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Everything posted by fryoj

  1. Pretty sure that was just a light on the man lift that was working at the base of the lift. It comes and goes a few times. Probably moving it around.
  2. As in all facets of life, rules are for those who don't make the rules.
  3. There is a bigger version of the same photo on KI's Instagram. Not sure how to link the pic itself, but their page is here: http://instagram.com/kingsislandpr
  4. When looking at the webcam, the left building it the station, the right building is the storage area for the trains for when they are not in use.
  5. Like completely rebranding another coaster?
  6. Oh - so that's what's going in that "circle". They are going to slowly bring back the Wild Animal Safari starting with a petting zoo named Furry located in the Action Zone circle?
  7. It also says that you can't link to other sites without prior approval of KICentral admins, so no matter what he did, other than just not posting it at all or posting asking if it was OK, was going to violate the TOS. The TOS line about respecting other users should be revised to ban these kinds of posts as well. It happens just about any time asks a "does anyone" question and is just insulting and adds nothing to the board.
  8. Filing a lawsuit would be next to impossible?Really? Really? I learn the darnest things here. (winning? That's different. Maybe. Facts controbute to outcomes, along with representation, resources, etc. Filing? Anyone can file a lawsuit against anybody for almost anything. The defendant(s) then must defend the suit.) There is no legal advice intended for a particular client or situation contained herein. The author is not engaged in the private practice of law in Ohio, the District of Columbia or any United State. Consult a competent attorney in your jurisdiction if you have, or think you may have, a legal problem. Thus ends the disclaimer. Obviously I meant to win. They can file a lawsuit all the want, but they would never win. And if you buy a McDonalds coffe, dump it in your lap and sue them, you would never win..... Oh wait
  9. I'm kinda amazed by some of the elitism I'm seeing in this thread. "No one should ever need a backpack at Kings Island" "If you can't wait in line without a drink you just need to adapt" Everyone has different situations and no one here can possibly account for what everyone has to go through while they are at the park. While I admit that we are becoming a society that complains about everything and people feel though they are entitled to everything, insulting people and acting like you know everything just shows your ignorance. Just because you can spend 15 hours at the park with just your season pass, only spend $3 and only take two sips out of a water fountain all day doesn't mean everyone in the world can do that. It's fine to have an opinion, but have some class and respect other's opinions as well.
  10. I wouldn't mind it after the Batwing I think in the middle of the Batwing would be a good spot. Fastest point of the ride I believe. Of course if they are going to have fog effects anywhere on the ride, and the Batwing is one spot that would have them, it could affect where they put the camera.
  11. http://www.KICentral.com/forums/index.php/topic/21268-beast-with-water/?p=374118&hl=beast%20water&fromsearch=1#entry374118 Thanks for the link. That was a good read.
  12. Reflecting back on the decoding thread where the two coaster rumor came from originally, I'm wondering if the original rumor spreader actually knew what they were talking about. We are getting Banshee and The Bat this year. It's kinda cheating the numbers, but also somewhat accurate.
  13. Please capitalize The Beast, a registered trademark ride at Kings Island. A little late for the party, but.... Please capitalize the word "the" in The Beast, a registered trademark of Cedar Fair, L.P. ;-)
  14. Now I'm really confused. That map looks like there is a splashdown when The Beast leaves the station.
  15. According to that map there used to be, what appears to be, a large body of water and canoe rides back where The Beast and the back half of Diamondback are. How accurate is that? What happened to it? Was it a natural lake or did they make something specially for canoe rides? I kinda always assumed that The Beast was there from the beginning of the park, so this map has me curious.
  16. eBay, iPhone, iPad, and adidas might disagree with you.
  17. Does anyone have a link to the TOS? The link above is broken.
  18. I don't think anyone on here(or at least I haven't seen anyone) saying its ok to intentionally misspell any copyrights(even though many copyrights are intentional misspellings ironically) I thought the debate about what to call the batwing element as nothing more than discussion, though apparently some others took it more seriously. Now, I see the tower trailer deal as monumentally different situation as that was promoting a competing sponsor. If it was branded the Coke(or even Coke) trailer tower I don't think that reaction would have occurred. If someone was intentionally not capitalizing something repeatedly, sure, say something. But an occasional, accidental non capitalization does not require the forum police to call the poster out. When you factor in that many times people are posting from phones and autocorrect will often change what you typed, its kinda petty to make an issue out of it.
  19. I get the linking thing. They want the traffic. But the capitalization thing I don't get. This sounds more like someone's pet peeve than any corporate level issue. No one is going to confuse Coke and Coke. And I guarantee that Coke would rather you say "I had a Coke", than "I had a soft drink". This is a fan site. We are the people who pay their bills. Being picky over a simple capitalization thing just seems like playing grammar police to me. Misusing a name in a way that would confuse people, leaving sponsor names out completely, or intentionally distorting a name, I could see a problem with, but warning users and banning them over it? Eh. And I say this as a person who runs an entertainment company that almost lost its biggest sponsor over sponsor logos and names being left out of media reports that we had no control over. I get that dealing with companies can be tricky and they get territorial even within divisions of the same company, but I can't conceive of a situation where a sponsorship or a relationship with a fan site would be jeopardized over the grammar of a person who is not an employee of one of the parties involved.
  20. You miss the fact that this post is 11 years old? When it was made there still was a PKI and Cedar Fair would have had no say on this subject.
  21. I'm wondering if we got the 2nd cam because we kept asking for one, or if there is something happening at the front gate area that they don't want us to see. lol
  22. I wonder if she will respond now that the King's Island FB responded that the ride is not complete? lol
  23. Depends on the worker. A lot of times construction workers only get paid if they are working. If they have to choose between working in this weather and not getting paid, some would surely choose to work. Me? I'm sitting at home. lol
  24. I still say it's a norwegian loop as its a dive loop into an immelman. lol Pretzel knot I can see as a factual description. B&M also calls Montu's a Batwing and there is a fairly clear difference between theirs and ours. Pretzel loop is just not the same. Irrelevant though as the park is going to call it a batwing.
  25. I really can't see Disney buying the parks. With the fiasco that the next gen experience stuff is appearing to becoming, and how the billions that whole deal has cost is rumored to have hurt current and future projects. I just can't see them spending billions on buying a chain of parks that simply don't fit the Disney model. They'd probably have to drop billions more to get the theming up to their standards, not to mention that the over the top thrill rides are not really Disney's thing. Considering their current parks are in need of serious upgrades/upkeep and they have to budget in for the Avatar expansion, a Star Wars expansion, and who knows what else they have planned, I just can't see it happening. Now Comcast(Universal) is a little more likely as they are showing the willingness to spend on theme parks, but do they really want to take on a whole chain? It seems they are more interested in going after Disney than they would in expanding outside their current areas. I think we could see them buy the Busch parks, but buying Cedar Fair would be a shock, to me at least. A SF/CF or a buyout is interesting. Not sure what I'd think about that, but I wouldn't dismiss it as its probably the most likely option here other than status quo. Of course there is always the possibility of a third media company coming in and buying the parks. Maybe Fox or something like that? You really can't discount that kind of thing.
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