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Everything posted by KIBeast

  1. In this weather no. Also keep in mind that right now flying is very expensive. If you think $40 to fill up your car tank is a lot, just think about what the bill would look like for an airplane. Right now I am sorry to say the only means of viewing KI from the air is by my old photos and satellite maps. I work at an airport, so I know exactly how expensive it is to fly. For 36.7 gallons of 100 Low Lead fuel, it costs $175.54. For Jet Fuel, it is $4.72/gallon with taxes included.
  2. Sounds like either there was some fierce competition for the Paramount Parks or CF just bid so high that no one else could have possibly outbid them. Which in turn, seems to be way too much.
  3. One thing that I forgot that I am looking forward to. I'm probably crazy, but I'm looking forward to the smell of chain grease.
  4. With those low rankings, it appears that it is about time KI added some new steel to the skyline.
  5. You would think that they have heard of negotiating a price. Seems like they just paid exactly what Paramount said they would sell for. You always try to talk down the price. At least a little. That would be like paying sticker price for a car.
  6. As been said before by whom? I would like to see a link to back that claim up. I remember recently reading an article where Cedar Fair way underestimated how much Kings Island relies on season pass sales.
  7. I understand your concern. However, you're comparing two years of ownership by CF compared to years of operation by Paramount.
  8. But, every year, we're not this close to a recession. Or, as most experts have been saying, we ARE in a recession, whether or not the government actually acknowledges this. From what I understand, KI relies heavily on locals.. Cedar Fair took a while to figure that one out, I guess because Cedar Point does not rely on the locals and season pass sales. They are more dependant on those who are interested in the package deals that keep them there for a few days.
  9. I don't see any relation of cigarettes to amusement parks. I think you'll be surprised in the end when people simply won't be able to afford to go, not only due to higher gas prices, but considerably less discretionary income to spend. Not to mention cigarettes involve physical and mental addiction whereas amusement parks are not an addiction. And I can pretty much guarantee that people will NOT be spending those tax rebate checks.
  10. That's a bit of a stretch to say that CF is ruining the park by turning the backwards Racer forwards.
  11. That might be true if it weren't for the economy basically being in a recession.
  12. Well said, Interpreter. I am going to predict a decrease in attendance this year for all chains. Not a hard prediction to make, though.
  13. Ah, thanks. I just couldn't connect the two.
  14. Pun intended? Looks very slow and doesn't appear that it does all that much. Two inversions. No drops, no hills, no loops, no corkscrews. Doesn't look too exciting to me.
  15. I don't understand what you're trying to say about The Bat.
  16. I read somewhere yesterday that Star Trek: The Experience is going to close some time this year. I thought I read it on Yahoo news, but I can't seem to find it now. It was a rumor going around with the employees. Found a link to a fan web site. Star Trek.com message boards
  17. I have mixed feelings about the old Big Dipper at Geauga Lake. The first year I rode, I felt my spine crunch on the first drop and it was a VERY painful ride. However, the year after that, I decided to ride again, more towards the front and it was surprisingly fun. I still want The Racer back to its' original color schemes.
  18. Somehow, without even reading that article, I knew that it was a knee jerk reaction to what happened last year at SFKK. Just wonder if more inspectors is really the answer.
  19. I have a bum back too and I still keep on riding. Of course, I realize the risks involved, but I love coasters and the day it really hurts, I'll quit. Until then, happy riding KWINDSHAWNE! I would much rather have The Racer painted back to its' original scheme than turned around, but, I'll still ride.
  20. ^Apparetnly, you do need to move. Kings Island does not suck and I'm sure they have or will do something about the Backlot:Stunt Coaster and Flight Deck billboards. How will changing the names suddenly make the rides suck?
  21. That figure you quoted is not correct. Not even close. Just realized that it was very confusing to read, so i fixed it... hopefully it's easier now? I think he meant your figure of 70% is nowhere near correct. I don't believe it was a spacing issue in your words.
  22. I agree that they may be doing something to re-vitalize or add to it. However, you would think this would be done in the off-season and not last through the entire 2008 season. Seems strange to me.
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