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Geauga Lake Petition

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It's true, but it was LONG before the 1980's. George Roose and Emile Legros bought the place to turn it into a housing development (they also ended up buying IAD--International Amusement Devices--the ride company). See the years 1956 to 1958 in particular on pointbuzz's Cedar Point history:


See also 1956-1958 here:


One reason it didn't happen is that Dan Schneider's, the previous owner of Cedar Point, lease was not to expire until 1959.

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I am not surprised by this move at all.

That park was HORRIBLE the last time I was there.

I don't know how the "competition" for park to park is figured, by that I mean by people saying that GL did not compete with CP, but I can say, for a few people it does.

I live in Columbus, it is pretty close distance-wise to go to CP, KI, or GL.

We have visited them all. GL never offered anything better than the other 2 parks. But they did offer a whole lot worse in terms of bad maintenance, dirty walks, nasty workers, and a feeling of total neglect by everyone there. The last time I was there, it was still a Six Flags park, and they were really trying to build up the park, but nobody was buying it.

I do feel for you, and I hope that the Big Dipper gets to stay close enough for you to still get to ride it from time to time. Like everyone else has said though, I think you are facing a losing battle.

Maybe if the park took customer service a little more seriously in the past, they wouldn't be in this position now?

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If customer service, cleanliness, maintenance and worker conduct were the main issues, Cedar Fair had four seasons to fix all that. (Not to mention it wouldn't explain the decision to keep the water park but not the dry side).

And the issue with Big Dipper is far more than "gets to stay close enough for you to still get to ride it from time to time." It is more than a little likely that it will end up the same way Shooting Star and Wildcat at Coney Island of Ohio did, the same fate that appears to await Screechin' Eagle.

Cedar Fair MAY move it, but, if they do, it will be the first wooden coaster moved by a major park chain, and not by someone like Dick Knoebels or the first Magic Springs people down Arkansas way (who moved the wooden coaster from Boardwalk and Baseball). There are some very serious barriers to moving wooden coasters, and you have to really, really want to preserve the coaster to move a wooden one.

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^why would you be glad about any amusement park closing. If it closes tons of people lose there jobs and a lot of the locals like myself lose there childhood. I know if any park was struggling I would not be glad if they closed it because I don’t want people going through what im going through now.

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Lose your childhood? Your 16. Plenty of time to get great memories at Kennywood or CP. They are both far superior parks than GL was. It was not that great of a park anyways. Have you even been to other parks? If you live in Cleveland than you live as close to CP and KW as I do to KI and I go there all the time. You have much better options than GL that are within a reasonable distance.

Jobs - Most of the jobs are part-time students. The executives will go to other parks. Job loses at the park are not that big of a deal in my opinion. From the media reports the effect on the local economy is not a big deal either. GL just didn't make money and had zero effect on the area like it did years ago.

Not trying to be a jerk. I just think it is good for Cedar Fairs future and it makes a lot of sense. I'm not happy a park is closing but most of the rides may be saved and that is a good thing. If anything it will make the other Cedar Fair parks that much better.

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by childhood I mean when I was young and my family was still together, you cant change that. Second of all I have been to Kings Island, Kennywood, Cedar Point, Six Flags America, Hersheypark, Disney World Parks, And Islands Of Adventure. Guess what Geauga Lake is my favorite because of my strong memories with the park. So to some the park may suck but to other like myself this is a great park. So please don’t tell me its not great because everyone has there own views. Now if everyone is just going to shoot me down over and over again I will just leave, sorry if I was a nuisance to anyone on here I was just trying to help my park. Thanks a lot everyone. :(

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I don't think anybody is trying to shoot you down. I think people outside of the situation just understand why Cedar Fair is doing this. Your emotions are involved and it is a lot more personal to you. On a GL board you are going to get people who feel the exact same way. You are on a KI board where I bet at least half the people have not even been there and the ones that have just went there recently when their pass would get them in.

Personally I thought Americana was a better park overall.

And yes you are entitled to your opinion. Just don't be so upset when others express theirs.

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but I clearly said in the first post in this topic if you care about Geauga lake can you sign this petition and then people just kept saying negative things about the park, all I wanted was people who liked Geauga lake from the Kings Island area to sign this petition, I never wanted to get in debates if Cedar Fair did the right thing or not and that is why I’m upset because I flat out said if you like Geauga lake sign this petition, I didn’t say start saying negative things about my home park and see if I get mad.

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Jobs - Most of the jobs are part-time students. The executives will go to other parks. Job loses at the park are not that big of a deal in my opinion.

