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Everything posted by NoChickens

  1. My first visit, and a truly wonderful time. I was a bit disappointed with it at the beginning, as things started more than a little late. But all in all, a truly magnificent time. The ERT on Thunderhead was about as much fun as I've ever had at an event. Thanks to everyone involved at CC, and Dollywood, for a wonderful time.
  2. Agreed that I to have to put the germaphobe part of me away when in parks in general, but this goes way beyond that, IMO. What of head lice? One egg carrying bug hiding in these straps, and guess what? The riders upon exit, give back the headsets. Given to the other mentioned ride ops in a plastic bin. Wiped and tested, returned to another plastic bin, and then recycled into the queue. NO distinction between the two bins BTW. And the ride ops just carry them around, noway dirty and clean bins can't be intermixed when ride ops cycle locations and duties. I didn't really have a chance to count the total number of sets in use, but I would guess it around 24-30.
  3. Passed by today, pretty much all gone. A corner of the conference center looked to be all that remains. On a happier note, the new entrance seems to be progressing wonderfully.
  4. I would ask that someone PM you, having your e-mail addy on here is just asking for spam when "bots" pick it up.
  5. We need to get back there. As Terpy mentioned, Volcano is a must ride. I also say the same for I-305, though he would disagree. Luckily for you, IMO, Hurler won't be running ;-)
  6. They can't hurt it. It did however, hurt me. I do hope it gets extensive TLC. I cringe at the thought of any coaster ending it's life span. I personally have said I'd not ride it again, but that doesn't mean I'd want to see it removed.
  7. After seeing this in action, I maintain it is indeed the worst idea ever. After a 1.5 hour delay, reportedly caused by someone failing to plug in the charger for the VR headsets over night, we entered the queue with an estimated 20-30 people ahead of us. About an hour later 2 of the 3 trains had dispatched, with the first stacked on the brake run, waiting to unload. Yes, those 6 poor souls were still on the ride. Dispatch was so slow the headsets that riders had on would shut off to conserve battery, and have to be replaced, adding to the wait. There was a little "bull pen" where riders were fitted for the headsets, then be told to remove them and be sent to queue for the ride. Once on board, the headsets would be placed back on, with each being invariably readjusted by the ride ops. And, as mentioned, by this time many had shut off and would have to be replaced due to the length of time it took. As to IBEW_Sparky's concerns, A) a complete joke. "Sanitizing" the headsets consisted of 1 ride op wiping the headband with an alcohol wipe, passing it to another ride op that wiped around the headsets edges that contacted the skin with another alcohol wipe. After these 2 gloved employees finished their duties, they passed them to a 3rd, ungloved employee, that promptly placed it over their face, to ensure it was functional. No, I AM, serious. B )This is why it is destined to fail, I believe. This little 6 passenger ride, had 13 ride ops in the station. At no time as we passed by, was the Flash Pass line not 1/2 way down the ramp. We heard others mention a 4 hour wait time for the normal queue. I've heard defense for the system, that it will get better with time. It would have to, it can't get much worse. Of note, after wasting 2.5 hours on this queue, the ride malfunctioned as we were finally seated. And we were asked to return to the queue. We declined and left via the exit.
  8. ^^ Because it's a major artery, a life line to commerce. Few highways are more used than that one. Expectations are set, someone was willing to accept. Now we see if they are met.
  9. ^^^^^^^^ A Top Spin, a Round up, a Giant Slide, a Trabant.... the list could go on for quite some time.
  10. I just hope they don't go the way of Arrow. NoChickens cross threading .
  11. Seems they are accomplishing what they intended. A re-branded, repainted, resurrected gem. And it is a gem, IMO. The way they use the limited space they have is unlike any other park I've seen. No room for a coaster? Sure there is, just build the station 25 feet or so over the midway! Tig'rr literally runs on top of the Dog-n-Suds restaurant. Corn Ball Express, and Hoosier Hurricane share some supports. A unique park, to say the least. I would've recommended it to anyone before. With what Apex has invested, I can't imagine not going if you have the opportunity.
  12. I've tried the link the video provides, blank page so far. :-( If anyone finds a link, please post!
  13. SFGAm, my bad. I've grown accustomed to the other being simply NJFTP. :-D
  14. SIX gets so many things right. Ride operations isn't really one of them, IMO. And it's such a basic point, people standing in line aren't spending. They are, most likely, becoming frustrated. Frustrated people tend to leave. As I and 2 other posters here did once from SFGA. Granted the park was packed, but low expectations of line movement from the preceding day, greatly influenced the decision. There was a lovely recovery at Indiana Beach though :-) Sorry, pretty off topic. But, thread was headed that way.
  15. Mine would be when I sit on the seat ;-)
  16. The only thing that sucks about the removal of this ride is, it emphasizes the fact than INTAMIN and FUN will no longer get along. Barring a miracle, INTAMIN is dead to Cedar Fair. That is sad; love them or hate them, they have made great rides,
  17. A more appropriate thread : http://www.KICentral.com/forums/index.php/topic/31714-2016-jobs-at-kings-island/
  18. Heaven forbid, it's a classic! But, a new version of KCKC would make me very happy.
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