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KI Guy

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Everything posted by KI Guy

  1. Wow, tomorrow's not even a Thursday!
  2. There is NO comparison between the new Larson models and our old set. I wonder why Larson did not copy Bisch-Rocco (sp?) to a T. It's probably cheaper to make then like they are somehow. I would rather have them than BLSC.
  3. The last new Stand-up was Georgia Scorcher in 1999 at SFOG. There have been re-locations of existing stand-ups since then though.
  4. I'm not familiar with what happened with Grad Night. Please share if you don't mind. I've heard of how fun grad night was from my dad. I assume the park would be only for grads of that particular year? He said that the park would bring in a popular music act of the day as well.
  5. Clearly events such as these are not in the protocols, or if they are, they need to be seriously overhauled. You do not wash your hands of something without carefully evaluating the situation. That wasn't proper PR. Anyone could have done that.
  6. Exactly, which is why I think that speculating on this case is irresponsible at this point. Just because something is typical does not mean it is always the case. I'm sorry about that late edit upstop. Post #36 was not directed at you.
  7. MantisMan, I hope you don't really mean what you said earlier. If I take your first post literally, it means you have no sympathy unless the two who were stabbed were completely innocent. I ask you if the deceased called the attacker a name does that justify the killing? If the deceased punched the person, does that justify the killing? Please don't paint such a broad stroke over something that none of us know about. Even if it is somehow likely that the people stabbed pulled a weapon themselves, we just don't know. You could very well be right, but you very well could be wrong. I understand your outrage of this happening at what is supposed to be among the safest of places. Remember you're speculating on a homicide, just be careful. Everything is not always so black and white.
  8. There's a much different scale there shark, a stolen car stereo vs. a man losing his life. If you're being facetious, my mistake. As far as my take on the situation goes, I don't know how responsible or not responsible the park is at this point. We don't know if this person engaged the attacker or was a bystander or anything. I think that the PR statement was in poor taste and an example of C.Y.A. at an inappropriate time. It's almost like they don't realize the seriousness of this. The details are not out yet. Sometimes it's best not to speculate as you can catch "foot in mouth disease" quite easily. Ultimately, if something happens on your property you have to consider that you may be held at least somewhat responsible.
  9. Don't forget the predecessor of Heckle 'n' Howl in Scrooge at Winterfest!
  10. There will be a day and age where paper park maps are obsolete.Maybe, maybe not.
  11. You guys, are making it so apparent that this ride needs a full re-do. It went from Phantom Theater, to SDATHC, (arguably a very poor version of Phantom Theater) to an even worse version of the Scooby ride in Boo Blasters. The last time there was a proper revision was 1992! The spooky theme has been done to death; I think something along those lines would be tired and cheap considering it's been something similar for 20+ years. If it's feasible, I'd like to see something on the level of the Calico Mine Ride at Knott's. That would be some serious coin I'm sure. There should be no blasters on this ride. There is so much more you can do these days if you want to make it interactive.
  12. Did PT utilize the space now occupied by the clown and circus themed haunt? I'm assuming that Enchanted Voyage once utilized that space as the loading area where Top Cat/Little Bill/ Something Peanuts is now. Was PT a shorter ride than Enchanted Voyage and Smurf's Enchanted Voyage?
  13. It was pretty scary to this little boy at one point. To those who were adults at the time it existed, how was it really? It closed when when I was 12. I know we can all get a little nostalgic.
  14. Was it the one with the Swamp Fox? I think it's called Family Kingdom or something to that effect.
  15. Most small parks' fates were sealed with the advent of the interstate system. No longer was a park warranted in every little town. The future big players stepped up to the plate and built regional parks near highway junctions and at epicenters between major cities. Smaller parks continued to fill a niche. Some survive today; the vast majority didn't. I'm not sure whether this all was good or bad as far as parks go, but I would lean towards good for the most part. Before parks were more unique with more atmosphere, more personality and there were more of them, but again you probably would only go to the park closest to you. This holds true today as I would bet that most people that go to KI only go to KI, outside of some going to the Florida parks on occasion. Then a park typically had one or two roller coasters, some flats, games of chance, and maybe a show or a walk-through attraction. You paid per attraction, and as a result, probably stood in shorter lines. Now parks with 5+ roller coasters and thrill rides are fairly common but there is typically only one sizable park within a couple hour drive. Today you pay one price for the day or even the season, waiting in longer lines, but ride as much as you want. It's not necessarily better our worse, just different. Feel free to disagree with me though.
  16. *Cough, cough the park's newest existing, wooden coaster and probably most popular ride, was built 35 years ago *cough, cough. The scourge of SOB is gone. It's time, to bring back the wood, (cue Beavis and Butthead joke.)
  17. Bring back the greenery-covered walkway!
  18. A moment of silence please...
  19. There was a ride at Hard Rock park on The Eagles "Life in the Fast Lane."
  20. [quote name="The Interpreter" post="650849" (Watch what they do, not what they say...) I completely disagree. "Ride Sally Ride" had nothing to do with park fans thinking Diamondback would be called "Mustang." I also believe that no decision was made on Son of Beast until the park said that it had made one. Oh, and the backwards Racer was turned around because they WANTED to return it to its original form.
  21. I still do it. It was fun then and now.
  22. ^Yeah, that's the P.C. version. http://www.candywarehouse.com/products/marvel-super-heroes-candy-stick-2-packs-800-piece-case/?utm_source=Pricegrabber&utm_medium=cse&utm_term={keyword} The real version is still available even in this more sensitive age. http://www.amazon.com/Candy-Cigarettes-Box-24-Packs/dp/B003RBLMMY/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1412565221&sr=8-1&keywords=candy+cigarettes I wouldn't be surprised if both were made by the same company.
  23. They still make candy cigarettes, they are just hard to find. The bubble gum ones with the powdered sugar "smoke" are almost impossible to find. I always enjoyed them as a kid, but I also knew REAL smoking was bad.
  24. No, Vortex and Back Lot are in close proximity. I was referring to this thread bump as well as the one I mentioned on post #279 and #281. I'd actually forgotten about the Viking Fury bump. "HQIF."
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