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Post your favorite pic of 2007


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Since we're deep into the off-season, I thought it would be neat to post a favorite pic that you took of the park this past season. Helps you to remember why we spend so much time on these boards in the first place. My favorite is from my first trip of the season, in June:


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Great photo KIFan73, and great topic idea! :D

Currently I don't have the majority of my pics from KI on this laptop but heres one of my favorites from one of my park trips this summer. I went to Holiday World for the first time, and encountered a long, boring drive to an over rated park where a bad experience and bad service awaited me. However, sometimes you take a photograph that can completely turn your day around....this was one of them...

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Here are a few of my favorites, taken from a different sort of entertainment. These were taken at the Columbus Zoo! I hope you like them.

This Bengal Tiger was just begging for attention!


Summer is a time for families to come together!


So cuddly!


Obviously I love animals, and here is probably my favorite picture of 2007...


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The largest zoo currently is the San Diego Zoo.

Something people actually don't know is that Jack Hannah has emeritus status. He was ousted from Executive Director back in the early 90's when there was a large fallout. He wanted to take the Zoo in the direction that it is finally going in, years ago! In an effort not to mislead I should note however that part of Hannah's decision to step down and into an emeritus role was indeed due to his many on-camera pursuits and marketing endeavors for the park. He felt that this would best allow the zoo to function while he was away. This was also a reason why the local newspaper at the time was asking for Jack Hannah to step down from the Executive Director's post as well.

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Currently I don't have the majority of my pics from KI on this laptop but heres one of my favorites from one of my park trips this summer. I went to Holiday World for the first time, and encountered a long, boring drive to an over rated park where a bad experience and bad service awaited me.

Wow...that's the first time I've ever heard anyone say they had a bad experience there! Sorry to hear that. I had a great time when I went, and so has everyone else I know who's been there.

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How do you put pics onto the post?

You can upload a photo you have onto a host site such as Photobucket or Imageshack. Once uploaded when posting a reply in a topic press the rte-image-button.png Button located above text area. A pop up asking for a URL will apper, put in the URL of the image you uploaded. Easy as pie huh?

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I like this thread and would love to see more park pictures,

I have several and found it hard to narrow it down, so since I like shows a lot I will share one from KI from some of the nicest and defiantly approachable group of entertainers I have seen.


Here is a favorite one of mine from MGM Studious with the street performers.


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Here is a favorite one of mine from MGM Studious with the street performers.

WHile you were at MGM did you see some guy, i can't remember his name, he was a performer, that drove an old green truck and had a funny accent. He mostly sat at the front gate and advertised shows and such...he was hilarious my friends and i spent an hour just stanging there listening to him...he involved the crowd fairly well and was extremely entertaining with many "multi meaning" jokes, that we, the only five high schoolers around, would get :lol:

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How do you put pics onto the post?

You can upload a photo you have onto a host site such as Photobucket or Imageshack. Once uploaded when posting a reply in a topic press the rte-image-button.png Button located above text area. A pop up asking for a URL will apper, put in the URL of the image you uploaded. Easy as pie huh?

I just signed up onto photobucket, I get it now!


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I don't have the best camera, I hope I get one for Christmas.


Of course, you have to have a pic of The Beast


The Vortex is so Photogenic.


I rode the SoB for the first time this year. It was an awesome experience.


The Racer was my first real coaster, and I think that's a good view of it.

Happy Holidays, Here comes 2008!

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There are some very nice pictures displayed here. I especially like Gordon Bombay's. It looks almost too good to be "real"! (Not that I am doubting that it is.) That is one problem I have with the new computer/digital era...it kind of takes away from someone who actually has the ability to take a good photo instead of just "creating it" with special effects and airbrushing out any imperfections.

Anyway, here is my favorite photo I took at the park...at least one that doesn't have a family member in it. I had my camera accidentally on a wrong setting...and I still don't know which one! I just like how the colors ended up...and it has not been "touched up" at all.


And i'll hijack the thread a little. I visited California for the first time this year and one of the main things that I have wanted to see for years is "Ferris Bueller's" house. Even though the movie is set in the Chicago area and most of it was filmed there, his house is actually in Long Beach. The house still looked pretty much the same. There was a tire swing on a tree outside...so whoever lives there must have little kids. The house is not quite in the neighborhood you would expect...there is a pretty run-down house across the street.


Merry Christmas!

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yea, how do you take pictures from a pen-drive and post them?

never mind


this is the only good picture i took of an amusment park this year

Were you at a place with like a light house and stuff when you took this? Because that picture looks very simaler to a picture that I took a while back from when we took a trip to CP.

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