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Magenta Lizard

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Everything posted by Magenta Lizard

  1. Cute little bunny hop Seems to be the only part they've built upward other than the gorgeous well-documented section next to DB. I expected to see more work out around the engine shed, etc. but it looked pretty much the same as on Labor Day. Except the pillars in the reservoir.
  2. When I went yesterday morning, I talked to them a bit while they were still setting up. I asked whether the melts were going to be on the meal plan, and he said they still are trying to decide what would be offered. He said they were thinking the BBQ Bacon and I told him if I get a vote I'm all for that! I hope for everybody else it's more than just the one option but if it really is just the BBQ Bacon, I'd be perfectly happy
  3. I'll add this pic I took of the menu to this thread, too. I'm curious to see what is going to be included on the meal plan.
  4. I thought Mr. Know It All left after the announcement proved all of his "insider info" was lies...
  5. The new standalone Skeleton Key room, The Viewing, in the KI Theater, is apparently an escape room. I would love to try it, but unfortunately it isn't in my budget this year (btw, a $5-$10 ala carte upcharge per Skeleton Key room would be wonderful, although an escape room would probably be worth more than the others I have tried). The Skeleton Key rooms are a lot of fun, and offer a more intimate interaction between the participant and the performers. The experiences are a little short (2-3 minutes maybe), but I quite liked the ones I've done. As for scariness, I'm probably not the one to ask because I don't find any of them actually frightening. I probably average about one "startle" response per visit to Haunt, and it's usually the sliders in Rivertown. I've spent a lot of time walking around alone at Haunt, and I've probably inadvertently frightened more people than I've felt the slightest creeped out myself. My favorites, though, are Madame Fatale's and Slaughterhouse. It is always fun to just hang around the gate areas at opening to see the costumes and makeup, and the scareactors "doing their thing," too*. *edit: actually, since you're going on a Saturday, not Friday, I'm not certain they do this. I've never done a Haunt Saturday so I'm not certain how they handle the changeover to Haunt.
  6. Just to clarify, when I said "passed" I meant from the kidney to the bladder. I don't know what to make of it if the article is really suggesting passing out of the body... I guess it is, but that sounds like such a ludicrous idea to promote, I didn't recognize it's what they meant.
  7. The Racer has been racing the majority of the times I rode this summer (I've visited over 50 times this summer, and probably average two Racer rides per visit). Other than times when one side was closed to save on staffing, there were only two or three times they sent us out without the opposing train. I saw it happen on other trains while waiting in the station about as many times. This is almost always due to an unusual hold-up on one side, either a protein spill or someone needing extra time to load or unload. Also, even on these occasions, they'll usually ask the train that is ready if they want to go or wait to race, and attempt to go with the riders' wishes.
  8. I've encountered internal pulling on different rides before, so it doesn't surprise me. I've had a couple times where it felt like I was passing a kidney stone on Banshee, but I wouldn't call it painless. It was less pain than I've heard people describe for normal passage of one (heard it likened to childbirth), tho.
  9. Oddly enough, that wasn't it. I completely missed that when I read it. I could swear I saw it on the visitkingsisland.com site somewhere but when I tried to retrace my steps, couldn't find it. I thought maybe it was the Buch TV thing, but I just saw that again and it isn't there either.
  10. It's weird, I saw something earlier today that said "The Viewing" (the standalone Skeleton Key room in the KI Theater) was an escape room, but I've been unable to find it again. Was I imagining things?
  11. ^ that's pretty close to what I paid for my pass and meal plan around the same time of year for 2016. Comparing spring prices to fall prices isn't a fair comparison.
  12. I didn't make it through Slaughterhouse because I heard Sam is behind a paywall (actually, we were going to but I realized I needed to be at the coffin races and we never made it back around to it) but I would be very surprised if the Phantom Theater furnace wasn't still in there. Every time I go through in October, I put my hands out to it, only to be disappointed it still isn't putting out heat!
  13. I didn't get to check out the park in detail last night, but I do have some quick impressions. There is a new large grim reaper/dark angel? animatronic on the floral calendar. I was impressed when I first saw it at the beginning of the night and thought it was a "statue" then much later walked by when it was laughing and flapping its wings, and was amazed. But, my absolute favorite new thing I encountered so far is the fire jets lining the fountains. They are exciting enough to just have one go off when you are nearby, but fantastic when (from what I could tell) choreographed to go off in different sequences and patterns to go along with the Blood Drums show. Video posted on the KIC Twitter feed earlier today: https://twitter.com/KICentral/status/779472187430408192
  14. One of my major goals tonight was to ride the train before dark so I could see Mr. T's progress. I forgot until I got to the station that it is only open during non-Haunt. Oh well. Sunday it will be. I got some pics but nothing good.
  15. When I watched the movie Avatar, my biggest thought was "gosh, that plot sucked, but I want to play in that world." I was thinking of a video game, but to be able to in the real world is very attractive. I think it overall was probably a bad idea to put so many of their eggs in one, untested, basket, but it may turn out to be well received in the end.
  16. No, there isn't. Gates open with the wall of monsters at 6PM. I assume parking gates open at 5:00.
  17. It's at the field where they shoot the fireworks, unless I'm much mistaken.
  18. Welcome to KIC! I agree that would be a great addition. Maybe even some sort of interactive clock soaker, geysers on the quarter hour, etc.
  19. No re-entry once Haunt begins, regardless of whether you use a ticket or season pass - if you exit the gates you can't come back in (unless you were to buy a separate ticket but I doubt you want to). Most restaurants are open (Hanks is often closed during slower days). Yes, lockers will be available. Welcome to KIC!
  20. I think they may be saving it for the end but I can't say for sure because I missed the beginning since it didn't start until sometime after 8:30 when the "live feed" went offline. I don't know how much I missed because of that.
  21. I really can't wait to hear and see that! I was hoping for some creepy music on it at Haunt, but it is good to know it will be in such good hands soon!
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