Yeah, it never is unless it's your job that was lost...

I'm sure there are quite a few full-timers who have lost their jobs (over 50 people on Friday, according to a posting on FUN's Yahoo Finance message board), that are far from being considered "executives."

Bottom line, I actually agree that from a business standpoint this probably made the most sense for Cedar Fair. The enthusiasts will get over it (no matter how upset they seem to be right now.) I just don't think we should trivialize it for people who have lost their livelihood.

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And there are people here who were going to Geauga Lake before most posters here were born. It's tragic when ANY park closes, but especially one with John Miller coasters like The Big Dipper. Especially when it WAS your local park where you grew up, first rode a coaster, etc., (and no, it wasn't mine). But even more so when your job and your livelihood depended on that park. There WERE fulltime people who were let go. For some of them, it will be VERY difficult to find another job. To be glad because a park (or any employer) closes is, in my humble opinion, both childish and sick.

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And there are people here who were going to Geauga Lake before most posters here were born. It's tragic when ANY park closes, but especially one with John Miller coasters like The Big Dipper. Especially when it WAS your local park where you grew up, first rode a coaster, etc., (and no, it wasn't mine). But even more so when your job and your livelihood depended on that park. There WERE fulltime people who were let go. For some of them, it will be VERY difficult to find another job. To be glad because a park (or any employer) closes is, in my humble opinion, both childish and sick.
thank you very much for pointing that out. It means more coming out of you because you are a respected member of this forum. Thank you for your support,
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Guest TombraiderTy

Everyone is going to hate me for this, but I could care less. I'm not signing that petition, because I think that the move Cedar Fair took was the right move. They were in debt, and selling/sending rides to other parks saves them a lot of money. And also, the water park is what was getting the most attendance, so why keep a park if its not making any money? I think you should all be glad that the waterpark remains for those of you who look at the park for its long history. And, who knows, when Coney Island closed, they kept the pool, and it eventually turned into an amusement park again. You may just cross your fingers.

But like I said, I could care less. The last time I went I was 4 years old and I remember nothing of it.

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It really seems that some are letting their emotions get the most of them.

While it is sad that the park has to close, there also has to be some understanding as to the decision that it was closed.

Nobody was going. The park was losing money. CF gave it 4 years of changes, and unfortunately, people still did not come.

How long do you expect a business to continue to fund something that is failing?

Try to remember the park the way it used to be, anf try and forget the last 10 years.

If you really want to experience old Geauga, take a trip to Kennywood or Hershey (especially around Comet). It will bring a smile, and a tear, to your face.

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See both the main page and the video report (which adds few details about the closing, but DOES mention the online petition and says it will change nothing). It also says the decision to close the park was not made until after the season ended, there are no plans to expand the waterpark, and some other things:

The main page:


The video player (this link may not work):


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The 119-year old park has some fans that are already anguishing over the close. "We are depressed," says Richard Munch of American Coaster Enthusiasts. "We've lost a lot of sleep. We are really passionate about our roller coasters."

Being depressed and losing sleep because of a park is closing?

Especially a park that has been rumored to close for the last year....

I seriously wish that my life would be so easy that a issue of this magnitude is the reason I would lose sleep.

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It's easy for you or I to stand on the outside and judge those dealing with the situation, although it had been rumored to close for awhile now most sites, news articles, and locals were up beat and hope Cedar Fair would do well. Turns out CF, just didnt care at all and really made little effort to try and bring it up to the standards of their other park. I bet you would be pretty upset is KI or CP unexpectedly closed after the season ended when just two weeks before the head of your company talked about his hopes for the park for the next season. You would possibly cry too, its hard to say, you and I arent dealing with the situation.

The petition is a noble effort, but will CF care? Probably only if you send it to them attached with a 20 dollar bill and note saying "Please read". They didn't care to do much to improve GL (they even cut back and cancelled plans to expand their water park they keep talking about) and the locals never came back.

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It's easy for you or I to stand on the outside and judge those dealing with the situation, although it had been rumored to close for awhile now most sites, news articles, and locals were up beat and hope Cedar Fair would do well. Turns out CF, just didnt care at all and really made little effort to try and bring it up to the standards of their other park. I bet you would be pretty upset is KI or CP unexpectedly closed after the season ended when just two weeks before the head of your company talked about his hopes for the park for the next season. You would possibly cry too, its hard to say, you and I arent dealing with the situation.

The petition is a noble effort, but will CF care? Probably only if you send it to them attached with a 20 dollar bill and note saying "Please read". They didn't care to do much to improve GL (they even cut back and cancelled plans to expand their water park they keep talking about) and the locals never came back.

