not told them and they just showed up to a closed park and hotel? How can they not reach out to people with hotel reservations on their properties?
  3. Yeah because it takes what 30 seconds to post a quick tweet and FB post LOL. And I would expect the salaried PR folks control those sites and not IT. Plus the email came out before 5pm. Screenshots of the email sent out made its way to fan based social media sites within minutes, you know because it literally takes no time. The app will take more time because they do not have the app pulling data from a server (benefit being you can be offline and see everything but ride times), and the app needs to be actually updated and pushed out through Google and Apple and some will either miss it before the weekend due to the rollout schedule or the person doesn't update apps quickly. And the website shouldn't be that hard either...
  4. Yep I mentioned in the other thread that if staffing were really the issue, that given the forecast, wouldn't they be better off to postpone Soak City opening and then staff the dry park to stay open the two hours they just removed....but we all know the real reason why...
  5. Absolutely...and let's not forget that their app will need to be updated as well because it is not programmed to pull from a server things like the calendar and actually needs to be an app update...so that will burn some people as well if the app update rollout doesn't get to them in time...
  6. Actually I do not, I am trying to find the real motivator for the change at this late date, as are a lot of posts on social media...well on sites not in control by the park as they have not posted the change to their social media yet... I cannot be the only person questioning why they would eliminate hours on a typically busy holiday weekend this close to the weekend. If it is a staffing issue as you mention and the park infers, and I do agree that with the water park opening this weekend that does require more staff than last weekend, but given the forecast that will probably close Soak City early one or two of the 3 day weekend, wouldn't it make more sense to simply not open that side and keep the dry side fully staffed? Two more hours of dry side operation has to be cheaper than opening the water park for 4 hours before closing? So they did not know until a few hours ago that they would be understaffed this weekend, or maybe they were overconfident that the pay increase would bring them thousands of prospects that didn't pan out? That is the way it comes across if it isn't in response to what happened last weekend. Unless you are an employee of the park with knowledge of the operations and authorized to speak on behalf of the park we are both just speculating on the reasons LOL...we are just trying to make sense of it all. Not that it matters at the end of the day as it is what it is and the park will operate as they deem best given the information they have regardless of our thoughts LOL, but if the reason has to do with the incidents this past weekend, I think many would agree that the park should state that they are closing early to better monitor the situation until they can staff up security in the parking lot or add additional lighting in the parking lot (long needed) or whatever else. That would go a long way towards mitigating what most are assuming the reason for the early close is and badmouthing the park on social media...
  7. And yet the 2 hours they cut from the schedule are from the hours the dry and water side do not overlap...interesting.... Which goes to my point of following their sister park lead and delay the water park opening. Given the forecast, they will probably close Soak City early one or both days, so will they give those two hours back to the dry side like CP has been known to extend hours in the past for large crowds...
  8. True, I am sure some of these reservations are now within the no cancel window. The parks are certainly being put to the test early. And no matter what they do, someone is going to be unhappy.
  9. Right, but they could have done what their sister parks of Carowinds and Kings Dominion did and push back the opening of the water park...and given the forecast this weekend probably a good thing to do anyway. Further the water park closes at 7pm, plus not many staff at this point would be cross-trained for dry park operations and water park operations, so this is either in response to the incident or a lot of people quit from a fully staffed dry park since last weekend....
  10. They should get PR on the ball and get this notice out on their social media channels ASAP. With this being a holiday weekend, it would make sense to give people as much advance notice as possible so people can change plans if they choose instead of coming to the park and finding out while there the hours changed and forming a line at the "make me whole" department...
  11. They infer it is due to staff shortages...yet last weekend they said to the media they were fully staffed...so did a lot quit?
  12. Well that is why they will cut the lines an hour early so people cannot jump in line at 9:30 and instead go and shop and buy a book
  13. They infer in the email that it was due to staffing issues...
  14. So you think they cut the hours two days before what would be a large holiday weekend crowd spending money in the park due to wage increases....why not do like CP and cut some days out - that would have a bigger savings... Actually more time was needed to set up the DJ dance party
  15. I guess they needed two more weeks to set-up for the dance party.
  16. Nope, park changed the hours. This weekend and next were scheduled for 10pm close... So they have themselves in a PR pickle LOL - so they say this change is due to insufficient staffing despite them claiming to the media they are properly staffed ...so did a lot of people quit after last weekend or was the park giving a little white lie about being properly staffed...
  17. True, they will be looking at snap to find people there instead of looking around LOL. And then exchange discord handles with the hookups LOL.
  18. LOL - I like a good disco as much as the next person, but the age-inappropriate behavior at the Paramount event would put a lot 19 year olds in jail in today's society... The underage crowd with season passes will jump all over this opportunity...I suspect many during the paramount dance parties were passholders as well... And as I and @HandsUpmention, a lot of age-inappropriate behavior occurred during that event. But I do suspect Paramount had a different perspective on the crowd that was brought in and why half the run didn't happen for bunches of excuses other than stating the event drew the wrong crowd and behavior...I seem to remember a gun was brought in to that event. Maybe dance behaviors has changed since the dance party in the Paramount era LOL. I hope I am wrong, but I would be surprised if this runs its entire duration. Maybe it only running an hour will help and not being marketed/tied into a hit MTV show that Paramount owned will help keep it in check? Let's hope KI is prepared for the event...
  19. Again, a different type of crowd than an event marketed as a DJ dance party...many take this type of event to be an outdoor club and will draw a different age demographic like a bunch of unchaperoned teens coupled with college age kids...that was the mixture in the Paramount marketed dance party...in addition to the the fights, you had 19-year old guys doing a little bump-n-grind with a 14-year old girls....we don't see that at the bandstand event that had lots of families with little ones there...nor would we with a bunch of enthusiasts at an Orion announcement event...
  20. Yeah, some one-offs as part of a ride announcement and part of a family event like Grand Carnivale draws one type of crowd.... A event marketed DJ dance party 9-10pm draws a different type of crowd...
  21. He is referring to when Paramount purchased the park and did a DJ dance party and didn't last it's entire run and if I recall correctly ended after just a few events. Take the video from this past weekend and add to it and much worse...will history repeat itself with this rendition...
  22. You mean like they do to the FB passholder page
  23. Did you not see any of the videos from that night or hear stories? When a fight among a big group happens out in the open and you happen to be stuck between them or in a queue, there isn't much you can do as a family, especially in the middle of a queue. Kinda hard to disperse in the confined area, plus people behind you trying to get in closer to the action to see what is going on. You don't have to be part of a fight to have someone shoved into you or your kid or take a wild punch that the person missed their target and gets you in the face instead...
  24. Unfortunately, it is the same argument people are making against a chaperone policy - people claim why create a policy that punishes all the well behaved teens.... So in this instance, if it were a group, say for example Jeffersontown High School and KI bans that high school from ever attending as a group, isn't that punishing all future kids from that school, and this doesn't prevent those same kids involved from visiting KI as an individual or with another group... So what is the proper punishment for a group and does it apply to the individuals? But KI should take a page out of KK book, they should publicly state they are aware of who the troublemakers were and banned them from the park...or give a glimpse into some of the measures they are taking to make people feel safer and not rely on the overused buzz phrase cliche "does not align with our core values" statement... Everyday that goes silent hoping it disappears just fuels the fire of folks saying KI is unsafe. In the digital age, this story has been republished all around the world and the silence on the park is deafening...
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