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Everything posted by kingsislandfan1972

  1. I always wondered if Kings Island would get a clone of The Hurler during the Paramount era. That actually would have been cool, but I guess we we'll never know now.
  2. Yeah it's funny Yeah you felt a real connection with the Maestro and it seems like everyone who rode the original ride remembers him 20 years later. Now if Boo Blasters gets removed in the next upcoming years, I don't see 20 plus years after that people will remembering Boocifer!
  3. Thank you! Also I was really thinking maybe the old (surviving) PT animatronics could be used on display in the que, for nostalgic purposes maybe not moving but they can be there just to look at. I do also like the "Happy Feet" idea.
  4. After a phenomenal Phantom Theater Encore show at Kings Island, I know a lot of people are speculating if the Phantom Theater ride would return at some point in the future. My question to you is if the Phantom Theater ride returned, what would the new layout be? Would it be in a new area of the park? Would there be a new story within the ride? Here's what I think 1. Location: Where Boo Blasters is currently (Old Ride locaton) or I could see them making the Old Action Theater (which has been an eyesore for over a decade) into the new Phantom Theater. 2. Name: Phantom Theater: Return Of The Maestro. 3. Storyline: In the que The Maestro can talk about the destruction of his old Theater (poking fun at Scooby-Doo & Boo Blasters) and then the actually ride we take a trip throughout the Theater in the same buggy style as before with new characters and some returning Old characters, creepy yet goofy like the original. 4. We gotta bring Back animatronics some digital effects would be good but overall animatronics. 5. The same musician number as before but with a modern tone. 6. A few jumpscares in the ride and the re-use of some of the original animatronics from the original Phantom Theater. 7. Alternate idea: what if we brought back the boat system and make it like the original Enchanted Voyage but in the style of the Phantom Theater? So what do all of you think? Let me know down below your thoughts!
  5. Yeah I really do miss seeing those, thank you for the pictures!
  6. Does anybody seem to remember this giant billboard of Shaggy from Scooby-Doo in Hanna-Barbera land at Kings Island? If so does anybody know what happened to it, weather it got sold or destroyed? I'm curious because I used to love seeing it when I was a kid, thank you!
  7. I love the new website design, being a member of KICentral.COM for about 10 years, I'm really loving it!
  8. I've noticed this as I've aged, I used to ride various coasters in a row when I was in my teens but now as I'm approaching my 30s, I definitely need breaks in between rides. (Especially on Magnum XL-200 at Cedar Point.) But I still love to ride nonetheless.
  9. The Blue Ice cream at Kings Island is my favorite, we don't have the exact flavor in Michigan but we have Blue Moon, and honestly it's not the same as Kings Islands ice cream.
  10. Yeah I agree shows come and go at Kings Island, I actually really enjoyed this show at Kings Island, I actually got a picture with the cast in 2019 (I'm not sure what the name or the show was but I really liked it.) I never got to watch the Phantom Encore show (and I really wanted to) but there is always YouTube.
  11. When the Moose Out front tells you Kings Island is closed.
  12. I agree hopefully we'll see something like this again in the future.
  13. Do you have any memories of anything Hanna-Barbera at Kings Island? When I was a kid I used to love Hanna-Barbera land and meeting all the characters and of course going on the Hanna-Barbera Carousel as well as the Yogi Bear Sky Ride. I also used to enjoy the shows that took place right next to the Top Cat Coaster, I remember a Scooby-Doo & Flintstones show. What are your Hanna-Barbera memories?
  14. When I was a kid in the early 2000s Paramount era, I remember I was in the Lazy River and a random 40 something year old man kept coming up to my inner tube and flipping it over with me in it and laughing at me. I told him to quit but he kept doing it. I'm surprised a KI employee didn't step in and say something.
  15. I regret not riding Phantom Theater more as a kid as well as Action Theater, (especially when I found out that the Funtastic World Of Hanna-Barbera briefly played there.)
  16. Ironically yes, I grew up watching the Partridge Family because my family watched the re-runs and I have always thought that. But if Kings Island had a theme song it would definitely be the Phineas & Ferb theme song since they always play it right when the park opens.
  17. When you purposely bump this thread. Also it's the Superbowl today.
  18. I think I bought mine back in 2018, but I would like to suggest hats! I would think it would be awesome if you made KICentral.COM hats!
  19. I'd be all for free lockers at Kings Island and would be even better at Cedar Point. I didn't know Universal Studios did that, but that is good that they do.
  20. If you've read Kings Island: A Ride Through Time 3 times in a row, even though you have other books on your shelf.
  21. I still haven't tried it out but I do know you can fit up to 3 people. Still unsure if I'll try it or not.
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