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Everything posted by NoChickens

  1. I've heard bad things about that beagle on chilly closing days. Our resident weather man, or some others could interpret.
  2. Not quoting this particular post for a reason, just to go back to that topic. The obvious is being missed here. Front of the line? Sure! but not multiple times. See the Six model for how it should work. You get to ride all the "big" attractions, with no wait, but you can't hop right back in line and clog up the system, causing both lines to stall.
  3. I can't believe I left off Indiana Beach, (thanks Homestar). Not on either pass, of course, but relatively inexpensive. It would be on your way, if SFGAm is on your list. And only about an hour and 15 mins from a place to lay your head. :-)
  4. If your're going to drive to Dollywood, might as well drive a little farther and hit Six Flags over Georgia. Depending on your timing, maybe even Lake Winnie. Holiday World and KK could easily be done over a weekend, maybe add a day just cause. Now, when you decide to go to CP, take some time and tour east, Waldameer, Kennywood, Knoebels, Hershey, Dorney, NJFTP, BGW,... the list is nearly endless that direction. As far as your Platinum pass, man, it gets rough from "our" relative location. KI & CP are our only "close" destinations. We do plan to try an adventure to WoF, mid-late summer, wich of course puts SFSL on the way. I guess the long and short of it is, platinum is great, but to really enjoy it, a SIX pass is just as important. With that you could venture to SFSL, SFOG,NJFTP,SFGA,...while driving to (or nearby) other destinations. This "hobby" is a money soak, much like any other, lol.
  5. Wow, very disjointed, and no real explanation. I'd have to lean toward a fair amount of drug use, and I doubt marijuana was the only one.
  6. Am I missing the obvious here? Why wouldn't whoever asked Maggie to put in 2 spaces, just have put in 2 spaces?
  7. Permanently installed pass through metal detectors have a minimal impact on wait times. Sure, there will be the one person that fails to remove a belt, or the stray quarter. But in my experience it's the wands that really slow things down. Of note here as well, travelling litely greatly expedites the process, as every SIX park I've attended has a "no bag check" line available. Do actively avoid any line that has a baby stroller, with diaper bags and blankets draped over it ;-) The very minor inconvenience of removing my belt, and phone, keys, change....etc. and placing them in a tray that moves along a table top directly beside me is well worth the perception of safety it gives. I say perception because nothing is fool proof. Also of note, SIX is very good at this process, training is obviously in place to be efficient, as well as vigil.
  8. Big *SIGH*, again I am forced to decide between my 2 favorite places. I prayed this event wouldn't conflict with qualifications for Indy, but it will. A bigger, better Coasterstock, vs. qualifications for the 100th running of the Indy 500. Sadly I'm leaning toward Indy this time. Coasterstock will most likely be back next year, in it's 3rd incarnation. There will be only 1, 100th Indy. This saddens me deeply.
  9. Very torn here: Enchanted Voyage was something near Disney scale immersion. A ride I remember vividly +/- 40 years later. The song is still embedded in my memory. The almost overwhelming sights and sounds. A ride that could be re-rode many times, and see something new each time. A slow boat, that as it left one area, would seamlessly move to the next. The accent and mood changing, but they lyrics still in perfect time. How I wish I could board it again, with my grandchildren. Phantom Theater was something quite different. Immersive in its theme from queue to exit. The Maestro warning you from his balcony as you waited to board. The sights, sounds, and even climatic changes pulling you into the story line. Again, something I would love to share with the kids. I never got to ride TRTR, sadly. My daughter still claims it as her favorite ride ever, wish I had experienced it. After much self debate, I must put my final vote on Enchanted Voyage. It was an experience, not just a ride.
  10. But, this one piece of the article might speak volumes. The federal regulatory agency said Cedar Fair of Sandusky failed to train employees to shut off power before performing maintenance work on the Slingshot ride so the safety procedure was not followed. Regulators also said Cedar Fair did not properly train employees in safety measures when they are exposed to moving parts on the Slingshot. Read more at http://www.toledoblade.com/business/2015/12/05/OSHA-fines-Cedar-Fair-over-injury.html#VHAQVMVPzmB1JcTp.99
  11. Is there a chapter titled "people gotta eat"? I'd buy it if there was.
  12. I'm in the minority for sure here, even MrsNC won't ride it often. But, I have redeveloped a true love for this coaster. It's well documented here that 5-1, or 7-1, give the best rides, and I agree. 5-1 is the smoothest, 7-1 is....awesome! At the risk of sounding repetitive in my reviews of this particular coaster, in the last 3 years it has become so much more re-rideable. To my knowledge, there have been no major changes to it, but it has been absolutely enjoyable for me. Even Mrs.NC got off after VortesBFF's 300'th ride, amazed that she was intact, though still claimed a slight headache. We did have to ride in 4-2 though, as 5-1 was occupied after we held 1-1 for said 300th rider.
  13. Though one would wonder also, if the new trains might give an opportunity to fix the already, slightly off, configuration the station already has. It is after all, left over from the switch from 4 row to 3 row PTC trains. I have no real desire to see the current trains removed, but I will also state that I'd like to ride one of them. Lack of data makes an informed choice impossible.
  14. Sounds like a blast!! Nitro in December? Brrrrrrrr. https://www.sixflags.com/greatadventure/plan-your-visit/park-operating-schedule If you click things to do, it gives ride list and shows...etc.
  15. I'd go in to watch a bird fly by the Eiffel Tower.
  16. True enough, memories can be made whatever the ride content may be. But I purpose that history is as important as those memories. Let us start with said Racer, I first rode it in 1973. Thrilling it was to my then 9 year old mind. Fast forward to the year 1992. I take my 2 daughters, aged 5 & 7. They look at that mass of white painted wood, and I see in their eyes the anticipation, and trepidation I felt so many years ago. They rode, and loved it, just as I had so many years before. Now, in 2016 I'll have the opportunity to ride this great white coaster again, and with another set of new wide open eyes. Would I still go to Ki? of course. Would it be the same, not at all. One of the greatest gifts we can give our children is history, sadly it means little to most in this "have it now" generation. Racer is as an iconic coaster, that few others can compare to. Would you go to Coney Island NY, if Cyclone was demolished? And at some point, I hope, someone will remember riding Diamondback with grandPa, and do so with fond memories.
  17. I'd still like to see a top spin, with KD's ride program and effects located behind International Showplace, and next to Diamonback. Of course it could be called, The Crypt. Another set of gliders, for persons out of the Planet Snoopy age group, in Coney Mall . A Whip would be grand as well. Anyone heard form those pickers?
  18. We are really not fans of water parks. And this is largely why. As our Terpy often says, " I have no desire to bathe with x number of people, most of whom need one" I substitute x, to compensate for park size. That said, Great Wolf is an awesome destination, and seems cleaner than any other I've been to. I will soon smell the chlorinated water of that HUGE space again. And likely spend most of my time in the "adults only" hot tub. The quotation marks are for those that don't read the signs, much like "line jumping is prohibited".
  19. We ended the season on The Beast. After riding Vortex's last train of the season with VortexBFForever.
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