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DJSkyFoxx last won the day on January 16

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    roller coasters, amusement/theme parks, music/DJing, horseback riding, off roading, law enforcement, target shooting, airsoft/paintball

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  1. This is going to be the renaissance era for Vekoma in the states I feel.
  2. Not as much as some, but definitely more than others. It's a good ride on a hot day. The breeze always feels excellent and I enjoy the views these rides give.
  3. All I'm saying is something awesome better go in it's place. I will still stand firm on the fact that nothing they put there will compare to the thrill this thing gave IMO, but hopefully something of a worthy successor gets placed there.
  4. No to both. I have yet to experience a 4D-free spin but they honestly don't look all that fun to me. And Larson Loopers are also incredibly boring and generic IMO. If there were honestly going to be any kind of cloned/cheaper ride brought back, I'd rather see another El Loco like Steel Hawg pop up somewhere.
  5. I kind of wish they would do something completely new and different. I agree that Grand Carnivale has run its course. I unfortunately did not get to experience it the first year when it apparently was actually good. The event left a lot to be desired the last two seasons that I have been. Hopefully since they are bringing it back this year they actually devote more resources into making it what it once was. As for the Food and Wine Festival, that's not really my vibe personally. Glad other's enjoyed it though. A refresh of events next season would be nice to see though.
  6. This is actually a disappointment for some of us though. For those of us who actually enjoyed this attraction, it was well worth the upcharge, especially when you could catch it on the cheap. I always did this 1-2X a year for sure and it became a Pride Night tradition with some of my friends. Heck, I got my fiancé' on it by sheer shock and surprise this past event. Now I am so glad she rode it because now it appears to be no more. And I agree. It really was the most thrilling experience in the park. If you've never experienced this kind of attraction, you can't imagine what a rush this thing was. No coaster or flat ride compares.
  7. It's not my favorite coaster in the park by any means, but I know it is a favorite among many others. It holds a more nostalgic place in my mind than anything. It would be a pretty great loss though seeing that would eliminate yet another one of our already dwindling list of inverting coasters and it is the more intense of our two launching coasters. So one-two punch there if this rumor comes to fruition. So at this time the rumors of The Bat or FoF are on the radar of possible removals by the sounds of it. And either one of those would be a sad loss. Not enjoying this theme of removal rumors vs theme of replacement rumors. Because at this time we have no idea what our 2026 addition will be.
  8. Completely agree with this sentiment. I went to Marineland once years back when I was visiting my family in Canada. I was truly not impressed by the overall vibe of the park. It was sad, felt overgrown and left a lot to be desired. This was still when most of the rides were operational and I can gladly say that I did get to ride Dragon Mountain more than once and the awesome Sky Screamer launch tower. But none of the rides made up for the sadness in those animal's lives and their pathetic enclosures. Kiska dying alone in that sad tank broke my heart. She deserved better. All of the animals that have died and currently live there deserve(d) better. Human greed never ceases to disappoint me.
  9. Cool story. But the point is, why would you have a candy themed park without candy themed rides? Doesn't matter how its done. Which is the point I was making.
  10. But a key takeaway from your example is that it is HERSHEY Park. They will obviously advertise their brand throughout the park as it is a park mostly themed to what they sell.
  11. I wonder what logo sponsors stickers they will use for the eyeballs?
  12. Lookin' like the back of a beater 2003 Honda Civic with all those stickers
  13. I need a logo design for the Zimmerman's Pockets charity. @BeeastFarmer you know what to do here
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