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Everything posted by rhyano

  1. This was always a strange fit for Kennywood, and it's a shame that this will end up being something like a Whistlestop Park.
  2. I'm hopeful Herschend will make the right moves for Kentucky Kingdom. I've always felt like the park was rundown under previous ownership, even though they were building new rides. As for what I would personally like to see added to Kentucky Kingdom, I definitely think something a bit more family friendly is on the horizon, maybe an Intamin/Vekoma full scale family coaster themed to the Kentucky Derby? They did say this investment would be specifically in rides and attractions after all. Hopefully this means Deluge finally comes down too.
  3. In my guess, I'm not so sure if TT2 would've happened under a Six Flags ownership unless the state of Ohio forced Cedar Point to significantly modify the ride (which I believe is the case), and in that regard it most likely would've been Intamin, as they are continuing to work with Six Flags, and I believe Ka has been much more consistent than Dragster in terms of operation, and don't get me wrong, some of it is by design with the ability to launch fewer trains an hour, with achieving more throughput and less downtime verses the original Top Thrill Dragster. As for Iron Menace I don't believe that would've changed too much, as KenBan already said, Six Flags is more than willing to invest in a big new ride like a B&M dive coaster, and even new trains for new and existing rides, I think Dorney has a pretty bright future ahead of it if this project goes well for them, and I don't think it would've changed anything for Dorney.
  4. Being on the peninsula is miserable in October, I cannot imagine it during December.
  5. I certainly was not expecting this, anyways the next 12-24 months are going to be very interesting looking at potential parks sold or even closed, I surly don't see all 40 some parks in one chain, that's just doesn't seem feasible. I think right away I'm thinking about the person that has Dorney Park or Six Flags America as their home park.
  6. I don't think this would be a good thing for either chain, either way I certainly don't think this would happen but I guess I'll see tomorrow before the earnings call.
  7. this would do absolutely nothing for the ride's capacity.
  8. Diamondback desperately needs something, I feel like there was mention that Diamondback is getting painted this off season, but I'm unsure, a close second is Banshee, it's looking pretty bad.
  9. Recently moved out of state, super sad to see, I don't understand the reasoning for removing all the rides still, it really sucks to see the park fall into such disrepair, thank you for the photos.
  10. I've had nothing but really great experiences at Seaworld Orlando, and Busch Gardens Williamsburg over the past year, personally, I think this change is a huge positive for Kings Island in particular, and I think there would be a very good chance of Kings Island going pretty close to year round, and operating like Busch Gardens Williamsburg, I can also see Carowinds doing something very similar with special events year round, but not necessarily every attraction open.
  11. My money is on Silver Dollar City, notice that FUN said they were freezing all nonessential capital expenditures, Kings Dominion has had Freefly track in their parking lot for more than a year now, then I doubt Six Flags will want to work with Gerslauer after the Texas Giant incident, as for SEAs, most of their parks already have all of their 2022 projects finalized from 2021, as they've said on conference calls that they are going to continue adding to their parks, and because of the challenging location aspect of it, I doubt this is going to Kentucky Kingdom (along with HFE stating that they are focusing more towards families), and Silver Dollar City has land actually being cleared right now, which is a good sign that it is indeed them, so my money is on Silver Dollar City.
  12. I know I mentioned it on Twitter but I cannot get enough of this book! Outstanding work!
  13. Dive Machines and RMCs are getting stale, once you ride one you've pretty much rode them all, at least that's what it feels like to me, so I'd really like to see something unique take Vortex's plot of land.
  14. I have to go Diamondback to normal four across trains.
  15. Very sad, looks like a massive budget cut, Kennywood is hard to love these days, the park looked like it was facing an identity crisis last season.
  16. I want to also add Superman Escape From Krypton as being extremely endangered, I can see them leaving it SBNO for a bit while they figure out what to do with it, I know this... monstrosity is from a real Six Flags survey back around 2017-2018 for Magic Mountain.
  17. Viper just got an entire new controls system, I can't see them pouring all this money into the ride, and then decide they don't want it anymore, I also just found Xcalibur at SFSTL just went through a huge refurbishment to improve on it's downtime, so I can't see that ride being touched, at least for a few years.
  18. Alright playing ride deadpool: SFA: Batwing (scrapped), along with... Penguin River? Whatever is that water ride next to Superman. SFGADV: Top Spin (scrapped) SFGAM: V2 (possibly refurbished or relocated) SFMM: Tidal Wave (scrapped), Scream (refurb/relocated) SFFT: Pandemonium (relocated) SFNE: Goliath OR Flashback (probably scrapped) SFSTL: Xcalibur (scrapped) SFDL: Mind Eraser: rumor has it, it needs new trains after this year, might as well relocate and replace with something better. TGE: Alpine Bobsled (scrapped) SFOT: La Vibora (scrapped) LR: Minirail (scrapped or refurbished, I'm really not sure about some of these) These are just some guesses.
  19. local parks that have been around for generations that started as trolly parks. I wish Ohio's trolly parks stayed around longer, but there are very specific reasons these parks closed.
  20. I remember 2010 and seeing discussions on this topic on TPR.. Yikes * Soak City revamp- as said before, some of the older slides back there are miserable to ride, and I would love to see a modern slide complex around where Pineapple Pipeline currently is, along with a water coaster somewhere in Soak City (wishful thinking) * New launch coaster- LSM and air powered launches have come a long since 2005 when KI added Backlot Stunt Coaster, I think it would be great to have some sort of new launch coaster where Vortex used to sit. * Do anything with the TRTR building, but don't let it stand there for another decade. * New dark ride where Boo Blasters is standing- it just looks dated at this point. * Action Zone/Oktoberfest retheme/redo- Oktoberfest and Action Zone both make almost no sense when it comes to theme, Oktoberfest just needs a facelift like Busch Gardens Williamsburg did around 2012, and for Action Zone, I think it would be great to retheme that entire area to something spooky and have a year round haunt and another major flat ride or roller coaster to go with it, of course this is a pandemic, and I wouldn't expect much to happen within the next 2 years, as we just got Orion on top of the pandemic, but I think it would be cool if at least some of these things came to life.
  21. Any idea where Velocity is on this? Note that most manufacturers subcontract launch LSMs/LIMS, but I'm curious if their LSMs just aren't cutting it.
  22. Don't be discouraged from going if you haven't been to Dollywood, it's a great park even without Lightning Rod, every one of their rides are top tier. I know Lightning Rod has been a huge pain for the park (as with most RMCs), I'm personally hoping that this means Lightning Rod will be able to run two trains constantly.
  23. If Kings Island were to get something between Haunt and Winterfest, I think it'll be what Carowinds did last season with their Peanuts Festival, though it wasn't very busy when we went last year on either day, Fury had an hour wait in the morning on that Sunday, but that was because they were only running one train due to a mechanical issue, and the third train was already off the track for the season, meanwhile Copperhead Strike, and Afterburn were walk on waits.
  24. Any corporation that would acquire Holiday World would no doubt in my mind ruin the park, and since Kings Island is within a couple hour driving distance, I don't think it would work out financially since you would be competing with yourself in that market, and would ultimately Geauga Lake that park.
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