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Yes I agree that it stinks a park is closing.

I hate that some great coasters will be lost.

The point is that the majority of the jobs lost will be part-time employees. They still are going to be operating half the park as a water park with many part time employees. Most of the people only work there during the operating season. Many do other thengs the rest of the year for employment. That is why I said I though it would be no big deal.

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^ And...I'll say again—job losses are no big deal until it's your job that's lost.

According to accounts, over 50 full-time employees were let go last Friday. That's 50 families that are thrown for a loop right now. The vast majority of those people are not "executives" who'll pull some golden parachute and land at another company. These are people in food service, retail, administration, etc., some of whom have been with the park for many years and through multiple owners. A lot of those people won't have an easy time finding the next gig.

Is that the reality of worklife in the 21st century? Of course it is...any of us who work in Corporate America fully know and realize that we're here and valuable today, but any number of circumstances can occur tomorrow which will make us dispensible and gone. And, I'm not even debating that this was most likely a necessary business decision for Cedar Fair. It's regretable, but that's the way business works sometimes.

What I disagreed with was the statement that it's "no big deal" for those people who lost their jobs, and to trivialize their situation. Trust me, as someone who has been down the corporate reorganization and "right-sizing" path more times than I can count, and have seen a lot of good colleagues be on the wrong side of that path—it is a big deal to those people.

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Well said JZ, even the seasonal part time jobs that are lost are a big deal to the people who once had them available. That part time job at the amusement park helped put a lot of people through school, gave them good work expereince (many their first time) and kept a lot of kids active and out of other less desirable activities. I worked at KI as a rides supervisor and have worked many other part time jobs in retail and food and KI was definently one of the best experiences I had. You'd be surprised at how much someone can learn at a young age about the world and other forms of business from just a seasonal job at a place like KI, GL, or CP. For example, after just one season of working at KI I was able to land a job as a sales associate at a newly opened Best Buy. There was a lot of competition for that position and from the experience and knwoledge i gained from working one year at KI about customer service, working as a team, realising your own potential is what secured that job for me. I even got promoted from seasonal at Best Buy to part time and I attribute that success with what I learned from working at KI. The "no big deal" seasonal job can be a great stepping stone for eventually advancing your career and its a shame Aurora will lose the GL job market (although with the exception of WWK)

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I feel awful that GL is closing. I am really extremely disappointed that CF didn't try harder with this park. The new waterpark is cool and all, but it is not enough of a reason for me to drive 5 1/2 hours away. And now, someone said no new expansion for next year? Well, I guess I shouldn't be surprised considering 2 expansions in four years and one expansion scaled back.

ClevelandRocks10, I feel for ya and it would devestate me if KI closed. Yeah, I think Cedar Point has better coasters, but KI is my home park and it would really depress me to see something happen like this to KI. Unfortunately, I only went to GL twice, last year and the year before. No, it wasn't crowded like the other two parks mentioned, but, I thought it was a great change of pace from the other parks. They had great coasters and the lines were pretty short. The employees were very friendly and the park was really clean. Of course, there were areas that needed fences mended or painting done, but name me one park that doesn't need paint somewhere.

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Again - I never said that losing a job is a not a big deal. You are arguing something different. The comment was made that "tons of jobs" were lost. I would not call 50 fulltime jobs 'tons of jobs" I don't think the lose of jobs will mean anything to the local economy. That is all I am saying.

I do feel bad for the GL fans. I would not want that to happen to KI. I just think some are exagerating the situtaion when it come to jobs and other aspects.

If it stayed open they would have cut a lot more jobs to make money. I doubt the fans of Gl would be complaining about those jobs. They would be saying that CF made a good bussiness decision to keep the park open.

I'll bet the local Wal-Mart has more fulltime employees than GL did.

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I argee with most of what you say PKIMike but the main problem with your view is that Aurora is a really small town (not sure on the excat working force population) but those 50 families may have plenty of impact on the economy. Another thing is that with families losing there jobs is that kids can no longer spend money and loosely as they once did. It doen't just impact the time your jobless either will effect you for years down the road.

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I understand what you are saying. I am talking Cleveland overall. I wonder how many employess of GL actually live in Aurora. From talking to some that live in Cleveland they have said that area is pretty well to do.

I guess I don't feel as bad because KW and CP are as close to Cleveland as I live to KI and I go thre all the time. It is not like they don't have other options. Options that in my opinion are better.

Now if KI went under what realistic options do we have. SFKK and HW are 3 hours from where I live!

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